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Importers are classes dedicated to parsing files. Precisely, they implement an importFromFile function that may be called by s or other SAMSON Extensions to parse files and, potentially, add nodes to SAMSON's data graph. An importer may be a PDB parser, an electron density parser, etc. Whenever a new importer is loaded at startup, SAMSON adds it to the list of available importers. Importers are used in particular when opening a new file from Home > File.

An importer should specify:

An importer is used when:

  • a user tries to load in SAMSON a file;
  • a developer uses SAMSON::importFromFile function to load a file given that the file has an extension specific to this importer.

If you want to start developing an importer, please, refer to the documentation about the SAMSON Extension Generator and tutorials for more information about writing new importers for SAMSON.