Colorize atoms by position#

Colorized graphene sheet

The example below demonstrates how to colorize atoms based on their position using SBColor.

Colorize atoms based on their X coordinate#
# get all atoms
atomIndexer = SAMSON.getNodes('node.type atom')

if len(atomIndexer):
    # set initial min and max values
    min_x = max_x = atomIndexer[0].getX().value
    # get min and max x-coordinates
    for atom in atomIndexer:
        x = atom.getX().value
        if x > max_x: max_x = x
        elif x < min_x: min_x = x
    # make the operation undoable
    SAMSON.beginHolding("Colorize atoms")
    # colorize each atom according to its coordinate
    for atom in atomIndexer:
        # get RGB color for a node based on HSV color
        # here we go through the hue parameter in the HSV color space to change the color
        h = (atom.getX().value - min_x) / (max_x - min_x)
        color = SBColor.fromHSV(239.5 / 360.0 * h, 205.0/255.0, 1.0)
        # set the color of the node
    # stop holding the undoable operation

The example below demonstrates how to colorize atoms based on their position using a color palette.

Colorize atoms based on their X coordinate using a color palette#
# get all atoms in the active document
atomIndexer = SAMSON.getNodes('node.type atom')

if len(atomIndexer):
    # set initial min and max values
    min_x = max_x = atomIndexer[0].getX().value
    # get min and max x-coordinates
    for atom in atomIndexer:
        x = atom.getX().value
        if x > max_x: max_x = x
        elif x < min_x: min_x = x

    # create the default HSV color palette
    palette = SBPalette()

    # make the operation undoable
    SAMSON.beginHolding("Colorize atoms")

    # colorize each atom according to its coordinate
    for atom in atomIndexer:
        # get the color 'intensity' value, which should be in the [0, 1] range
        h = 1 - (atom.getX().value - min_x) / (max_x - min_x)
        # get RGB color from the palette
        color = palette.getColor(h)
        # set the color of the node

    # stop holding the undoable operation