
This library contains classes related to basic types used in SAMSON, in particular for mathematical operations.

SAMSON API: The SBDType Library

This module is already imported in the Python Scripting Element as follows

from samson.DataModel import Type

Physical constants¶


You can access the physical constants in the following way:

Type.constant.Pi * Type.constant.RadToDeg

Three-dimensional physical vectors¶

SAMSON API: SBDTypePhysicalVector3


Type.vector3()                          # creates a dimensionless zero vector
Type.vector3(1, 2, 3)                   # creates a dimensionless vector
Type.vector3([1, 2, 3])                 # creates a dimensionless vector
Type.vector3(Quantity.position(1))      # creates a vector with the same components
Type.vector3(Quantity.position(1.14), Quantity.position(3.14), Quantity.position(2.7))

Convenience constructors:

These convenience constructors can be used to create the commonly used physical vectors as follows, without specifying the Quantity unit:

Type.force3(0.0)                # creates a vector with the same components in force units
Type.position3(0.0, 1.0, 2.0)   # creates a position vector in length units

These convenience constructors internaly call vector3 with proper Quantity unit:

Type.dimensionless3(1, 2, 3) == Type.vector3(1, 2, 3)    # True
Type.position3(0.0, 1.0, 2.0) == Type.vector3(Quantity.position(0), Quantity.position(1), Quantity.position(2))   # True

Spatial vectors¶

SAMSON API: SBDTypePhysicalVector6

Convenience constructors:

Spatial matrices¶

SAMSON API: SBDTypePhysicalMatrix66

Convenience constructors:

Spatial transforms¶

SAMSON API: SBDTypeSpatialTransform