Create animations and movies without presentations#

While you can create sophisticated animations and export them in movies using presentations and animations in SAMSON, you can also create animations by simply modifying systems and orienting cameras, and then capturing the viewport and combining the resulting images into movies.

Below, you can find two examples that produce gif and mp4 movies of:

  • path (trajectory) animation

  • camera orbiting a molecule

Creating movies from images#

First, let’s see how can we create movies from images.


For this example, you will need to install one of the packages (see: Installing Python packages):

  • imageio [recommended]

  • moviepy

Create a movie from images using imageio#
import datetime
import imageio

def create_movie_using_imageio(movie_path, image_filenames, duration):
    Creates gif and mp4 files from images using to imageio package
    images = []
    for filename in image_filenames:
    # generate a name from the current date and time
    current_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
    # a name for the gif-file
    output_gif_file = movie_path + '/moviepy-%s.gif' % current_time
    # a name for the mp4-file
    output_mp4_file = movie_path + '/moviepy-%s.mp4' % current_time
    # save clip to the gif-file
    imageio.mimsave(output_gif_file, images, duration=duration)
    # save clip to the mp4-file
    imageio.mimsave(output_mp4_file, images)
Create a movie from images using moviepy#
import datetime
import moviepy.editor as mpy

def create_movie_using_moviepy(movie_path, image_filenames, fps = 16):
    Creates gif and mp4 movies from images using the moviepy package
    # generate a name from the current date and time
    current_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
    # a name for the gif-file
    output_gif_file = movie_path + '/moviepy-%s.gif' % current_time
    # a name for the mp4-file
    output_mp4_file = movie_path + '/moviepy-%s.mp4' % current_time
    # create a clip
    clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(image_filenames, fps = fps)
    # save clip to the gif-file
    # save clip to the mp4-file

Trajectory animation#

This example demonstrates how to make an animation of a path in SAMSON by capturing screenshots and creating a movie from them.

First, open a trajectory in SAMSON or fetch one from RCSB PDB, e.g. SAMSON.fetchPDB('1d3z').

Trajectory animation#
import os
from math import log10

class HaltException(Exception): pass

# get the path from the user
ret, movie_filepath = SAMSON.getPathFromUser(dialogTitle = 'Choose folder to save movie')
if ret:
    # a temporary path to images
    random_uuid = SBRandom(SAMSON.getTime() % 2147483647).randUUID()
    path_to_image_files = movie_filepath + '/tmp/' + str(random_uuid) + '/'
    # try to create a temporary folder
    try: os.makedirs(path_to_image_files)
    except: HaltException('Could not create a folder')
    camera = SAMSON.getActiveCamera()       # get the active camera
    #camera.frontView()                     # set the view of the camera
    SAMSON.processEvents()                  # process events: updates viewport
    # get an indexer of paths from the active document
    path_indexer = SAMSON.getNodes('node.type path')
    if len(path_indexer):
        # get the first path from the indexer
        path = path_indexer[0]
        ext = '.png'                  # extension of files

        path.forwardFlag = True       # set a change in positions in a forward direction
        path.animationFlag = True     # set the animation flag
        path.animationType = SBPath.AnimationType.Loop   # set Loop type of an animation
        # show a progress bar to inform user about the progress
        SAMSON.showProgressBar('steps', 0, path.numberOfSteps)
        # store the current step
        current_step = path.currentStep
        path.currentStep = 0

        # go through the trajectory frames
        for i in range(path.numberOfSteps):
             # update the state - change positions to the next step
             i_str = str(i).zfill(int(log10(path.numberOfSteps)) + 1)
             filename = path_to_image_files + i_str + ext
             # save a capture of the viewport in a file with 800x600 resolution
             SAMSON.captureViewportToFile(filename, 800, 600)
             SAMSON.setProgressBarValue(i)             # update the progress bar
             if SAMSON.isProgressBarStopped(): break   # break if the rotation is finished
        # restore the current step
        path.currentStep = current_step
        # change directory to the directory with images
        # get the list of created images
        img_files = sorted((fn for fn in os.listdir('.') if fn.endswith('.png')))
        # create a gif and mp4 files using imageio
        create_movie_using_imageio(movie_path = movie_filepath, 
                                   image_filenames = img_files, duration = 0.1)
        # create a gif and mp4 files using moviepy
        #create_movie_using_moviepy(movie_path = movie_filepath, 
        #                           image_filenames = img_files, fps = 16)

Camera orbiting animation#

This example demonstrates how to create an animation by rotating a camera, capturing screenshots, and creating a movie from them.

First, open a molecule in SAMSON or fetch one from RCSB PDB, e.g. SAMSON.fetchPDB('1yrf').

Camera orbiting animation#
import os
from math import pi, log10

class HaltException(Exception): pass

def rotate_camera(camera, velocity, center):
    Rotates the camera with the given velocity around the given center 
    and updates the viewport
    camera.rotate(velocity, center)

# get the path from the user
ret, movie_filepath = SAMSON.getPathFromUser(dialogTitle = 'Choose folder to save movie')
if ret:
    # a temporary path to images
    random_uuid = SBRandom(SAMSON.getTime() % 2147483647).randUUID()
    path_to_image_files = movie_filepath + '/tmp/' + str(random_uuid) + '/'
    # try to create a temporary folder
    try: os.makedirs(path_to_image_files)
    except: HaltException('Could not create a folder')
    # get an indexer of all atoms in the active document
    atom_indexer = SAMSON.getNodes('node.type atom')
    if len(atom_indexer):
        camera = SAMSON.getActiveCamera()   # get the active camera                     # centers the camera
        #camera.frontView()                 # set the view of the camera
        SAMSON.processEvents()              # process events: updates viewport
        # compute the geometrical center of the molecule
        center = SBStructuralModel.getCentroid(atom_indexer)
        velocity = pi * 1.0/180.0           # rotation velocity
        # rotation is only in y-direction
        velocity3 = SBRadianPerSecond3(
        ext = '.png'                        # extension of files
        numberOfRorations = 36              # rotate 36 times
        # show a progress bar to inform user about the progress
        SAMSON.showProgressBar('Orbiting and capturing', 0, numberOfRorations)
        for i in range(numberOfRorations):
            # rotate the camera around the center point with the given velocity
            rotate_camera(camera, velocity3, center)
            i_str = str(i).zfill(int(log10(numberOfRorations)) + 1)
            filename = path_to_image_files + i_str + ext
            # save a capture of the viewport in a file with 800x800 resolution
            SAMSON.captureViewportToFile(filename, 800, 800)
            SAMSON.setProgressBarValue(i)             # update the progress bar
            if SAMSON.isProgressBarStopped(): break   # break if the rotation is finished
        # change directory to the directory with images
        # get the list of created images
        img_files = sorted((fn for fn in os.listdir('.') if fn.endswith('.png')))
        # create a gif and mp4 files using imageio
        create_movie_using_imageio(movie_path = movie_filepath, 
                                   image_filenames = img_files, duration = 0.1)
        # create a gif and mp4 files using moviepy
        #create_movie_using_moviepy(movie_path = movie_filepath, 
        #                           image_filenames = img_files, fps = 16)