SAMSON Library

This module is the main interface.

You can access some of SAMSON functionality directly from this module, for example:

activeDocument = SAMSON.getActiveDocument()

See also


This class is the main interface of SAMSON. It acts as a facade that centralizes and exposes other functions from the SAMSON API to make it easy for developers to interact with SAMSON, the data graph, etc. All functions in this class are static.

samson.Facade.SAMSON.askUser(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. askUser(dialogTitle: str, dialogText: str) -> bool

Asks a question to the user with a message in a modal pop-up dialog

  1. askUser(dialogTitle: str, labelText: str, text: str, monospaceFont: bool) -> bool

Asks a question to the user with a message in a modal pop-up dialog

samson.Facade.SAMSON.beginHolding(name: str) None

Begins holding

samson.Facade.SAMSON.captureViewport(width: int, height: int, transparentBackground: bool = False) QImage

Captures the viewport

samson.Facade.SAMSON.captureViewportToFile(filename: str, width: int, height: int, transparentBackground: bool = False) None

Captures the viewport into file

samson.Facade.SAMSON.disableHolding() None

Pauses holding

samson.Facade.SAMSON.enableHolding() None

Resumes holding

samson.Facade.SAMSON.endHolding() None

Ends holding

samson.Facade.SAMSON.exit() None

Exits SAMSON with a dialog

samson.Facade.SAMSON.exportToFile(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. exportToFile(nodeIndexer: samson.DataModel.DataGraph.NodeIndexer, fileName: str) -> None

Export a selection of nodes to a file

  1. exportToFile(nodeIndexer: samson.DataModel.DataGraph.NodeIndexer, fileName: str, parameters: List[str]) -> None

Export a selection of nodes to a file with parameters specific to each exporter

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getAction(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getAction(actionUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID) -> samson.GUI.Action.Action

Returns the action with the given actionUUID

  1. getAction(actionUUID: str) -> samson.GUI.Action.Action

Returns the action with the given actionUUID

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getActiveCamera() samson.DataModel.Document.Camera

Returns the active camera

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getActiveDocument() samson.DataModel.Document.Document

Returns the active document

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getActiveDocumentFilter() str

Returns the node filter of the active document

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getActiveStructuralModel() samson.Modeling.StructuralModel.StructuralModel

Returns the active structural model

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getAtom(x: int, y: int) samson.Modeling.StructuralModel.Atom

Returns the atom at location (x, y) in the viewport

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getAtomRadius() samson.DataModel.Quantity.unitsSI

Get the radius of atoms in the default representation of structural models

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getAtomicWeight(element: samson.Modeling.Element.Element.ElementType) samson.DataModel.Quantity.unitsSI

Returns the atomic weight of periodic table element element

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getBlock(element: samson.Modeling.Element.Element.ElementType) str

Returns the block of periodic table element element

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getBond(x: int, y: int) samson.Modeling.StructuralModel.Bond

Returns the bond at location (x, y) in the viewport

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getBondRadius() samson.DataModel.Quantity.unitsSI

Get the radius of bonds in the default representation of structural models

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getCameraControllerFlag() bool

Returns true when the camera controller should be displayed in the viewport

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getColorFromUser(dialogTitle: str = 'Choose a color') tuple

Gets a color from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getColorPaletteFromUser(dialogTitle: str = 'Choose a color palette', defaultColorPalette: samson.DataModel.Color.ColorPalette = 0) tuple

Gets a color palette from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. If the defaultColorPalette is provided it is set as a default one in the color palette dialog

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getCovalentRadius(element: samson.Modeling.Element.Element.ElementType) samson.DataModel.Quantity.unitsSI

Returns the covalent radius of periodic table element element

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getCurrentSelectionFilter() str

Returns the current selection filter name

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getDeepSelectionFlag() bool

Returns whether the user wants deep selection

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getDoubleFromUser(dialogTitle: str, minimum: float, maximum: float, singleStep: float = 1.0, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '', decimals: int = 2) tuple

Gets a number from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getDoubleIntervalFromUser(dialogTitle: str, labelsText: List[str], currentValues: Tuple[float, float], minValueInterval: Tuple[float, float], maxValueInterval: Tuple[float, float], singleStep: Tuple[float, float] = (1.0, 1.0), prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '') tuple

Gets a double interval from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getElectronegativity(element: samson.Modeling.Element.Element.ElementType) samson.DataModel.Quantity.unitsSI

Returns the electronegativity of periodic table element element

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getElementFromUser(dialogTitle: str = 'Set a string') tuple

Gets a periodic table element from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getElementName(element: samson.Modeling.Element.Element.ElementType) str

Returns the name of the periodic table element corresponding to a given type

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getElementSymbol(element: samson.Modeling.Element.Element.ElementType) str

Returns the symbol of the periodic table element corresponding to a given type

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getElementTypeByName(elementName: str) samson.Modeling.Element.Element.ElementType

Returns the periodic table element type corresponding to a given name

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getElementTypeBySymbol(elementSymbol: str) samson.Modeling.Element.Element.ElementType

Returns the periodic table element type corresponding to a given symbol

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getElementsFromUser(dialogTitle: str = 'Set a string') tuple

Gets periodic table elements from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getFileNameFromUser(dialogTitle: str = 'Choose a filename', dir: str = '', filter: str = '') tuple

Gets a filename from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getFileNamesFromUser(dialogTitle: str = 'Choose a filename', dir: str = '', filter: str = '') tuple

Gets filenames from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getGridFlag() bool

Returns true when the grid should be displayed in the viewport

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getGroup(element: samson.Modeling.Element.Element.ElementType) int

Returns the group of periodic table element element

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getIntegerFromUser(dialogTitle: str, minimum: int, maximum: int, singleStep: int = 1, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '') tuple

Gets a number from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getIntegerIntervalFromUser(dialogTitle: str, labelsText: List[str], currentValues: Tuple[int, int], minValueInterval: Tuple[int, int], maxValueInterval: Tuple[int, int], singleStep: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '') tuple

Gets an integer interval from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getItemFromUser(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getItemFromUser(dialogTitle: str, label: str, items: List[str], current: int = 0) -> tuple

Gets an item from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

  1. getItemFromUser(dialogTitle: str, currentIndex: int, label: str, items: List[str]) -> tuple

Gets an item from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getMaximum3DTextureSize() int

Returns the maximum 3D texture size

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getMaximumRectangleTextureSize() int

Returns the maximum rectangle texture size

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getMaximumTextureSize() int

Returns the maximum texture size

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getMousePositionInViewport() QPoint

Returns the current mouse position in viewport coordinates

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getMultiSampleFactor() int

Returns the multisampling factor

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getMultipleBondDisplayFlag() bool

Returns true when bonds are displayed with a variable number of cylinders to represent their order

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getNode(x: int, y: int, selectionFilter: str = '*') samson.DataModel.DataGraph.Node
Returns the node at location (x, y) in the viewport based on the selection filter selectionString.

For selectionString use the Node Specification Language (SAMSON API: Node Specification Language)

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getNodes(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getNodes(x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int, selectionFilter: str = ‘*’, deepSelectionFlag: bool = False) -> samson.DataModel.DataGraph.NodeIndexer

Returns the nodes (in a node indexer) found inside the viewport rectangle (x, y, width, height) and based on a selectionString.

For selectionString use the Node Specification Language (SAMSON API: Node Specification Language

  1. getNodes(selectionString: str = ‘*’) -> samson.DataModel.DataGraph.NodeIndexer

Returns nodes (in a node indexer), based on a selectionString.

For selectionString use Node Specification Language (SAMSON API: Node Specification Language

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getNumberOfElements() int

Returns the number of defined periodic table elements, including the Unknown element

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getPathFromUser(dialogTitle: str = 'Choose a path') tuple

Gets a path from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getPeriod(element: samson.Modeling.Element.Element.ElementType) str

Returns the period of periodic table element element

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getProxy(className: str, elementUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID =) samson.Core.Class.ClassProxy

Returns the proxy of a class

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getPublicName(includeVersion: bool = False, includeHashInVersion: bool = False) str

Returns the “public name” of SAMSON

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getPublicVersionNumber() str

Returns the “public version number” of SAMSON

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getReplyFromUser(developerUUIDString: str, questionUUIDString: str) None

Asks the user to reply to a question

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getSAMSONElementsPath() str

Returns the path where SAMSON Elements are installed

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getSAMSONPath() str

Returns the path where SAMSON is installed

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getSaveFileNameFromUser(dialogTitle: str = 'Choose a filename', dir: str = '', filter: str = '') tuple

Gets a filename from the user in a modal pop-up dialog with Save button. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getScaleFlag() bool

Returns true when the scale should be displayed in the viewport

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getScratchPath() str

Returns the path to scratch data

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getSimulationFlag() bool

Returns true when interactive simulation is on

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getStringFromUser(dialogTitle: str = 'Set a string') tuple

Gets a string from the user in a modal pop-up dialog. Returns a tuple: True/False (False in case if Cancel button was clicked) and the resulting value if Ok button was clicked

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getTime() int

Returns SAMSON’s internal time

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getUserDataPath() str

Returns the path where user data is installed

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getUserPlan() samson.Core.Container.UserPlan

Returns the user plan

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getUserPlanString() str

Returns a string containing the user plan

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getVanDerWaalsAtomRadiusFlag() bool

Returns true when atoms are displayed with a radius proportional to their van der Waals radius

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getVanDerWaalsAtomRadiusRatio() float

Returns the constant by which the atoms van der Waals radius is multiplied to represent atoms in the viewport (when a constant radius is not used)

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getVanDerWaalsRadius(element: samson.Modeling.Element.Element.ElementType) samson.DataModel.Quantity.unitsSI

Returns the van der Waals radius of periodic table element element

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getVersionNumber() samson.Core.Container.VersionNumber

Returns the version number of SAMSON

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getViewportHeight() int

Returns the viewport height

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getViewportPositionFromWorldPosition(position: samson.DataModel.Type.vector3) samson.DataModel.Type.vector3

Returns the projection in the viewport of a given world position

samson.Facade.SAMSON.getViewportWidth() int

Returns the viewport width

samson.Facade.SAMSON.hideProgressBar() None

Hides the progress bar

samson.Facade.SAMSON.hold(node: samson.DataModel.DataGraph.Node) None

Holds a node and its descendants

samson.Facade.SAMSON.importFromFile(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. importFromFile(fileName: str, preferredFolder: samson.DataModel.Document.Folder = None) -> None

Import a file from the disk

  1. importFromFile(fileNameList: List[str], preferredFolder: samson.DataModel.Document.Folder = None) -> None

Import a file list from the disk

  1. importFromFile(fileName: str, parameters: List[str] = 0, preferredFolder: samson.DataModel.Document.Folder = None) -> None

Import a file from the disk with parameters specific to each importer

  1. importFromFile(fileNameList: List[str], parameters: List[str] = 0, preferredFolder: samson.DataModel.Document.Folder = None) -> None

Import a file list from the disk with parameters specific to each importer

samson.Facade.SAMSON.informUser(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. informUser(dialogTitle: str, dialogText: str) -> None

Informs the user with a message in a modal pop-up dialog

  1. informUser(dialogTitle: str, labelText: str, text: str, monospaceFont: bool) -> None

Informs the user with a message in a modal pop-up dialog

samson.Facade.SAMSON.isGUIThread() bool

Returns true if called from the main thread (GUI thread), else return false

samson.Facade.SAMSON.isHolding() bool

Returns true when SAMSON is holding

samson.Facade.SAMSON.isProgressBarStopped() bool

Returns true when the progress bar is stopped

samson.Facade.SAMSON.isRedoing() bool

Returns true while redoing

samson.Facade.SAMSON.isUndoing() bool

Returns true while undoing

samson.Facade.SAMSON.makeAnimation(name: str, nodeIndexer: samson.DataModel.DataGraph.NodeIndexer, currentFrame: float, animationClassName: str, animationElementUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID =) samson.DataModel.Document.Animation

Make an animation

samson.Facade.SAMSON.makeInteractionModel(dynamicalModel: samson.Modeling.DynamicalModel.ParticleSystem, interactionModelClassName: str, interactionModelElementUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID =) samson.Modeling.InteractionModel.ParticleSystem

Make an interaction model

samson.Facade.SAMSON.makeNeigborSearch(dynamicalModel: samson.Modeling.DynamicalModel.ParticleSystem, cutoffDistance: samson.DataModel.Quantity.unitsSI, neighborSearchClassName: str, ineighborSearchElementUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID =) samson.Simulation.NeighborSearch.ParticleSystem

Make a neighbor search algorithm

samson.Facade.SAMSON.makePropertyModel(nodeIndexer: samson.DataModel.DataGraph.NodeIndexer, propertyModelClassName: str, propertyModelElementUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID =) SBMPropertyModel

Make a property model

samson.Facade.SAMSON.makeSelector(selectorClassName: str, selectorElementUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID =) samson.DataModel.DataGraph.Selector

Make a selector

samson.Facade.SAMSON.makeSimulator(nodeIndexer: samson.DataModel.DataGraph.NodeIndexer, interactionModelClassName: str, interactionModelElementUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID, stateUpdaterClassName: str, stateUpdaterElementUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID =) samson.Simulation.Simulator.SimulatorParticleSystem

Make a simulator

samson.Facade.SAMSON.makeStateUpdater(dynamicalModel: samson.Modeling.DynamicalModel.ParticleSystem, interactionModel: samson.Modeling.InteractionModel.ParticleSystem, stateUpdaterClassName: str, stateUpdaterElementUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID =) samson.Simulation.StateUpdater.StateUpdaterParticleSystem

Make a state updater

samson.Facade.SAMSON.makeVisualModel(nodeIndexer: samson.DataModel.DataGraph.NodeIndexer, visualModelClassName: str, visualModelElementUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID =) samson.Modeling.VisualModel.VisualModel

Make a visual model

samson.Facade.SAMSON.minimize(nodeIndexer: samson.DataModel.DataGraph.NodeIndexer, maximumNumberOfSteps: int, minimumNumberOfStepsInPlateau: int, energyDifferenceCriteria: samson.DataModel.Quantity.unitsSI, printMinimizationInformationFrequency: int = 100, askUser: bool = False) bool

Minimize atoms in the nodeIndexer according to the provided criteria.

samson.Facade.SAMSON.printDataGraphState() None

Prints in the terminal the data graph state

samson.Facade.SAMSON.printFullMemoryUsage() None

Prints in the terminal full memory usage

samson.Facade.SAMSON.printMemoryUsage() None

Prints in the terminal memory usage

samson.Facade.SAMSON.printRendererState() None

Prints in the terminal the renderer state

samson.Facade.SAMSON.printUndoStack() None

Prints in the terminal the undo stack

samson.Facade.SAMSON.processEvents() None

Requests an update

samson.Facade.SAMSON.redo() None

Redo one command

samson.Facade.SAMSON.requestViewportUpdate() None

Requests a viewport update

samson.Facade.SAMSON.setActiveDocumentFilter(filter: str) None

Sets the node filter of the active document

samson.Facade.SAMSON.setActiveEditor(classUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID, elementUUID: samson.Core.Container.UUID) None

Sets the current editor

samson.Facade.SAMSON.setActiveStructuralModel(arg0: samson.Modeling.StructuralModel.StructuralModel) None

Sets the active structural model

samson.Facade.SAMSON.setBusy(isBusy: bool) None

Notifies the user that SAMSON is busy

samson.Facade.SAMSON.setCurrentSelectionFilter(selectionFilterName: str) bool

Sets the current selection filter according to the given selection filter name. Returns true in case of the success.

samson.Facade.SAMSON.setProgressBarValue(value: int) None

Sets the value of the progress bar

samson.Facade.SAMSON.setSimulationFlag(simulationFlag: bool) None

Sets the interactive simulation flag

samson.Facade.SAMSON.setStatusMessage(message: str, time: int = 0) None

Shows a message in the status bar

samson.Facade.SAMSON.showProgressBar(name: str = '', minimum: int = 0, maximum: int = 0, minimumDurationInSeconds: float = 2.0, isCancellable: bool = True, cancelButtonText: str = 'Cancel') None

Shows the progress bar

samson.Facade.SAMSON.showProperties(node: samson.DataModel.DataGraph.Node) bool

Shows the properties widget of a node

samson.Facade.SAMSON.snap(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. snap(x: int, y: int) -> List[int]

Returns the snapped mouse viewport displacement (x, y)

  1. snap(x: int, y: int, pointInPlane: samson.DataModel.Type.vector3) -> List[int]

Returns the snapped mouse viewport displacement (x, y) in the plane containing pointInPlane

  1. snap(displacement: samson.DataModel.Quantity.unitsSI) -> samson.DataModel.Quantity.unitsSI

Returns the snapped translational (if the provided displacement is in length units) or angular (if the provided displacement is in dimensionless units) displacement if the snapping of translational/angular displacements is on, else it returns the unchanged displacement

  1. snap(displacement: samson.DataModel.Type.vector3) -> samson.DataModel.Type.vector3

Returns the snapped displacement if the snapping of translational displacements is on, else it returns the unchanged displacement

  1. snap(rotationMatrix: samson.DataModel.Type.matrix33) -> samson.DataModel.Type.matrix33

Returns the snapped rotation matrix if the snapping of angular displacements is on, else it returns the unchanged rotationMatrix

  1. snap(transform: samson.DataModel.Type.spatialTransform) -> samson.DataModel.Type.spatialTransform

Returns the snapped spatial transform according to the translational and angular snapping parameters

samson.Facade.SAMSON.startSimulation() None

Starts interactive simulation

samson.Facade.SAMSON.startTimer() None

Starts a new performance timer

samson.Facade.SAMSON.stopSimulation() None

Stops interactive simulation

samson.Facade.SAMSON.stopTimer() List[samson.DataModel.Quantity.unitsSI]

Stops the top performance timer. Returns elapsed time and total time [in seconds]

samson.Facade.SAMSON.toggleSimulation() None

Toggles interactive simulation on and off

samson.Facade.SAMSON.undo() None

Undo one command