SBCClassAttribute Class Referenceabstract

This class describes a class attribute in a class proxy.

Attribute types

enum  Type

Constructors and destructors

 SBCClassAttribute ()
 Constructs a class attribute.
virtual ~SBCClassAttribute ()
 Destructs the class attribute.


virtual Type getType () const =0
 Returns the type of the attribute.
virtual std::string getName () const =0
 Returns the name of the attribute.
virtual std::string getDescription () const =0
 Returns the description of the attribute.
virtual std::string getGroup () const =0
 Returns the group of the attribute.
virtual SBValue getAttributeType () const =0
 Returns the type of the attribute value.
virtual std::string getToolTip () const =0
 Returns the tool tip of the attribute.
virtual void setToolTip (const std::string &text)=0
 Sets the tool tip of the attribute.

Visual representation in the Inspector

virtual bool isEnabled () const =0
 Returns true if the attribute should be enabled in the Inspector.
virtual void setEnabled (const bool enabled)=0
 Sets the enabled flag.


virtual SBValue get (const SBValue &object) const =0
 Gets the attribute from the object.
virtual void set (const SBValue &object, const SBValue &value, const SBValue &size=SBValue()) const =0
 Sets the attribute in the object to a specific value.
virtual bool has (const SBValue &object) const =0
 Returns whether the attribute has a value when the attribute is clearable.
virtual void clear (const SBValue &object) const =0
 Clears the value of the attribute when possible.
virtual unsigned int getSize (const SBValue &object) const =0
 Returns the size of the array attribute in the object when relevant.
virtual SBValue getDefault (const SBValue &object) const =0
 Returns the attribute's default value from the object.
virtual bool hasDefault () const =0
 Returns true if the attribute has default value.
virtual SBValue getMinimum (const SBValue &object) const =0
 Returns the attribute's minimum value from the object.
virtual SBValue getMaximum (const SBValue &object) const =0
 Returns the attribute's maximum value from the object.
virtual SBValue getSingleStep (const SBValue &object) const =0
 Returns the attribute's single step from the object.
virtual std::string getSuffix (const SBValue &object) const =0
 Returns the attribute's suffix from the object.
virtual int getCount (const SBValue &object) const =0
 Returns the number of items of the attribute for the object.
virtual int getCurrentIndex (const SBValue &object) const =0
 Return the attribute's current index from the object.
virtual void setCurrentIndex (const SBValue &object, const int &index) const =0
 Sets the attribute's current index in the object to a specific index.
virtual std::string getItemText (const SBValue &object, const int &index) const =0
 Returns the attribute's text for the index from the object.