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Class SBDTypePhysicalInterval#

template <typename Quantity>

ClassList > SBDTypePhysicalInterval

This template class is used to describe physical intervals. More...

  • #include <SBDTypePhysicalInterval.hpp>

Public Attributes#

Type Name
Quantity i
The components of the interval.

Public Static Attributes#

Type Name
const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > empty
The empty physical interval (+infinite, -infinite)
const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > infinite
The infinite physical interval (-infinite, +infinite)
const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > zero
The zero physical interval.

Public Functions#

Type Name
SBDTypePhysicalInterval ()
The default constructor initializes all components to zero.
SBDTypePhysicalInterval (Quantity x)
Constructs a physical interval [ x ,x ].
SBDTypePhysicalInterval (Quantity x, Quantity y)
Constructs a physical interval [ x ,y ].
SBDTypePhysicalInterval (Quantity val)
Constructs a physical interval [ val [0],val [1]].
SBDTypePhysicalInterval (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & u)
Copy constructor.
void bound (Quantity v)
Enlarges this physical interval to contain v .
void bound (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & j)
Enlarges this physical interval to contain the physical interval j .
Quantity center () const
Returns the center 0.5*(i[0]+i[1]) of the physical interval.
bool contains (Quantity v) const
Returns true when this physical interval contains v .
bool contains (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & j) const
Returns true when this physical interval contains physical interval j .
Quantity diameter () const
Returns the diameter i[1]-i[0] of the physical interval.
void expand (Quantity r)
Expands this physical interval by offset r .
Quantity getAbsLower () const
Returns the lower bound of the absolute value of this physical interval.
Quantity getAbsUpper () const
Returns the upper bound of the absolute value of this physical interval.
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< SBQuantity::dimensionless > getValue () const
Returns a dimensionless physical interval whose bounds are equal to those of this physical interval.
bool isEmpty (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > u) const
Determines whether the intersection between this physical interval and the physical interval u is empty,.
bool isEmpty (Quantity l, Quantity r) const
Determines whether the intersection between this physical interval and the physical interval [ l ,r ] is empty,.
operator SBDTypePhysicalInterval< QuantityB > () const
Converts this physical interval to a physical interval with units QuantityB .
bool operator!= (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< QuantityB > & u) const
Returns true when this physical interval is different from physical interval u .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > operator* (double d) const
Returns the result of the product of this physical interval with the double d .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< SBQuantityType< typename SBDQuantityUnitMultiplication< typename Quantity::UnitType, typename QuantityB::UnitType >::UnitType > > operator* (const QuantityB & d) const
Returns the product of this physical interval with the quantity d .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< SBQuantityType< typename SBDQuantityUnitMultiplication< typename Quantity::UnitType, typename QuantityB::UnitType >::UnitType > > operator* (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< QuantityB > & in) const
Returns the product of this physical interval with the physical interval in .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & operator*= (QuantityB d) const
Multiplies this physical interval with the quantity d .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & operator*= (SBDTypePhysicalInterval< QuantityB > in) const
Multiplies this physical interval with the physical interval in .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > operator+ (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & u) const
Returns the sum of this physical interval and the physical interval u .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & operator+= (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & u)
Adds the physical interval u to this physical interval.
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > operator- (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & u) const
Returns the difference between this physical interval and the physical interval u .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > operator- () const
Returns the opposite of this physical interval.
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & operator-= (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & u)
Subtracts the physical interval u from this physical interval.
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > operator/ (double d) const
Returns the result of the division of this physical interval by the double d .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< SBQuantityType< typename SBDQuantityUnitDivision< typename Quantity::UnitType, typename QuantityB::UnitType >::UnitType > > operator/ (QuantityB d) const
Returns the result of the division of this physical interval by the quantity d .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< SBQuantityType< typename SBDQuantityUnitDivision< typename Quantity::UnitType, typename QuantityB::UnitType >::UnitType > > operator/ (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< QuantityB > & in) const
Returns the result of the division of this physical interval by the physical interval in .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & operator/= (QuantityB d) const
Divides this physical interval by the quantity d .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & operator/= (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< QuantityB > & in) const
Divides this physical interval by the physical interval in .
SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & operator= (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & u)
Copy assignment.
bool operator== (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< QuantityB > & u) const
Returns true when this physical interval is equal to physical interval u .
Quantity & operator[] (int index)
Returns a reference to component index of this physical interval.
const Quantity & operator[] (int index) const
Returns a reference to component index of this physical interval (const version)
bool operator^ (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > & u)
Intersects this physical interval with the physical interval u .
void print () const
Prints the physical interval.
void serialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER) const
Serializes the physical interval using the provided serializer .
void setValue (const SBDTypePhysicalInterval< SBQuantity::dimensionless > & u)
Sets the bounds of this physical interval equal to those of the dimensionless physical interval u .
void setZero ()
Sets the physical interval to [0,0].
void shrink (Quantity r)
Shrinks this physical interval by offset r .
void unserialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER)
Unserializes the physical interval using the provided serializer .
void updateBounds (SBDTypePhysicalInterval< QuantityLower > & lower, SBDTypePhysicalInterval< QuantityUpper > & upper) const
Updates the lower andupper bounds with this physical interval.

Detailed Description#

Template parameters:

  • Quantity The quantity type of the interval

This template class is used to describe physical intervals.

Physical intervals are physical quantities, and thus use SAMSON's unit system. In a physical interval (e.g. an energy interval), both bounds have the same unit, so that physical intervals are defined by only one unit, and the SBDTypePhysicalInterval template class is parameterized by only one type: Quantity.

This class may be used to perform interval arithmetics (IA), i.e. arithmetics with intervals instead of numbers, with physical quantities.

Most of the time, developers of SAMSON Extensions do not have to use this template, but may directly use some predefined types that correspond to specific instantiations of this template class, e.g. SBInterval (dimensionless interval), SBEnergyInterval (energy interval), SBPositionInterval (position interval), etc.

Interval arithmetics may be particularly useful to compute bounds on physical quantities:

// bound on the first position

SBIAPosition3 x1(
    SBQuantity::angstrom(1.7), SBQuantity::angstrom(1.8),
    SBQuantity::angstrom(0.8), SBQuantity::angstrom(0.9),
    SBQuantity::angstrom(7.5), SBQuantity::angstrom(7.6)

// bound on the second position

SBIAPosition3 x2(
    SBQuantity::angstrom(0.2), SBQuantity::angstrom(0.3),
    SBQuantity::angstrom(0.4), SBQuantity::angstrom(0.5),
    SBQuantity::angstrom(7.7), SBQuantity::angstrom(7.8)

// bound on the squared distance
SBSquareLengthInterval l2 = ((x2 - x1) | (x2 - x1));

Short name: SBPhysicalInterval

See also: SBDTypePhysicalIAVector3

See also: SAMSON's unit system

Public Attributes Documentation#

variable i#

The components of the interval.

Quantity i[2];

Public Static Attributes Documentation#

variable empty#

The empty physical interval (+infinite, -infinite)

SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > const empty;

variable infinite#

The infinite physical interval (-infinite, +infinite)

SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > const infinite;

variable zero#

The zero physical interval.

SBDTypePhysicalInterval< Quantity > const zero;

Public Functions Documentation#

function SBDTypePhysicalInterval [1/5]#

The default constructor initializes all components to zero.

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval::SBDTypePhysicalInterval () 

function SBDTypePhysicalInterval [2/5]#

Constructs a physical interval [ x ,x ].

inline explicit SBDTypePhysicalInterval::SBDTypePhysicalInterval (
    Quantity x

function SBDTypePhysicalInterval [3/5]#

Constructs a physical interval [ x ,y ].

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval::SBDTypePhysicalInterval (
    Quantity x,
    Quantity y

function SBDTypePhysicalInterval [4/5]#

Constructs a physical interval [ val [0],val [1]].

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval::SBDTypePhysicalInterval (
    Quantity val

function SBDTypePhysicalInterval [5/5]#

Copy constructor.

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval::SBDTypePhysicalInterval (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & u

function bound [1/2]#

Enlarges this physical interval to contain v .

inline void SBDTypePhysicalInterval::bound (
    Quantity v

function bound [2/2]#

Enlarges this physical interval to contain the physical interval j .

inline void SBDTypePhysicalInterval::bound (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & j

function center#

Returns the center 0.5*(i[0]+i[1]) of the physical interval.

inline Quantity SBDTypePhysicalInterval::center () const

function contains [1/2]#

Returns true when this physical interval contains v .

inline bool SBDTypePhysicalInterval::contains (
    Quantity v
) const

function contains [2/2]#

Returns true when this physical interval contains physical interval j .

inline bool SBDTypePhysicalInterval::contains (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & j
) const

function diameter#

Returns the diameter i[1]-i[0] of the physical interval.

inline Quantity SBDTypePhysicalInterval::diameter () const

function expand#

Expands this physical interval by offset r .

inline void SBDTypePhysicalInterval::expand (
    Quantity r


  • r The offset size

This function expands this physical interval by offset r: [a, b] becomes [a-r, b+r].

function getAbsLower#

Returns the lower bound of the absolute value of this physical interval.

inline Quantity SBDTypePhysicalInterval::getAbsLower () const

function getAbsUpper#

Returns the upper bound of the absolute value of this physical interval.

inline Quantity SBDTypePhysicalInterval::getAbsUpper () const

function getValue#

Returns a dimensionless physical interval whose bounds are equal to those of this physical interval.

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < SBQuantity::dimensionless > SBDTypePhysicalInterval::getValue () const

function isEmpty [1/2]#

Determines whether the intersection between this physical interval and the physical interval u is empty,.

inline bool SBDTypePhysicalInterval::isEmpty (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > u
) const

function isEmpty [2/2]#

Determines whether the intersection between this physical interval and the physical interval [ l ,r ] is empty,.

inline bool SBDTypePhysicalInterval::isEmpty (
    Quantity l,
    Quantity r
) const

function operator SBDTypePhysicalInterval< QuantityB >#

Converts this physical interval to a physical interval with units QuantityB .

template<typename QuantityB>
inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator SBDTypePhysicalInterval< QuantityB > () const

function operator!=#

Returns true when this physical interval is different from physical interval u .

template<typename QuantityB>
inline bool SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator!= (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < QuantityB > & u
) const

function operator*#

Returns the result of the product of this physical interval with the double d .

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator* (
    double d
) const

function operator*#

Returns the product of this physical interval with the quantity d .

template<typename QuantityB>
inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < SBQuantityType< typename SBDQuantityUnitMultiplication< typename Quantity::UnitType, typename QuantityB::UnitType >::UnitType > > SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator* (
    const QuantityB & d
) const


  • d A quantity with unit QuantityB

This function returns the product of this physical interval by the quantity d. Note that the unit of the returned physical interval is the product of the physical interval's unit and the quantity's unit.

function operator*#

Returns the product of this physical interval with the physical interval in .

template<typename QuantityB>
inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < SBQuantityType< typename SBDQuantityUnitMultiplication< typename Quantity::UnitType, typename QuantityB::UnitType >::UnitType > > SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator* (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < QuantityB > & in
) const

function operator*=#

Multiplies this physical interval with the quantity d .

template<typename QuantityB>
inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator*= (
    QuantityB d
) const


  • d A dimensionless physical quantity or a numeric type (i.e. int, float, double, etc)

This function multiplies this physical interval with the quantity d.

function operator*=#

Multiplies this physical interval with the physical interval in .

template<typename QuantityB>
inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator*= (
    SBDTypePhysicalInterval < QuantityB > in
) const


  • in A dimensionless physical interval

function operator+#

Returns the sum of this physical interval and the physical interval u .

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator+ (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & u
) const

function operator+=#

Adds the physical interval u to this physical interval.

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator+= (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & u

function operator-#

Returns the difference between this physical interval and the physical interval u .

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator- (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & u
) const

function operator-#

Returns the opposite of this physical interval.

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator- () const

function operator-=#

Subtracts the physical interval u from this physical interval.

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator-= (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & u

function operator/#

Returns the result of the division of this physical interval by the double d .

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator/ (
    double d
) const

function operator/#

Returns the result of the division of this physical interval by the quantity d .

template<typename QuantityB>
inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < SBQuantityType< typename SBDQuantityUnitDivision< typename Quantity::UnitType, typename QuantityB::UnitType >::UnitType > > SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator/ (
    QuantityB d
) const

function operator/#

Returns the result of the division of this physical interval by the physical interval in .

template<typename QuantityB>
inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < SBQuantityType< typename SBDQuantityUnitDivision< typename Quantity::UnitType, typename QuantityB::UnitType >::UnitType > > SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator/ (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < QuantityB > & in
) const

function operator/=#

Divides this physical interval by the quantity d .

template<typename QuantityB>
inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator/= (
    QuantityB d
) const


  • d A dimensionless physical quantity or a numeric type (i.e. int, float, double, etc)

function operator/=#

Divides this physical interval by the physical interval in .

template<typename QuantityB>
inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator/= (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < QuantityB > & in
) const


  • in A dimensionless physical interval

function operator=#

Copy assignment.

inline SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator= (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & u

function operator==#

Returns true when this physical interval is equal to physical interval u .

template<typename QuantityB>
inline bool SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator== (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < QuantityB > & u
) const

function operator[]#

Returns a reference to component index of this physical interval.

inline Quantity & SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator[] (
    int index

function operator[]#

Returns a reference to component index of this physical interval (const version)

inline const Quantity & SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator[] (
    int index
) const

function operator^#

Intersects this physical interval with the physical interval u .

inline bool SBDTypePhysicalInterval::operator^ (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < Quantity > & u


  • u A physical interval


True when the intersection with u is empty

This operator returns true when the intersection between this physical interval and the physical interval u is empty. When it is not, this interval is replaced by the intersection.

function print#

Prints the physical interval.

inline void SBDTypePhysicalInterval::print () const

function serialize#

Serializes the physical interval using the provided serializer .

inline void SBDTypePhysicalInterval::serialize (
    SBCSerializer * serializer,
    const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER
) const

function setValue#

Sets the bounds of this physical interval equal to those of the dimensionless physical interval u .

inline void SBDTypePhysicalInterval::setValue (
    const SBDTypePhysicalInterval < SBQuantity::dimensionless > & u

function setZero#

Sets the physical interval to [0,0].

inline void SBDTypePhysicalInterval::setZero () 

function shrink#

Shrinks this physical interval by offset r .

inline void SBDTypePhysicalInterval::shrink (
    Quantity r


  • r The offset size

This function shrinks this physical interval by offset r: [a, b] becomes [a+r, b-r]. When the offset r is larger than the half-size of the physical interval, the interval becomes [m, m], where m is the center of the interval.

function unserialize#

Unserializes the physical interval using the provided serializer .

inline void SBDTypePhysicalInterval::unserialize (
    SBCSerializer * serializer,
    const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER

function updateBounds#

Updates the lower andupper bounds with this physical interval.

template<typename QuantityLower, typename QuantityUpper>
inline void SBDTypePhysicalInterval::updateBounds (
    SBDTypePhysicalInterval < QuantityLower > & lower,
    SBDTypePhysicalInterval < QuantityUpper > & upper
) const


  • lower The lower bound
  • upper The upper bound

If necessary, this function updates the lower and upper bounds to ensure that they contain this physical interval.