
This changelog contains only changes in SAMSON SDK that concern developers.


Fixed known issues in the installer.


Support for older Linux distributions - compatibility with GLIBC version 2.17 and higher. See Compatibility with older Linux distributions.

SAMSON Facade :

Add new functionality to manage jobs in the cloud (more information and tutorials will follow later):

Improvements in the installer.

Bugfix in the SAMSON Element generator: update in the generated CMakeLists.txt.

Other small bugfixes.


No changes in the public API.

Updates and bugfixes in the SAMSON Element generator.

Bugfixes in SBPath : SBPath::remove and a bug with animation crash in some cases.

Bugfix in SBDTypePhysicalIAVector3 with operator * and operator /.


The 0.8.0 release brings major changes in SAMSON and SAMSON SDK. It also improves stability and fixes known issues.

Below are listed the changes in the public API.

SAMSON Facade :

The SAMSON::getActiveModel function has been renamed to SAMSON::getActiveStructuralModel.

SBFolder (SBLayer before) :

SBLayer has been changed to a more general SBFolder. An SBFolder object can contain almost any node types, including other folders. Any usage of an active layer (SAMSON::getActiveLayer) should be modified to e.g. an active document (SAMSON::getActiveDocument()). Any other usages of an SBLayer should be modified to use either SBFolder or an active document.

The SAMSON::importFromFile function now receives a preferredFolder instead of a preferredLayer.

SBFolder has parts of the SBLayer's functionality and some new functionality e.g.: get lists of nodes of different types (see SBFolder).

SBStructuralRoot :

SBStructuralRoot is now hidden and implicit. When creating a structural model (SBStructuralModel) it is not necessary anymore to add it to the SBStructuralRoot of a document, it will be done implicitly.

New/updated functions:

SBNode :

New/updated functionality:

These changes also affect all classes derived from the SBNode class i.e.: SBFolder, SBStructuralModel, SBStructuralGroup, SBMolecule, SBResidue, SBBackbone, SBSideChain, SBStructuralParticle, SBAtom, etc.

SBNodeIndexer :

New functionality:

SBDocument :

New functionality:

SBCamera :

New/updated functionality:

SBPath :

Major changes in the SBMStructuralModelPath class:

Setter and getter functions for position, velocity, and force data have been changed from 1d arrays to 2d arrays; other functions have been updated accordingly. The according functions have been renamed:

New functionality:

SBConformation :

Functions renaming:

New/updated functionality:

SBResidue :

New functionality:

The SBDType Library :

Added more checks for operations with dimensionless quantities.