Colorize connected components by molecular weight#
This example demonstrates how to colorize connected components based on their molecular weight (MW).
This script colorizes molecules based on connected components and their molecular weight (MW)
import math
def get_molecular_weight(atom_indexer):
Returns the molecular weight of atoms in the atom_indexer
mass = SBQuantity.mass(0.0)
for atom in atom_indexer:
mass += atom.molecularWeight
return mass.Da
def get_connected_components():
Returns a list of indexers with connected components from the active document
connected_component_list = []
# get all atoms in the active document
atom_indexer = SAMSON.getNodes('node.type atom')
# go through atoms to get their connected components
while len(atom_indexer):
atom = atom_indexer[0]
# get connected component for this atom
connected_component = atom.getConnectedComponent()
# remove atoms of this connected component from the atom indexer
for a in connected_component:
return connected_component_list
connected_component_list = get_connected_components()
masses = []
n_connected_components_per_MW = dict()
for connected_component in connected_component_list:
n_atoms = len(connected_component)
# reduce significant digits in mass
mw = get_molecular_weight(connected_component)
mass_floor = math.floor(mw.value * 1e2) * 1e-2
mass_ceil = math.ceil(mw.value * 1e2) * 1e-2
mass = 0.5 * (mass_floor + mass_ceil)
n_connected_components_per_MW[mass] = n_connected_components_per_MW.get(mass, 0) + 1
# sort in ascending order
n_connected_components_per_MW = dict(sorted(n_connected_components_per_MW.items()))
# print the number of molecules per number of atoms
for key, value in n_connected_components_per_MW.items():
print(f"{value} molecules with MW {key} Da")
# get min and max masses with only 2 significant digits
min_mass = math.floor(min(masses) * 1e2) * 1e-2
max_mass = math.ceil(max(masses) * 1e2) * 1e-2
# make the operation undoable
SAMSON.beginHolding("Colorize molecules by mass")
# colorize based on the number of atoms in a connected component
for i, connected_component in enumerate(connected_component_list):
mass = masses[i]
# get the color 'intensity' value, which should be in the [0, 1] range
h = (mass - min_mass) / (max_mass - min_mass)
# get RGB color from the palette
color = SBPaletteDefaultPalette.flexibleDivergingHCLSpectral.getColor(h)
for atom in connected_component:
# stop holding the undoable operation