See Presenting and animating section to learn how to create animations.
- class samson.SBAnimation(*args, **kwargs)#
This class describes an animation.
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: samson.SBAnimation) -> None
Constructs an animation
__init__(self: samson.SBAnimation, arg0: str, arg1: samson.SBNodeIndexer, arg2: float) -> None
Constructs an animation with name from the nodes in nodeIndexer at given frame
- class Category(self: samson.SBAnimation.Category, value: int)#
- Camera = <Category.Camera: 5>#
- Entrance = <Category.Entrance: 1>#
- Exit = <Category.Exit: 4>#
- Highlight = <Category.Highlight: 2>#
- Motion = <Category.Motion: 3>#
- Other = <Category.Other: 6>#
- property name#
- property value#
- addKeyframe(self: samson.SBAnimation, frame: float) bool #
Adds a keyframe at frame frame
- canAddKeyframe(self: samson.SBAnimation, frame: float) bool #
Returns whether it is possible to add a keyframe at frame frame
- canMoveKeyframe(self: samson.SBAnimation, fromFrame: float, toFrame: float) bool #
Returns whether it is possible to move the keyframe from frame fromFrame to frame toFrame
- canRemoveKeyframe(self: samson.SBAnimation, frame: float) bool #
Returns whether it is possible to remove a keyframe at frame frame
- categoryString(self: samson.SBAnimation, humanReadable: bool = False) str #
Returns a string describing the category of the animation
- static getCategoryString(category: samson.SBAnimation.Category, humanReadable: bool = False) str #
Returns a string describing the category of the animation
- getKeyframeIndex(self: samson.SBAnimation, keyframe: float) int #
Returns the index of keyframe in the vector of keyframes (-1 if the keyframe is not present)
- getNextAnimation(self: samson.SBAnimation) samson.SBAnimation #
Returns the next animation
- getPreviousAnimation(self: samson.SBAnimation) samson.SBAnimation #
Returns the previous animation
- hasKeyframe(self: samson.SBAnimation, frame: float) bool #
Returns whether the animation has a keyframe at frame frame
- hasKeyframes(self: samson.SBAnimation) bool #
Returns whether the animation has keyframes
- moveKeyframe(self: samson.SBAnimation, fromFrame: float, toFrame: float) bool #
Moves the keyframe from frame fromFrame to frame toFrame
- removeKeyframe(self: samson.SBAnimation, frame: float) bool #
Removes a keyframe at frame frame
- Camera = <Category.Camera: 5>#
- Entrance = <Category.Entrance: 1>#
- Exit = <Category.Exit: 4>#
- Highlight = <Category.Highlight: 2>#
- Motion = <Category.Motion: 3>#
- Other = <Category.Other: 6>#
- property beginKeyframe#
Returns the first keyframe, or zero if there are no key frames. A read-only property.
- property category#
Returns the category of the animation. A read-only property.
- property endKeyframe#
Returns the last keyframe, or zero if there are no key frames. A read-only property.
- property numberOfKeyframes#
Returns the number of keyframes. A read-only property.