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SBDQuantityProduct3< Quantity1, Quantity2, Quantity3 > Class Template Reference

This template class is used to compute the product of three quantity types. More...

Public Types

typedef SBDQuantityProduct2< Quantity1, typenameSBDQuantityProduct2< Quantity2, Quantity3 >::Type >::Type Type

Detailed Description

template<typename Quantity1, typename Quantity2, typename Quantity3>
class SBDQuantityProduct3< Quantity1, Quantity2, Quantity3 >
Template Parameters
Quantity1The first quantity type
Quantity2The second quantity type
Quantity3The third quantity type

This template is used to define the product of three quantity types.

The typedef Type is the quantity type of the product of the three quantity types.

Please refer to the description of SAMSON's unit system for more information.

Short name: SBQuantityProduct3

See also
SAMSON's unit system