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Class SBDQuantityRoot#

template <int p, typename Quantity>

ClassList > SBDQuantityRoot

This template class is used to define roots of quantity types. More...

  • #include <SBDQuantityRoot.hpp>

Public Types#

Type Name
typedef SBDQuantityType< SBDQuantityUnitType< typename Quantity::UnitType::SystemType,(Quantity::UnitType::exponent1 !=0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale1 :0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent1/p,(Quantity::UnitType::exponent2 !=0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale2 :0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent2/p,(Quantity::UnitType::exponent3 !=0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale3 :0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent3/p,(Quantity::UnitType::exponent4 !=0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale4 :0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent4/p,(Quantity::UnitType::exponent5 !=0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale5 :0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent5/p,(Quantity::UnitType::exponent6 !=0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale6 :0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent6/p,(Quantity::UnitType::exponent7 !=0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale7 :0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent7/p >, typename Quantity::ValueType > Type

Detailed Description#

Template parameters:

  • p The root
  • Quantity The quantity type

This template is used to define roots of quantity types.

SBQuantityRoot<3,SBQuantity::cubicAngstrom>::Type f; // f is in angstroms

The typedef Type is the quantity type of the p-th root of quantity type Quantity.

Please refer to the description of SAMSON's unit system for more information.

Short name: SBQuantityPower

See also: SAMSON's unit system

Public Types Documentation#

typedef Type#

typedef SBDQuantityType< SBDQuantityUnitType< typename Quantity::UnitType::SystemType, (Quantity::UnitType::exponent1 != 0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale1 : 0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent1 / p, (Quantity::UnitType::exponent2 != 0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale2 : 0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent2 / p, (Quantity::UnitType::exponent3 != 0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale3 : 0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent3 / p, (Quantity::UnitType::exponent4 != 0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale4 : 0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent4 / p, (Quantity::UnitType::exponent5 != 0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale5 : 0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent5 / p, (Quantity::UnitType::exponent6 != 0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale6 : 0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent6 / p, (Quantity::UnitType::exponent7 != 0 ? Quantity::UnitType::scale7 : 0), Quantity::UnitType::exponent7 / p >, typename Quantity::ValueType > Type;