What’s new in SAMSON 2023 R1 – Integrated Python Development Environment

This is Part III of What’s new in SAMSON 2023 R1, the release notes for SAMSON 2023 R1.

Integrated Python Development Environment 🐍
The Future of Research and Collaboration with SAMSON

Prepare for a radical shift in the way you conduct and share research with SAMSON: the new release goes far beyond the boundaries of typical molecular modeling platforms to bring you a fully integrated Python Development Environment.

This is not just an addition; it’s a transformation that empowers you to create, collaborate, and communicate like never before.

Ship-Ready Python Interpreter and High-Quality Editor

Get coding right away with SAMSON’s ship-ready Python interpreter. Say goodbye to setup hassles and hello to immediate productivity.

The integrated Monaco Editor, from the beloved Visual Studio Code, offers you an intuitive and powerful coding experience, complete with syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and more. Want to test a piece of code? Click Run or use the integrated Jupyter Qt Console right within SAMSON for quick and easy execution. You get access to the entire SAMSON Python API and can even rapidly create Graphical User Interfaces using PyQt.

Of course, SAMSON AI ✨ is here to assist you.

SAMSON Documents: From Static to Executable

SAMSON Documents are no longer just about storing and sharing molecular models. They now enable Universal File Embedding and can embed Python scripts and any number of files and folders. In short, SAMSON Document have evolved into rich, executable environments.

Imagine distributing a SAMSON Document that not only contains molecular models but also research papers, custom analysis scripts, machine learning applications and models, images, data files (even other SAMSON Documents!), and much more!

A Revolution in Research Communication and Reproducibility

What does this mean for the molecular modeling community? A massive leap forward in research communication and reproducibility.

Develop a Python app for data analysis, molecular simulation, or even machine learning, and embed it directly within a SAMSON Document. Share it via email, GitHub, or the SAMSON Connect website. Your colleagues can then open the document and run the embedded app(s) seamlessly.

Think of the possibilities:

– Professors can distribute SAMSON Documents containing both lecture notes and interactive Python-based exercises for students.

– Researchers can attach executable data analysis scripts to their published molecular models, increasing transparency and reproducibility.

– Teams can collaborate more effectively by sharing SAMSON Documents that include project files, meeting notes, and automated workflow scripts.

– Educational institutions can create comprehensive, interactive learning modules that students can execute directly within SAMSON.

SAMSON 2023 R1 doesn’t just offer new features; it offers a new paradigm in computational research and education.


Go to Part IV about the Interface Redesign, and so much more in SAMSON 2023 R1 !

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