SBDTypePhysicalVector3.hpp File Reference


class  SBDTypePhysicalVector3< Quantity >
 This template class is used to represent three-dimensional physical vectors. More...

External operators

template<typename QuantityA , typename QuantityB >
SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantityType< typename SBDQuantityUnitMultiplication< typename QuantityA::UnitType, typename QuantityB::UnitType >::UnitType >> operator* (QuantityA d, const SBDTypePhysicalVector3< QuantityB > &u)
 Returns the product of physical quantity d and physical vector u.
template<typename QuantityB >
SBDTypePhysicalVector3< QuantityB > operator* (double d, const SBDTypePhysicalVector3< QuantityB > &u)
 Returns the product of double d and physical vector u.
template<typename Quantity >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const SBDTypePhysicalVector3< Quantity > &u)
 Inserts the physical vector u in the output stream s.

Common types

typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::dimensionlessSBVector3
 Three-dimensional vector with dimensionless components.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::picometerPerSecondSBPicometerPerSecond3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of picometers per second.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::radianSBRadian3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of radians.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::radianPerSecondSBRadianPerSecond3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of radians per second.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::lengthSBLength3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of length.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::inverseLengthSBInverseLength3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of inverse length.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::squareLengthSBSquareLength3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of square length.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::positionSBPosition3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of length.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::velocitySBVelocity3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of velocity.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::accelerationSBAcceleration3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of acceleration.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::angularVelocitySBAngularVelocity3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of angular velocity.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::angularAccelerationSBAngularAcceleration3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of angular acceleration.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::energySBEnergy3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of energy.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::energySBTorque3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of torque.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::forceSBForce3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of force.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::momentumSBMomentum3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of momentum.
typedef SBDTypePhysicalVector3< SBQuantity::inverseMomentumSBInverseMomentum3
 Three-dimensional vector with components in units of inverse momentum.