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Class SBCGraphNodeTemplate#

template <class T>

ClassList > SBCGraphNodeTemplate

This template class describes a generic graph node.

  • #include <SBCGraphNodeTemplate.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: SBCGraphNode


Type Name
class iterator
class reverse_iterator

Public Functions#

Type Name
SBCGraphNodeTemplate (T & v)
T const & getConstReference () const
T & getReference ()
T getValue () const
virtual void setValue (T & value)
virtual ~SBCGraphNodeTemplate ()

Public Functions inherited from SBCGraphNode#

See SBCGraphNode

Type Name
SBCGraphNode ()
Builds a graph node with no connections.
SBCReferenceListLink * addPredecessor (SBCGraphNode * graphNode)
Adds a predecessor to the graph node.
SBCReferenceListLink * addSuccessor (SBCGraphNode * graphNode)
Adds a successor to the graph node.
iterator beginPredecessors ()
Returns a begin iterator to predecessors.
iterator beginSuccessors ()
Returns a begin iterator to successors.
iterator endPredecessors ()
Returns an end iterator to predecessors.
iterator endSuccessors ()
Returns an end iterator to successors.
SBCGraphArc * getArcFromPredecessor (SBCGraphNode * graphNode) const
Returns the arc from the predecessor graphNode (0 if not found)
SBCGraphArc * getArcToSuccessor (SBCGraphNode * graphNode) const
Returns the arc to the successor graphNode (0 if not found)
unsigned int getNumberOfPredecessors () const
Returns the number of predecessors.
unsigned int getNumberOfSuccessors () const
Returns the number of successors.
void printConnections () const
Prints the list of connections of the nodes.
reverse_iterator rbeginPredecessors ()
Returns a reverse begin iterator to predecessors.
reverse_iterator rbeginSuccessors ()
Returns a reverse begin iterator to successors.
void removeAllPredecessors ()
Removes all predecessors to the graph node.
void removeAllSuccessors ()
Removes all successors to the graph node.
void removePredecessor (SBCGraphNode * graphNode)
Removes a predecessor to the graph node.
void removePredecessor (SBCReferenceListLink * referenceListLink)
Removes a predecessor to the graph node (constant time)
void removeSuccessor (SBCGraphNode * graphNode)
Removes a successor to the graph node.
void removeSuccessor (SBCReferenceListLink * referenceListLink)
Removes a successor to the graph node (constant time)
reverse_iterator rendPredecessors ()
Returns a reverse end iterator to predecessors.
reverse_iterator rendSuccessors ()
Returns a reverse end iterator to successors.
virtual ~SBCGraphNode ()
Deletes the graph node. If the node has predecessors or successors, any reference to this node there are automatically removed.

Public Functions inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#

See SBCReferenceTarget

Type Name
SBCReferenceTarget ()
unsigned int getMemoryFootprint () const
void printReferencesToOwners () const
virtual ~SBCReferenceTarget ()

Public Static Functions#

Type Name
T const & getValue (SBCGraphArc * container)

Protected Attributes#

Type Name
T value

Protected Attributes inherited from SBCGraphNode#

See SBCGraphNode

Type Name
SBCGraphArcCollection * predecessors
The list of predecessors.
SBCGraphArcCollection * successors
The list of successors.

Protected Attributes inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#

See SBCReferenceTarget

Type Name
SBCReferenceTargetData * dataPointer

Protected Functions inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#

See SBCReferenceTarget

Type Name
SBCReferenceTarget (SBCReferenceTargetData * dataPointer)
void removeAllReferenceOwners ()

Public Functions Documentation#

function SBCGraphNodeTemplate#

inline SBCGraphNodeTemplate::SBCGraphNodeTemplate (
    T & v

function getConstReference#

inline T const & SBCGraphNodeTemplate::getConstReference () const

function getReference#

inline T & SBCGraphNodeTemplate::getReference () 

function getValue [1/2]#

inline T SBCGraphNodeTemplate::getValue () const

function setValue#

inline virtual void SBCGraphNodeTemplate::setValue (
    T & value

function ~SBCGraphNodeTemplate#

inline virtual SBCGraphNodeTemplate::~SBCGraphNodeTemplate () 

Public Static Functions Documentation#

function getValue [2/2]#

static inline T const & SBCGraphNodeTemplate::getValue (
    SBCGraphArc * container

Protected Attributes Documentation#

variable value#

T value;