
This class is the root class of numerous classes in SAMSON. In particular, all data graph node classes indirectly derive from SBClass, as well as many SAMSON Extensions classes.

This class derives class types and class categories. The function samson.SBClass.getClassTypeString() may be used to retrieve the string description corresponding to a class type, and the function samson.SBClass.getClassCategoryString() may be used to retrieve the string description corresponding to a class category.

See also


class samson.SBClass#

Bases: pybind11_object

This class is the main root class.

class Category(self: samson.SBClass.Category, value: int)#

Bases: pybind11_object





















Assembly = <Category.Assembly: 100>#
Biology = <Category.Biology: 200>#
Chemistry = <Category.Chemistry: 300>#
Developer = <Category.Developer: 400>#
Education = <Category.Education: 500>#
Electronics = <Category.Electronics: 600>#
General = <Category.General: 700>#
Materials = <Category.Materials: 800>#
Medicine = <Category.Medicine: 900>#
Metrology = <Category.Metrology: 1000>#
Modeling = <Category.Modeling: 1100>#
Optics = <Category.Optics: 1200>#
Particles = <Category.Particles: 1300>#
Pharmacy = <Category.Pharmacy: 1400>#
Photonics = <Category.Photonics: 1500>#
Physics = <Category.Physics: 1600>#
Simulation = <Category.Simulation: 1700>#
Toxicology = <Category.Toxicology: 1800>#
Visualization = <Category.Visualization: 1900>#
property name#
property value#
class Type(self: samson.SBClass.Type, value: int)#

Bases: pybind11_object


Base : Classes defined in SAMSON’s code base

App : Apps

Editor : Editors

Importer : Importers

Exporter : Exporters

Tutorial : Tutorials

VisualModel : Visual models

DynamicalModelArticulatedBodySystem : Articulated-body dynamical models

DynamicalModelParticleSystem : Particle dynamical models

DynamicalModelRigidBodySystem : Rigid-body dynamical models

InteractionModelArticulatedBodySystem : Articulated-body interaction models

InteractionModelParticleSystem : Particle interaction models

InteractionModelRigidBodySystem : Rigid-body interaction models

PropertyModel : Property models

PropertyModelFunction : Function property models

NeighborSearchArticulatedBodySystem : Articulated-body neighbor search algorithms

NeighborSearchParticleSystem : Particle neighbor search algorithms

NeighborSearchRigidBodySystem : Rigid-body neighbor search algorithms

StateUpdaterArticulatedBodySystem : Articulated-body state updaters

StateUpdaterParticleSystem : Particle neighbor state updaters

StateUpdaterRigidBodySystem : Rigid-body neighbor state updaters

RenderProgram : Render programs

Controller : Controllers

ControllerNode : Controller nodes

Label : Labels

NodeGUI : Nodes GUIs

Properties : Property widgets

Factory : Factories

StructuralModelFactory : Structural model factory

DynamicalModelParticleSystemFactory : Particle dynamical model factory

InteractionModelParticleSystemFactory : Particle interaction model factory

VisualModelFactory : Visual model factory

PropertyModelFactory : property model factory

ControllerFactory : Controller factory

LabelFactory : Label factory


InspectorFactory : Inspector factories


AnimationFactory : Animation factory

EntranceAnimation : Entrance animation

HighlightAnimation : Highlight animation

MotionAnimation : Motion animation

ExitAnimation : Exit animation

CameraAnimation : Camera animation

OtherAnimation : Other animation

ColorScheme : Color schemes

ColorPalette : Color palettes

Selector : Selectors

Custom : Custom classes

AnimationFactory = <Type.AnimationFactory: 7000>#
App = <Type.App: 10>#
AssetLibrary = <Type.AssetLibrary: 5000>#
Base = <Type.Base: 1>#
CameraAnimation = <Type.CameraAnimation: 7005>#
ColorPalette = <Type.ColorPalette: 9000>#
ColorScheme = <Type.ColorScheme: 8000>#
Controller = <Type.Controller: 800>#
ControllerFactory = <Type.ControllerFactory: 3006>#
ControllerNode = <Type.ControllerNode: 801>#
Custom = <Type.Custom: 100000>#
DynamicalModelArticulatedBodySystem = <Type.DynamicalModelArticulatedBodySystem: 200>#
DynamicalModelParticleSystem = <Type.DynamicalModelParticleSystem: 201>#
DynamicalModelParticleSystemFactory = <Type.DynamicalModelParticleSystemFactory: 3002>#
DynamicalModelRigidBodySystem = <Type.DynamicalModelRigidBodySystem: 202>#
Editor = <Type.Editor: 20>#
EntranceAnimation = <Type.EntranceAnimation: 7001>#
ExitAnimation = <Type.ExitAnimation: 7004>#
Exporter = <Type.Exporter: 31>#
Factory = <Type.Factory: 3000>#
HighlightAnimation = <Type.HighlightAnimation: 7002>#
Importer = <Type.Importer: 30>#
Inspector = <Type.Inspector: 4000>#
InspectorFactory = <Type.InspectorFactory: 4001>#
InteractionModelArticulatedBodySystem = <Type.InteractionModelArticulatedBodySystem: 300>#
InteractionModelParticleSystem = <Type.InteractionModelParticleSystem: 301>#
InteractionModelParticleSystemFactory = <Type.InteractionModelParticleSystemFactory: 3003>#
InteractionModelRigidBodySystem = <Type.InteractionModelRigidBodySystem: 302>#
Label = <Type.Label: 900>#
LabelFactory = <Type.LabelFactory: 3007>#
MotionAnimation = <Type.MotionAnimation: 7003>#
NeighborSearchArticulatedBodySystem = <Type.NeighborSearchArticulatedBodySystem: 500>#
NeighborSearchParticleSystem = <Type.NeighborSearchParticleSystem: 501>#
NeighborSearchRigidBodySystem = <Type.NeighborSearchRigidBodySystem: 502>#
NodeGUI = <Type.NodeGUI: 1000>#
OtherAnimation = <Type.OtherAnimation: 7006>#
Properties = <Type.Properties: 2000>#
PropertyModel = <Type.PropertyModel: 400>#
PropertyModelFactory = <Type.PropertyModelFactory: 3005>#
PropertyModelFunction = <Type.PropertyModelFunction: 401>#
RenderProgram = <Type.RenderProgram: 700>#
Selector = <Type.Selector: 10000>#
StateUpdaterArticulatedBodySystem = <Type.StateUpdaterArticulatedBodySystem: 600>#
StateUpdaterParticleSystem = <Type.StateUpdaterParticleSystem: 601>#
StateUpdaterRigidBodySystem = <Type.StateUpdaterRigidBodySystem: 602>#
StructuralModelFactory = <Type.StructuralModelFactory: 3001>#
Tutorial = <Type.Tutorial: 40>#
VisualModel = <Type.VisualModel: 100>#
VisualModelFactory = <Type.VisualModelFactory: 3004>#
property name#
property value#
getClassCategoryString(self: SBCClass::Category) str#

Returns a string describing the category of the class.

getClassTypeString(self: SBCClass::Type) str#

Returns a string describing the type of the class.

AnimationFactory = <Type.AnimationFactory: 7000>#
App = <Type.App: 10>#
Assembly = <Category.Assembly: 100>#
AssetLibrary = <Type.AssetLibrary: 5000>#
Base = <Type.Base: 1>#
Biology = <Category.Biology: 200>#
CameraAnimation = <Type.CameraAnimation: 7005>#
Chemistry = <Category.Chemistry: 300>#
ColorPalette = <Type.ColorPalette: 9000>#
ColorScheme = <Type.ColorScheme: 8000>#
Controller = <Type.Controller: 800>#
ControllerFactory = <Type.ControllerFactory: 3006>#
ControllerNode = <Type.ControllerNode: 801>#
Custom = <Type.Custom: 100000>#
Developer = <Category.Developer: 400>#
DynamicalModelArticulatedBodySystem = <Type.DynamicalModelArticulatedBodySystem: 200>#
DynamicalModelParticleSystem = <Type.DynamicalModelParticleSystem: 201>#
DynamicalModelParticleSystemFactory = <Type.DynamicalModelParticleSystemFactory: 3002>#
DynamicalModelRigidBodySystem = <Type.DynamicalModelRigidBodySystem: 202>#
Editor = <Type.Editor: 20>#
Education = <Category.Education: 500>#
Electronics = <Category.Electronics: 600>#
EntranceAnimation = <Type.EntranceAnimation: 7001>#
ExitAnimation = <Type.ExitAnimation: 7004>#
Exporter = <Type.Exporter: 31>#
Factory = <Type.Factory: 3000>#
General = <Category.General: 700>#
HighlightAnimation = <Type.HighlightAnimation: 7002>#
Importer = <Type.Importer: 30>#
Inspector = <Type.Inspector: 4000>#
InspectorFactory = <Type.InspectorFactory: 4001>#
InteractionModelArticulatedBodySystem = <Type.InteractionModelArticulatedBodySystem: 300>#
InteractionModelParticleSystem = <Type.InteractionModelParticleSystem: 301>#
InteractionModelParticleSystemFactory = <Type.InteractionModelParticleSystemFactory: 3003>#
InteractionModelRigidBodySystem = <Type.InteractionModelRigidBodySystem: 302>#
Label = <Type.Label: 900>#
LabelFactory = <Type.LabelFactory: 3007>#
Materials = <Category.Materials: 800>#
Medicine = <Category.Medicine: 900>#
Metrology = <Category.Metrology: 1000>#
Modeling = <Category.Modeling: 1100>#
MotionAnimation = <Type.MotionAnimation: 7003>#
NeighborSearchArticulatedBodySystem = <Type.NeighborSearchArticulatedBodySystem: 500>#
NeighborSearchParticleSystem = <Type.NeighborSearchParticleSystem: 501>#
NeighborSearchRigidBodySystem = <Type.NeighborSearchRigidBodySystem: 502>#
NodeGUI = <Type.NodeGUI: 1000>#
Optics = <Category.Optics: 1200>#
OtherAnimation = <Type.OtherAnimation: 7006>#
Particles = <Category.Particles: 1300>#
Pharmacy = <Category.Pharmacy: 1400>#
Photonics = <Category.Photonics: 1500>#
Physics = <Category.Physics: 1600>#
Properties = <Type.Properties: 2000>#
PropertyModel = <Type.PropertyModel: 400>#
PropertyModelFactory = <Type.PropertyModelFactory: 3005>#
PropertyModelFunction = <Type.PropertyModelFunction: 401>#
RenderProgram = <Type.RenderProgram: 700>#
Selector = <Type.Selector: 10000>#
Simulation = <Category.Simulation: 1700>#
StateUpdaterArticulatedBodySystem = <Type.StateUpdaterArticulatedBodySystem: 600>#
StateUpdaterParticleSystem = <Type.StateUpdaterParticleSystem: 601>#
StateUpdaterRigidBodySystem = <Type.StateUpdaterRigidBodySystem: 602>#
StructuralModelFactory = <Type.StructuralModelFactory: 3001>#
Toxicology = <Category.Toxicology: 1800>#
Tutorial = <Type.Tutorial: 40>#
VisualModel = <Type.VisualModel: 100>#
VisualModelFactory = <Type.VisualModelFactory: 3004>#
Visualization = <Category.Visualization: 1900>#