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Class SBCUndoCommand#

ClassList > SBCUndoCommand


  • #include <SBCUndoCommand.hpp>

Inherited by the following classes: SBCUndoCommandGroup

Public Functions#

Type Name
virtual std::string getName () const
SBCUndoCommand * getParent () const
virtual bool isCommand () const
virtual bool isCommandGroup () const
bool isDone ()
virtual void print (unsigned int offset=0) const
virtual ~SBCUndoCommand ()

Protected Attributes#

Type Name
SBCUndoCommandData * dataPointer

Protected Functions#

Type Name
SBCUndoCommand ()
SBCUndoCommand (SBCUndoCommandData * dataPointer)
virtual void addChild (SBCUndoCommand * undoCommand)
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfCommands () const
virtual void redo ()
virtual void undo ()

Detailed Description#

This class is the base class of all commands that can undergo undo and redo operations.

Short name: SBUndoCommand

Public Functions Documentation#



function getName#

virtual std::string SBCUndoCommand::getName () const

function getParent#

SBCUndoCommand * SBCUndoCommand::getParent () const

function isCommand#

virtual bool SBCUndoCommand::isCommand () const

function isCommandGroup#

virtual bool SBCUndoCommand::isCommandGroup () const

function isDone#

bool SBCUndoCommand::isDone () 

function print#

virtual void SBCUndoCommand::print (
    unsigned int offset=0
) const

function ~SBCUndoCommand#

virtual SBCUndoCommand::~SBCUndoCommand () 

Protected Attributes Documentation#

variable dataPointer#

SBCUndoCommandData* dataPointer;

Protected Functions Documentation#

function SBCUndoCommand [1/2]#

SBCUndoCommand::SBCUndoCommand () 

function SBCUndoCommand [2/2]#

SBCUndoCommand::SBCUndoCommand (
    SBCUndoCommandData * dataPointer

function addChild#

virtual void SBCUndoCommand::addChild (
    SBCUndoCommand * undoCommand

function getNumberOfCommands#

virtual unsigned int SBCUndoCommand::getNumberOfCommands () const

function redo#

virtual void SBCUndoCommand::redo () 

function undo#

virtual void SBCUndoCommand::undo ()