
This is the base class for Atomic Units (AU).

class samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: pybind11_object

Units system, serves as a wrapper between SBQuantity and Python

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> None

Constructs the zero dimensionless unit

  1. __init__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, v: float) -> None

Constructs the dimensionless unit with the given value v

  1. __init__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, value: float, scale: list[int], exponent: list[int]) -> None

Construct the physical unit with value, scale and exponent

  1. __init__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, u: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> None

Constructs the physical unit from the given physical unit u

__add__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __add__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

  2. __add__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

__eq__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __eq__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> bool

  2. __eq__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> bool

  3. __eq__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> bool

__ge__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __ge__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> bool

  2. __ge__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> bool

  3. __ge__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> bool

__gt__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __gt__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> bool

  2. __gt__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> bool

  3. __gt__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> bool

__iadd__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __iadd__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

  2. __iadd__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

__imul__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __imul__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

  2. __imul__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

__isub__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __isub__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

  2. __isub__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

__itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __itruediv__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

  2. __itruediv__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

__le__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __le__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> bool

  2. __le__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> bool

  3. __le__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> bool

__lt__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __lt__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> bool

  2. __lt__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> bool

  3. __lt__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> bool

__mul__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __mul__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

  2. __mul__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

__ne__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __ne__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> bool

  2. __ne__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> bool

  3. __ne__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> bool

__neg__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU#
__radd__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU#
__rmul__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU#
__rsub__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU#
__rtruediv__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU#
__sub__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __sub__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

  2. __sub__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

__truediv__(*args, **kwargs)#

Overloaded function.

  1. __truediv__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: float) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

  2. __truediv__(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, arg0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) -> samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU

static fromLinearInterpolation(q0: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, q1: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, alpha: float) samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU#

Returns a linear interpolation between two physical quantities q0 and q1 for a parameter alpha in the closed unit interval [0, 1].

setZero(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) None#

Sets the value to zero

str(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU, fullName: bool = False) str#

Converts the physical quantity to a string (with a full unit name when fullName is True.)

toDebugString(self: samson.SBQuantity.unitsAU) str#
property C#

convert to coulomb

property Da#

convert to dalton

property J#

convert to joule

property JPerMol#

convert to joulePerMole

property JS#

convert to jouleSecond

property angstrom#

convert to angstrom

property coulomb#

convert to coulomb

property dalton#

convert to dalton

property eV#

convert to electronvolt

property electronvolt#

convert to electronvolt

property femtosecond#

convert to femtosecond

property fs#

convert to femtosecond

property g#

convert to gram

property gram#

convert to gram

property isDimensionless#

Returns True if the unit is dimensionless

property joule#

convert to joule

property joulePerMole#

convert to joulePerMole

property jouleSecond#

convert to jouleSecond

property kcalPerMol#

convert to kilocaloriePerMole

property kg#

convert to kilogram

property kilocaloriePerMole#

convert to kilocaloriePerMole

property kilogram#

convert to kilogram

property length#

convert to length

property m#

convert to meter

property mass#

convert to mass

property meter#

convert to meter

property nanometer#

convert to nanometer

property nm#

convert to nanometer

property picometer#

convert to picometer

property pm#

convert to picometer

property s#

convert to second

property second#

convert to second

property sizeOfUnitSystem#
property time#

convert to time

property value#

Returns value of the unit

property yg#

convert to yoctogram

property yoctogram#

convert to yoctogram