Moving around

The key element of visualization in SAMSON is a camera, it provides a 3D view of visualizable objects. Basically, you may consider your screen as a camera pointing into the screen and yourself as an operator seeing through the camera. A camera is a part of a SAMSON Document, and each Document has at least one camera. Cameras (their positions and properties) are saved and loaded together with a Document.

You can easily control the camera to point to a specific location, zoom in or out, translate, rotate, etc.

Using the camera

A camera has three modes: rotation ( Shift + left click), translation ( Shift + right click), and zoom ( Shift + mouse wheel).

Let's try each one of them. Please, open a molecule of your choice, e.g. 1YRF provided in the Samples folder.

Press Shift and you will see a circle in the center of the viewport.

The camera circle

To allow for the camera rotation, movement, and zoom, press the Shift key or a camera editor icon in the editor toolbar (shown in a white square):

The camera editor

Tip: The Shift key is usually associated to the active camera.

Press Shift + left click inside of the circle. The camera will switch into a trackball mode: the view point is rotating around the center of the circle.

Press Shift + left click outside of the circle. The camera will switch into an orthogonal rotation mode: the camera rotates around the axes which are orthogonal to the screen (the camera) and centered in the center of the circle. Ones the mouse goes inside or outside of the circle the rotation mode is switched between trackball and orthogonal.

Press Shift + right click. The camera will switch into a translation mode. Try to move your mouse and you will see that the molecule follows it.

Press Shift + mouse wheel. The camera will switch into a zoom mode: turn the wheel and the camera will zoom in and zoom out depending on the direction.

The Shift + Space shortcut changes the camera focus. Select an atom and press Shift + Space, this centers the camera on the selected part (so that the selection will be in focus). If nothing is selected, then the camera is centered on the full view of the molecular system (the whole molecular system in the active Document).

Tip: If you loose your molecular system, press Shift + Space and the camera will be repositioned.

Press Shift + double click on an atom (or a bond), this centers the camera on a specific atom (or a bond).

Tip: If the camera is centered on an atom and you will do the rotation, the rotation will be centered around the atom.

Accessing camera functions

You can access the camera menu through Visualization menu / Camera.

The camera menu

The camera toolbar provides a one-click access to the camera menu functionality.

The camera toolbar

You can also access some of the functionality through the camera context menu ( right click on a camera in the document view).

Try choosing different views (top view, left view, etc).

Having several cameras

You can have several cameras in one Document. Try creating a new camera by going to Visualization menu / Camera / Add new camera or pressing the "Add new camera" icon in a toolbar or using the Ctrl + Shift + C shortcut on Windows and Linux or Cmd⌘ + Shift + C on Mac.

Several cameras

A newly added camera will have a default starting position. You can easily switch between cameras by choosing a desired one in the document view and clicking "Set as active camera" in the context menu. Only one camera can be active at a time.

Context menu for a camera

Having several cameras might be useful if you want to switch fast between different views (e.g., different close-up views and a full view).

More camera functions

Through the camera context menu you can also activate the camera inertia which will allow for a movement with inertia of the camera and orthographic projection which is useful e.g. for viewing crystals. Try switching the camera inertia on and move or rotate the molecule.