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Class SBCClassProxy#

ClassList > SBCClassProxy

This class describes a class proxy. More...

  • #include <SBCClassProxy.hpp>

Public Functions#

Type Name
virtual SBValue call (const SBValue & object, const std::string & functionName, const SBValue & t0=SBValue(), const SBValue & t1=SBValue(), const SBValue & t2=SBValue(), const SBValue & t3=SBValue(), const SBValue & t4=SBValue(), const SBValue & t5=SBValue(), const SBValue & t6=SBValue(), const SBValue & t7=SBValue(), const SBValue & t8=SBValue(), const SBValue & t9=SBValue(), const SBValue & t10=SBValue(), const SBValue & t11=SBValue(), const SBValue & t12=SBValue(), const SBValue & t13=SBValue(), const SBValue & t14=SBValue(), const SBValue & t15=SBValue()) const
Calls the function for the specific object with argumentst0 ,t1 , ...,t15 .
virtual void clear (const SBValue & object, const std::string & attributeName) const
Clears attribute attributeName from theobject when possible.
virtual SBValue constCall (const SBValue & object, const std::string & functionName, const SBValue & t0=SBValue(), const SBValue & t1=SBValue(), const SBValue & t2=SBValue(), const SBValue & t3=SBValue(), const SBValue & t4=SBValue(), const SBValue & t5=SBValue(), const SBValue & t6=SBValue(), const SBValue & t7=SBValue(), const SBValue & t8=SBValue(), const SBValue & t9=SBValue(), const SBValue & t10=SBValue(), const SBValue & t11=SBValue(), const SBValue & t12=SBValue(), const SBValue & t13=SBValue(), const SBValue & t14=SBValue(), const SBValue & t15=SBValue()) const
Calls the const function for the specific object with argumentst0 ,t1 , ...,t15 .
virtual SBValue createInstance (const SBValue & t0=SBValue(), const SBValue & t1=SBValue(), const SBValue & t2=SBValue(), const SBValue & t3=SBValue(), const SBValue & t4=SBValue(), const SBValue & t5=SBValue(), const SBValue & t6=SBValue(), const SBValue & t7=SBValue(), const SBValue & t8=SBValue(), const SBValue & t9=SBValue(), const SBValue & t10=SBValue(), const SBValue & t11=SBValue(), const SBValue & t12=SBValue(), const SBValue & t13=SBValue(), const SBValue & t14=SBValue(), const SBValue & t15=SBValue()) const
Creates an instance of the class with arguments t0 ,t1 , ...,t15 .
virtual SBValue createInstanceType () const
Creates a value type that holds the class type.
virtual SBValue get (const SBValue & object, const std::string & attributeName) const
Returns the value of attribute attributeName for the specificobject .
virtual SBCClassProxyData * getData () noexcept const
virtual std::string getDescription () const
Returns the description of the class.
virtual std::string getElement () noexcept const
Returns the SAMSON Extension containing the class.
virtual SBCContainerUUID getElementUUID () const
Returns the UUID of the SAMSON Extension containing the class.
virtual SBCClassFactory const * getFactory () const
Returns the factory of the class.
virtual std::string getGUIShortcut () const
Returns the shortcut of the GUI of the class.
virtual SBCContainerUUID getGUIUUID () const
Returns the UUID of the GUI of the class.
virtual std::string getIconFileName () const
Returns the file name of the class icon.
virtual SBCClassInterface const * getInterface () const
Returns the interface of the class.
virtual SBUserPlan getMinimumUserPlan () noexcept const
Returns the minimum user plan required to use this class.
virtual std::string getName () const
Returns the name of the class.
virtual std::string getPublicName () const
Returns the public name of the class.
virtual SBVersionNumber getSDKVersionNumber () noexcept const
Returns the version number of the SAMSON SDK used to compile the class.
virtual std::string getShortcut () const
Returns the shortcut of the class.
virtual unsigned int getSize (const SBValue & object, const std::string & attributeName) const
Returns the size of attribute attributeName in theobject when relevant.
virtual std::string getToolTip () const
Returns the tooltip of the class.
virtual SBCClass::Type getType () noexcept const
Returns the type of the class.
virtual SBCContainerUUID getUUID () const
Returns the UUID of the class.
virtual SBVersionNumber getVersionNumber () const
Returns the version number of the class.
virtual bool has (const SBValue & object, const std::string & attributeName) const
Returns whether attribute attributeName exists in theobject and has a value.
virtual bool isDiscoverable () noexcept const
Returns true if can be discovered by the user.
void print (unsigned int offset=0) const
Prints debugging information.
virtual void set (const SBValue & object, const std::string & attributeName, const SBValue & value, const SBValue & size=0) const
Sets the value of attribute attributeName for the specificobject tovalue .
virtual void setData (SBCClassProxyData * data)
virtual ~SBCClassProxy ()
Destructs the class proxy.

Protected Functions#

Type Name
SBCClassProxy ()

Detailed Description#

This class describes a class proxy (see Introspection), i.e. an access to a class that has been exposed through a class descriptor (see Introspection) in a SAMSON Extension.

Assume for example a SAMSON Extension contains the following class:

class A {



    A() {}
    virtual ~A() {}

    int multiplyByTwo(int i) {

        return 2 * i;



SB_REGISTER_TYPE(A, "A", "BF99103E-06FE-C4C1-D929-4C6E833B101C");
as well as the following class descriptor:

    SB_CLASS_DESCRIPTION("Integer multiplier");





        SB_FUNCTION_1(int, A, multiplyByTwo, int);



In this example, the functionality of class A is accessible to developers of SAMSON Extensions, even when the definition of class A is not available. Precisely, even though other developers might not have access to the definition of class A (i.e. they do not have the appropriate header file), they may still create instances of it:

const SBValue& objectHolder = classProxy->createInstance();
and call its functions:
const SBValue& argumentHolder = new SBValueHolder<int>(17);
const SBValue& resultHolder =
    classProxy->call(objectHolder, "multiplyByTwo", argument);

int result = static_cast<SBValueHolder<int>*>(resultHolder)->getValue();

delete argumentHolder;
delete resultHolder;

In general, a class proxy gives access to information about a class (e.g. its name, its type, etc.), as well as its factory (its collection of constructors) and its interface (its collection of functions).

Note that, when multiple instances of the class are created, or when multiple calls are performed, it is more efficient to store pointers to class constructors and class functions and reuse them.

Note that a class proxy should never be deleted.

Please refer to the chapter about Introspection for more information.

Short name: SBProxy

See also: Introspection

See also: SBCClassFactory, SBCClassConstructor, SBCClassInterface, SBCClassFunction

Public Functions Documentation#

function call#

Calls the function for the specific object with argumentst0 ,t1 , ...,t15 .

virtual SBValue SBCClassProxy::call (
    const SBValue & object,
    const std::string & functionName,
    const SBValue & t0=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t1=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t2=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t3=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t4=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t5=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t6=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t7=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t8=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t9=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t10=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t11=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t12=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t13=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t14=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t15=SBValue ()
) const

function clear#

Clears attribute attributeName from theobject when possible.

virtual void SBCClassProxy::clear (
    const SBValue & object,
    const std::string & attributeName
) const

function constCall#

Calls the const function for the specific object with argumentst0 ,t1 , ...,t15 .

virtual SBValue SBCClassProxy::constCall (
    const SBValue & object,
    const std::string & functionName,
    const SBValue & t0=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t1=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t2=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t3=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t4=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t5=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t6=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t7=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t8=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t9=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t10=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t11=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t12=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t13=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t14=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t15=SBValue ()
) const

function createInstance#

Creates an instance of the class with arguments t0 ,t1 , ...,t15 .

virtual SBValue SBCClassProxy::createInstance (
    const SBValue & t0=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t1=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t2=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t3=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t4=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t5=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t6=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t7=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t8=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t9=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t10=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t11=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t12=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t13=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t14=SBValue (),
    const SBValue & t15=SBValue ()
) const

function createInstanceType#

Creates a value type that holds the class type.

virtual SBValue SBCClassProxy::createInstanceType () const

function get#

Returns the value of attribute attributeName for the specificobject .

virtual SBValue SBCClassProxy::get (
    const SBValue & object,
    const std::string & attributeName
) const

function getData#

virtual SBCClassProxyData * SBCClassProxy::getData () noexcept const

function getDescription#

Returns the description of the class.

virtual std::string SBCClassProxy::getDescription () const

function getElement#

Returns the SAMSON Extension containing the class.

virtual std::string SBCClassProxy::getElement () noexcept const

function getElementUUID#

Returns the UUID of the SAMSON Extension containing the class.

virtual SBCContainerUUID SBCClassProxy::getElementUUID () const

function getFactory#

Returns the factory of the class.

virtual SBCClassFactory const * SBCClassProxy::getFactory () const

function getGUIShortcut#

Returns the shortcut of the GUI of the class.

virtual std::string SBCClassProxy::getGUIShortcut () const

function getGUIUUID#

Returns the UUID of the GUI of the class.

virtual SBCContainerUUID SBCClassProxy::getGUIUUID () const

function getIconFileName#

Returns the file name of the class icon.

virtual std::string SBCClassProxy::getIconFileName () const

function getInterface#

Returns the interface of the class.

virtual SBCClassInterface const * SBCClassProxy::getInterface () const

function getMinimumUserPlan#

Returns the minimum user plan required to use this class.

virtual SBUserPlan SBCClassProxy::getMinimumUserPlan () noexcept const

function getName#

Returns the name of the class.

virtual std::string SBCClassProxy::getName () const

function getPublicName#

Returns the public name of the class.

virtual std::string SBCClassProxy::getPublicName () const

function getSDKVersionNumber#

Returns the version number of the SAMSON SDK used to compile the class.

virtual SBVersionNumber SBCClassProxy::getSDKVersionNumber () noexcept const

function getShortcut#

Returns the shortcut of the class.

virtual std::string SBCClassProxy::getShortcut () const

function getSize#

Returns the size of attribute attributeName in theobject when relevant.

virtual unsigned int SBCClassProxy::getSize (
    const SBValue & object,
    const std::string & attributeName
) const

function getToolTip#

Returns the tooltip of the class.

virtual std::string SBCClassProxy::getToolTip () const

function getType#

Returns the type of the class.

virtual SBCClass::Type SBCClassProxy::getType () noexcept const

function getUUID#

Returns the UUID of the class.

virtual SBCContainerUUID SBCClassProxy::getUUID () const

function getVersionNumber#

Returns the version number of the class.

virtual SBVersionNumber SBCClassProxy::getVersionNumber () const

function has#

Returns whether attribute attributeName exists in theobject and has a value.

virtual bool SBCClassProxy::has (
    const SBValue & object,
    const std::string & attributeName
) const

function isDiscoverable#

Returns true if can be discovered by the user.

virtual bool SBCClassProxy::isDiscoverable () noexcept const

function print#

Prints debugging information.

void SBCClassProxy::print (
    unsigned int offset=0
) const

function set#

Sets the value of attribute attributeName for the specificobject tovalue .

virtual void SBCClassProxy::set (
    const SBValue & object,
    const std::string & attributeName,
    const SBValue & value,
    const SBValue & size=0
) const

function setData#

virtual void SBCClassProxy::setData (
    SBCClassProxyData * data

function ~SBCClassProxy#

Destructs the class proxy.

virtual SBCClassProxy::~SBCClassProxy () 

Protected Functions Documentation#

function SBCClassProxy#

SBCClassProxy::SBCClassProxy ()