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Class SBMVisualModelTubeArray#

ClassList > SBMVisualModelTubeArray


  • #include <SBMVisualModelTubeArray.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: SBMVisualModelGeometryArray

Public Types inherited from SBMVisualModelGeometryArray#

See SBMVisualModelGeometryArray

Type Name
enum Type

Public Functions#

Type Name
SBMVisualModelTubeArray (unsigned int numberOfTubes, unsigned int numberOfPositions, unsigned int * indexData, float * positionData, float * majorAxisData, float * minorAxisData, float * colorData, SBDDataGraphNodeMaterial ** materialData, SBDDataGraphNode ** nodeData, unsigned int * flagData, unsigned int * nodeIndexData, SBSpatialTransform * transform)
Builds a tube array.
SB_DECLARE_DATA (SBMVisualModelTubeArray)
float * getMajorAxisData () const
Returns the major axis data.
float * getMinorAxisData () const
Returns the minor axis data.
unsigned int getTubeResolution () const
Returns the tube resolution.
virtual SBMVisualModelGeometryArray::Type getType () override const
Returns the type of geometry array.
void setMajorAxisData (float * majorAxisData)
Sets the major axis data.
void setMinorAxisData (float * minorAxisData)
Sets the minor axis data.
void setTubeResolution (unsigned int tubeResolution)
Sets the tube resolution.
virtual ~SBMVisualModelTubeArray ()
Deletes the tube array.

Public Functions inherited from SBMVisualModelGeometryArray#

See SBMVisualModelGeometryArray

Type Name
SBMVisualModelGeometryArray (SBMVisualModelGeometryArrayData * datapointer)
Builds a geometry array.
SB_DECLARE_DATA (SBMVisualModelGeometryArray)
float * getColorData () const
Returns the color data.
unsigned int * getFlagData () const
Returns the flag data.
unsigned int * getIndexData () const
Returns the index data.
SBDDataGraphNodeMaterial ** getMaterialData () const
Returns the material data.
SBDDataGraphNode ** getNodeData () const
Returns the node data.
unsigned int * getNodeIndexData () const
Returns the node index data.
unsigned int getNumberOfGeometries () const
Returns the number of geometries.
unsigned int getNumberOfPositions () const
Returns the number of positions.
float * getPositionData () const
Returns the position data.
SBSpatialTransform * getTransform () const
Returns the transform.
virtual Type getType () const = 0
Returns the type of geometry array.
void setColorData (float * colorData)
Sets the color data.
void setFlagData (unsigned int * flagData)
Sets the flag data.
void setIndexData (unsigned int * indexData)
Sets the index data.
void setMaterialData (SBDDataGraphNodeMaterial ** materialData)
Sets the material data.
void setNodeData (SBDDataGraphNode ** nodeData)
Sets the node data.
void setNodeIndexData (unsigned int * nodeIndexData)
Sets the node index data.
void setNumberOfGeometries (unsigned int numberOfGeometries)
Sets the number of geometries.
void setNumberOfPositions (unsigned int numberOfPositions)
Sets the number of positions.
void setPositionData (float * positionData)
Sets the position data.
void setTransform (SBSpatialTransform * transform)
Sets the transform.
virtual ~SBMVisualModelGeometryArray ()
Deletes the triangle array.

Public Functions inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#

See SBCReferenceTarget

Type Name
SBCReferenceTarget ()
unsigned int getMemoryFootprint () const
void printReferencesToOwners () const
virtual ~SBCReferenceTarget ()

Protected Attributes inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#

See SBCReferenceTarget

Type Name
SBCReferenceTargetData * dataPointer

Protected Functions inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#

See SBCReferenceTarget

Type Name
SBCReferenceTarget (SBCReferenceTargetData * dataPointer)
void removeAllReferenceOwners ()

Detailed Description#

This class describes an array of tubes with elliptical sections.

Short name: SBTubeArray

Public Functions Documentation#

function SBMVisualModelTubeArray#

Builds a tube array.

SBMVisualModelTubeArray::SBMVisualModelTubeArray (
    unsigned int numberOfTubes,
    unsigned int numberOfPositions,
    unsigned int * indexData,
    float * positionData,
    float * majorAxisData,
    float * minorAxisData,
    float * colorData,
    SBDDataGraphNodeMaterial ** materialData,
    SBDDataGraphNode ** nodeData,
    unsigned int * flagData,
    unsigned int * nodeIndexData,
    SBSpatialTransform * transform


SBMVisualModelTubeArray::SB_DECLARE_DATA (

function getMajorAxisData#

Returns the major axis data.

float * SBMVisualModelTubeArray::getMajorAxisData () const

function getMinorAxisData#

Returns the minor axis data.

float * SBMVisualModelTubeArray::getMinorAxisData () const

function getTubeResolution#

Returns the tube resolution.

unsigned int SBMVisualModelTubeArray::getTubeResolution () const

function getType#

Returns the type of geometry array.

virtual SBMVisualModelGeometryArray::Type SBMVisualModelTubeArray::getType () override const

Implements SBMVisualModelGeometryArray::getType

function setMajorAxisData#

Sets the major axis data.

void SBMVisualModelTubeArray::setMajorAxisData (
    float * majorAxisData

function setMinorAxisData#

Sets the minor axis data.

void SBMVisualModelTubeArray::setMinorAxisData (
    float * minorAxisData

function setTubeResolution#

Sets the tube resolution.

void SBMVisualModelTubeArray::setTubeResolution (
    unsigned int tubeResolution

function ~SBMVisualModelTubeArray#

Deletes the tube array.

virtual SBMVisualModelTubeArray::~SBMVisualModelTubeArray ()