Select connected components by molecular weight#

This example demonstrates how to choose connected components based on their molecular weight (MW) using a built-in dialog.

Example: Select connected components by molecular weight#

This script provides the possibility to choose connected components based on their molecular weight (MW)

import math

def get_molecular_weight(atom_indexer):
    Returns the molecular weight of atoms in the atom_indexer
    mass = SBQuantity.mass(0.0)
    for atom in atom_indexer:
        mass += atom.molecularWeight
    return mass.Da

def get_connected_components():
    Returns a list of indexers with connected components from the active document
    connected_component_list = []
    # get all atoms in the active document
    atom_indexer = SAMSON.getNodes('node.type atom')
    # go through atoms to get their connected components
    while len(atom_indexer):
        atom = atom_indexer[0]
        # get connected component for this atom
        connected_component = atom.getConnectedComponent()
        # remove atoms of this connected component from the atom indexer
        for a in connected_component:
    return connected_component_list

connected_component_list = get_connected_components()
masses = []
n_connected_components_per_MW = dict()
for connected_component in connected_component_list:
    n_atoms = len(connected_component)
    # reduce significant digits in mass
    mw = get_molecular_weight(connected_component)
    mass_floor = math.floor(mw.value * 1e2) * 1e-2
    mass_ceil = math.ceil(mw.value * 1e2) * 1e-2
    mass = 0.5 * (mass_floor + mass_ceil)
    n_connected_components_per_MW[mass] = n_connected_components_per_MW.get(mass, 0) + 1

# sort in ascending order
n_connected_components_per_MW = dict(sorted(n_connected_components_per_MW.items()))
# print the number of molecules per number of atoms
for key, value in n_connected_components_per_MW.items():
    print(f"{value} molecules with MW {key} Da")

# get min and max masses with only 2 significant digits
min_mass = math.floor(min(masses) * 1e2) * 1e-2
max_mass = math.ceil(max(masses) * 1e2) * 1e-2

mass_interval = (min_mass, max_mass)
label = f"Choose the mass interval from ({min_mass} Da, {max_mass} Da)"
status, result_mass_interval = SAMSON.getDoubleIntervalFromUser('Select molecules by mass', (label, 'min mass', 'max mass'), mass_interval, mass_interval, mass_interval, (1, 1), '', ' Da')
if status:
    # make the operation undoable
    SAMSON.beginHolding("Colorize molecules")

    # clear the current selection

    counter = 0
    for i, connected_component in enumerate(connected_component_list):
        mass = masses[i]
        if mass >= result_mass_interval[0] and mass <= result_mass_interval[1]:
            counter += 1
            for atom in connected_component:
                atom.selectionFlag = True
                bond_indexer = atom.getBondList()
                for bond in bond_indexer:
                    bond.selectionFlag = True

    # stop holding the undoable operation
    print(f"{'-' * 40}\nSelected {counter} connected components with mass within ({result_mass_interval[0]} Da, {result_mass_interval[1]} Da)")
    # make the operation undoable
    SAMSON.beginHolding("Clear selection")
    # clear the current selection
    # stop holding the undoable operation
    print(f"{'-' * 40}\nCanceled - clearing the selection")

Select connected components by molecular weight - dialog