File List#
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
- dir Base
- dir Core
- dir Class
- dir include
- file SBCClass.hpp
- file SBCClassAttribute.hpp
- file SBCClassAttributeChange.hpp
- file SBCClassAttributeChangeVector.hpp
- file SBCClassConstFunction.hpp
- file SBCClassConstructor.hpp
- file SBCClassData.hpp
- file SBCClassExport.hpp
- file SBCClassFactory.hpp
- file SBCClassFunction.hpp
- file SBCClassInterface.hpp
- file SBCClassMacros.hpp
- file SBCClassObjectHolder.hpp
- file SBCClassProxy.hpp
- file SBCClassStaticFunction.hpp
- dir include
- dir Container
- dir include
- file SBCContainerBuffer.hpp
- file SBCContainerClassPointer.hpp
- file SBCContainerExport.hpp
- file SBCContainerFor.hpp
- file SBCContainerFractionalKey.hpp
- file SBCContainerHashMap.hpp
- file SBCContainerIndexer.hpp
- file SBCContainerList.hpp
- file SBCContainerListLink.hpp
- file SBCContainerReverseFor.hpp
- file SBCContainerString.hpp
- file SBCContainerUUID.hpp
- file SBCContainerUserPlan.hpp
- file SBCContainerVector.hpp
- file SBCContainerVersionNumber.hpp
- dir include
- dir Functor
- dir include
- file SBCFunctor.hpp
- file SBCFunctorConstant.hpp
- file SBCFunctorDivide.hpp
- file SBCFunctorExport.hpp
- file SBCFunctorMinus.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPlus.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicate.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicateAnd.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicateAndAnd.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicateEqualTo.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicateGreaterThan.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicateGreaterThanOrEqualTo.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicateLessThan.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicateLessThanOrEqualTo.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicateNot.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicateNotEqualTo.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicateOr.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicateOrOr.hpp
- file SBCFunctorPredicateXOr.hpp
- file SBCFunctorTimes.hpp
- dir include
- dir Graph
- dir include
- file SBCGraph.hpp
- file SBCGraphArc.hpp
- file SBCGraphArcCollection.hpp
- file SBCGraphExport.hpp
- file SBCGraphNode.hpp
- file SBCGraphNodeTemplate.hpp
- dir include
- dir Heap
- dir include
- file SBCHeap.hpp
- file SBCHeapBook.hpp
- file SBCHeapExport.hpp
- file SBCHeapPage.hpp
- dir include
- dir Log
- dir include
- file SBCLog.hpp
- file SBCLogDisplayConfig.hpp
- file SBCLogEvent.hpp
- file SBCLogEventCollection.hpp
- file SBCLogExport.hpp
- file SBCLogManager.hpp
- dir include
- dir Meta
- dir include
- file SBCMetaBaseType.hpp
- file SBCMetaCanCast.hpp
- file SBCMetaCast.hpp
- file SBCMetaCheckTypeEquality.hpp
- file SBCMetaDecomposeFunctionType.hpp
- file SBCMetaDecomposeType.hpp
- file SBCMetaExport.hpp
- file SBCMetaHasProxy.hpp
- file SBCMetaIfThenElse.hpp
- file SBCMetaIsClassType.hpp
- file SBCMetaIsEnumType.hpp
- file SBCMetaIsFunctionType.hpp
- file SBCMetaIsFundamentalType.hpp
- file SBCMetaIsNumericType.hpp
- file SBCMetaIsRegisteredType.hpp
- file SBCMetaMacros.hpp
- file SBCMetaPythonType.hpp
- file SBCMetaRegister.hpp
- file SBCMetaType.hpp
- file SBCMetaValue.hpp
- file SBCMetaValueBase.hpp
- file SBCMetaValueHolder.hpp
- file SBCMetaValueType.hpp
- dir include
- dir Reference
- dir include
- file SBCReference.hpp
- file SBCReferenceExport.hpp
- file SBCReferenceHashMap.hpp
- file SBCReferenceIndexer.hpp
- file SBCReferenceList.hpp
- file SBCReferenceListLink.hpp
- file SBCReferenceListLinkPointer.hpp
- file SBCReferenceListLinkPointerBackward.hpp
- file SBCReferenceListLinkPointerForward.hpp
- file SBCReferenceOwner.hpp
- file SBCReferenceOwnerIndexer.hpp
- file SBCReferenceOwnerList.hpp
- file SBCReferenceOwnerSingleton.hpp
- file SBCReferencePointer.hpp
- file SBCReferencePointerIndexer.hpp
- file SBCReferencePointerList.hpp
- file SBCReferenceRegister.hpp
- file SBCReferenceTarget.hpp
- file SBCReferenceToOwner.hpp
- file SBCReferenceToOwnerIndexer.hpp
- file SBCReferenceToOwnerList.hpp
- file SBCReferenceToOwnerSingleton.hpp
- file SBCReferenceToTarget.hpp
- dir include
- dir Serializer
- dir include
- file SBCSerializer.hpp
- file SBCSerializerBinary.hpp
- file SBCSerializerExport.hpp
- file SBCSerializerMemory.hpp
- file SBCSerializerXML.hpp
- dir include
- dir System
- dir Time
- dir include
- file SBCTimeClock.hpp
- dir include
- dir Undo
- dir include
- file SBCUndoCommand.hpp
- file SBCUndoCommandGroup.hpp
- file SBCUndoEvent.hpp
- file SBCUndoExport.hpp
- file SBCUndoStack.hpp
- dir include
- dir Class
- dir DataModel
- dir App
- dir include
- file SBDApp.hpp
- file SBDAppExport.hpp
- dir include
- dir Asset
- dir include
- file SBDAsset.hpp
- file SBDAssetEvent.hpp
- file SBDAssetExport.hpp
- dir include
- dir Assistant
- dir include
- file SBDAssistant.hpp
- file SBDAssistantAnswer.hpp
- file SBDAssistantExport.hpp
- dir include
- dir ColorScheme
- dir include
- file SBDColorSchemeCPK.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemeCPKConstantCarbons.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemeCPKPerChainCarbons.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemeConstant.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemeConstantIllustrate.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemeExport.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerAttribute.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerChainID.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerChainIllustrate.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerFormalCharge.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerOccupancy.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerPartialCharge.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerResidueHydrophobicity.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerResidueSequenceNumber.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerResidueType.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerSecondaryStructureType.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerSideChainCharge.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerSideChainPolarity.hpp
- file SBDColorSchemePerTemperatureFactor.hpp
- dir include
- dir Controller
- dir include
- file SBDController.hpp
- file SBDControllerEvent.hpp
- file SBDControllerExport.hpp
- file SBDControllerNode.hpp
- dir include
- dir DataGraph
- dir include
- file SBDDataGraphBaseEvent.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphEvent.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphExport.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphNode.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphNodeColorScheme.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphNodeGetter.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphNodeGroup.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphNodeIndexer.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphNodeMaterial.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphNodeMaterialAppearance.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphNodePredicate.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphNodeSelector.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphNodeSetter.hpp
- file SBDDataGraphNodeVisitor.hpp
- dir include
- dir Document
- dir include
- file SBDDocument.hpp
- file SBDDocumentAnimation.hpp
- file SBDDocumentCamera.hpp
- file SBDDocumentEvent.hpp
- file SBDDocumentExport.hpp
- file SBDDocumentFile.hpp
- file SBDDocumentFolder.hpp
- file SBDDocumentLabel.hpp
- file SBDDocumentLight.hpp
- file SBDDocumentNote.hpp
- file SBDDocumentPresentation.hpp
- file SBDDocumentRenderPreset.hpp
- dir include
- dir Palette
- dir include
- file SBDPalette.hpp
- file SBDPaletteDefaultPalette.hpp
- file SBDPaletteDiscrete.hpp
- file SBDPaletteDiverging.hpp
- file SBDPaletteDivergingHCL.hpp
- file SBDPaletteExport.hpp
- file SBDPaletteFlexibleDivergingHCL.hpp
- file SBDPaletteQualitative.hpp
- file SBDPaletteQualitativeHCL.hpp
- file SBDPaletteSequential.hpp
- file SBDPaletteSequentialHCL.hpp
- dir include
- dir Quantity
- dir include
- file SBDQuantity.hpp
- file SBDQuantityAU.hpp
- file SBDQuantityConstant.hpp
- file SBDQuantityConstantDefines.hpp This file contains defines for several useful physical constants.
- file SBDQuantityConverter.hpp
- file SBDQuantityDalton.hpp
- file SBDQuantityDerivedUnit.hpp
- file SBDQuantityDivision.hpp
- file SBDQuantityElectronvolt.hpp
- file SBDQuantityExport.hpp
- file SBDQuantityInverse.hpp
- file SBDQuantityKilocaloriePerMole.hpp
- file SBDQuantityPower.hpp
- file SBDQuantityPowerOfTen.hpp
- file SBDQuantityProduct.hpp
- file SBDQuantityRoot.hpp
- file SBDQuantitySI.hpp
- file SBDQuantityScaledUnit.hpp
- file SBDQuantityType.hpp
- file SBDQuantityUnit.hpp
- file SBDQuantityUnitConverter.hpp
- file SBDQuantityUnitDivision.hpp
- file SBDQuantityUnitMultiplication.hpp
- file SBDQuantityUnitSystem.hpp
- file SBDQuantityUnitType.hpp
- dir include
- dir Type
- dir include
- file SBDTypeColor.hpp
- file SBDTypeCubicPolynomial.hpp
- file SBDTypeDateTime.hpp
- file SBDTypeDual.hpp
- file SBDTypeDualQuaternion.hpp
- file SBDTypeEasingCurve.hpp
- file SBDTypeExport.hpp
- file SBDTypeOrthorhombicSymmetryTransform.hpp
- file SBDTypePhysicalIAVector3.hpp
- file SBDTypePhysicalInterval.hpp
- file SBDTypePhysicalMatrix33.hpp
- file SBDTypePhysicalMatrix66.hpp
- file SBDTypePhysicalVector3.hpp
- file SBDTypePhysicalVector6.hpp
- file SBDTypeRandom.hpp
- file SBDTypeRay.hpp
- file SBDTypeSpatialDomain.hpp
- file SBDTypeSpatialTransform.hpp
- file SBDTypeSymmetryTransform.hpp
- file SBDTypeUnitCell.hpp
- dir include
- dir Visualization
- dir include
- file SBDVisualPreset.hpp
- file SBDVisualPresetStep.hpp
- file SBDVisualizationExport.hpp
- dir include
- dir App
- dir Facade
- dir SAMSON
- dir include
- file SAMSON.hpp
- file SAMSONExport.hpp
- file SBAction.hpp
- file SBActionWidget.hpp
- file SBAnimation.hpp
- file SBAnimationFactory.hpp
- file SBApp.hpp
- file SBArticulatedBody.hpp
- file SBArticulatedBodySystem.hpp
- file SBAsset.hpp
- file SBAssistant.hpp
- file SBAtom.hpp
- file SBAttribute.hpp
- file SBAttributeChange.hpp
- file SBAttributeChangeVector.hpp
- file SBBackbone.hpp
- file SBBaseEvent.hpp
- file SBBond.hpp
- file SBBuffer.hpp
- file SBCamera.hpp
- file SBChain.hpp
- file SBCheckableComboBox.hpp
- file SBCollapsibleGroupBox.hpp
- file SBColor.hpp
- file SBConformation.hpp
- file SBConstant.hpp
- file SBConstructor.hpp
- file SBController.hpp
- file SBControllerEvent.hpp
- file SBCubicPolynomial.hpp
- file SBCylinderArray.hpp
- file SBData.hpp
- file SBDateTime.hpp
- file SBDocument.hpp
- file SBDocumentEvent.hpp
- file SBDual.hpp
- file SBDualQuaternion.hpp
- file SBDynamicalEvent.hpp
- file SBDynamicalModel.hpp
- file SBEasingCurve.hpp
- file SBEditor.hpp
- file SBElement.hpp
- file SBElementTable.hpp
- file SBEvent.hpp
- file SBExporter.hpp
- file SBFactory.hpp
- file SBFile.hpp
- file SBFileSelector.hpp
- file SBFolder.hpp
- file SBFolderSelector.hpp
- file SBFunction.hpp
- file SBGNodeFactory.hpp
- file SBHashMap.hpp
- file SBHydrogenBond.hpp
- file SBHydrogenBondGroup.hpp
- file SBIAVector3.hpp
- file SBImporter.hpp
- file SBIndexer.hpp
- file SBInteractionEvent.hpp
- file SBInteractionModel.hpp
- file SBInteractionModelArticulatedBodySystem.hpp
- file SBInteractionModelParticleSystem.hpp
- file SBInteractionModelRigidBodySystem.hpp
- file SBInterface.hpp
- file SBInterval.hpp
- file SBLabel.hpp
- file SBLibrary.hpp
- file SBLight.hpp
- file SBLineArray.hpp
- file SBLineEdit.hpp
- file SBList.hpp
- file SBListLink.hpp
- file SBLog.hpp
- file SBMatrix33.hpp
- file SBMatrix66.hpp
- file SBMesh.hpp
- file SBMolecule.hpp
- file SBNode.hpp
- file SBNodeColorScheme.hpp
- file SBNodeGUI.hpp
- file SBNodeGroup.hpp
- file SBNodeIndexer.hpp
- file SBNodeIndexerSelector.hpp
- file SBNodeMaterial.hpp
- file SBNodeMaterialAppearance.hpp
- file SBNodeSelector.hpp
- file SBNote.hpp
- file SBPalette.hpp
- file SBParticle.hpp
- file SBParticleSystem.hpp
- file SBPath.hpp
- file SBPlainTextEdit.hpp
- file SBPointer.hpp
- file SBPointerIndexer.hpp
- file SBPointerList.hpp
- file SBPointerTarget.hpp
- file SBPresentation.hpp
- file SBPropertyModel.hpp
- file SBProxy.hpp
- file SBPushButtonHover.hpp
- file SBPushButtonPixmap.hpp
- file SBQuantity.hpp
- file SBRandom.hpp
- file SBRenderPreset.hpp
- file SBResidue.hpp
- file SBRigidBody.hpp
- file SBRigidBodySystem.hpp
- file SBSegment.hpp
- file SBShortcutLabel.hpp
- file SBSideChain.hpp
- file SBSimulator.hpp
- file SBSimulatorArticulatedBodySystem.hpp
- file SBSimulatorEvent.hpp
- file SBSimulatorParticleSystem.hpp
- file SBSimulatorRigidBodySystem.hpp
- file SBSpatialDomain.hpp
- file SBSpatialTransform.hpp
- file SBSphereArray.hpp
- file SBStateUpdater.hpp
- file SBString.hpp
- file SBStructuralEvent.hpp
- file SBStructuralGroup.hpp
- file SBStructuralModel.hpp
- file SBSurface.hpp
- file SBSymmetryTransform.hpp
- file SBTextEdit.hpp
- file SBTexture.hpp
- file SBTriangleArray.hpp
- file SBTubeArray.hpp
- file SBUUID.hpp
- file SBUndoCommand.hpp
- file SBUnitCell.hpp
- file SBUserPlan.hpp
- file SBValue.hpp
- file SBValueHolder.hpp
- file SBValueType.hpp
- file SBVector.hpp
- file SBVector3.hpp
- file SBVector6.hpp
- file SBVersionNumber.hpp
- file SBVisualEvent.hpp
- file SBVisualModel.hpp
- dir include
- dir SAMSON
- dir GUI
- dir Action
- dir include
- file SBGAction.hpp
- file SBGActionDelimiter.hpp
- file SBGActionExport.hpp
- file SBGActionWidget.hpp
- dir include
- dir App
- dir include
- file SBGApp.hpp
- file SBGAppExport.hpp
- dir include
- dir Assistant
- dir include
- file SBGAssistant.hpp
- file SBGAssistantExport.hpp
- dir include
- dir DataGraph
- dir include
- dir DynamicalModel
- dir Editor
- dir include
- file SBGEditor.hpp
- file SBGEditorExport.hpp
- dir include
- dir File
- dir include
- file SBGFileExport.hpp
- file SBGFileExporter.hpp
- file SBGFileImporter.hpp
- dir include
- dir InteractionModel
- dir PropertyModel
- dir include
- dir Render
- dir include
- file SBGRenderExport.hpp
- file SBGRenderFragment.hpp
- file SBGRenderNode.hpp
- file SBGRenderOpenGLFunctions.hpp
- file SBGRenderSTLObject.hpp
- file SBGRenderStructuralModel.hpp
- dir include
- dir Settings
- dir include
- file SBGSettings.hpp
- file SBGSettingsExport.hpp
- dir include
- dir StructuralModel
- dir include
- dir UI
- dir include
- file SBGUICheckableComboBox.hpp
- file SBGUICollapsibleGroupBox.hpp
- file SBGUIExport.hpp
- file SBGUILineEdit.hpp
- file SBGUIPlainTextEdit.hpp
- file SBGUIPushButtonHover.hpp
- file SBGUIPushButtonPixmap.hpp
- file SBGUIShortcutLabel.hpp
- file SBGUITextEdit.hpp
- dir include
- dir VisualModel
- dir include
- dir Widget
- dir include
- dir Window
- dir include
- file SBGWindow.hpp
- file SBGWindowDialog.hpp
- file SBGWindowDock.hpp
- file SBGWindowExport.hpp
- file SBGWindowWidget.hpp
- dir include
- dir Action
- dir IO
- dir File
- dir include
- file SBIFileExport.hpp
- file SBIFileExporter.hpp
- file SBIFileImporter.hpp
- file SBIFileReader.hpp
- dir include
- dir File
- dir Modeling
- dir DynamicalModel
- dir include
- file SBMDynamicalModel.hpp
- file SBMDynamicalModelArticulatedBodySystem.hpp
- file SBMDynamicalModelEvent.hpp
- file SBMDynamicalModelExport.hpp
- file SBMDynamicalModelNode.hpp
- file SBMDynamicalModelNodeArticulatedBody.hpp
- file SBMDynamicalModelNodeGroup.hpp
- file SBMDynamicalModelNodeParticle.hpp
- file SBMDynamicalModelNodeRigidBody.hpp
- file SBMDynamicalModelNodeRoot.hpp
- file SBMDynamicalModelParticleSystem.hpp
- file SBMDynamicalModelRigidBodySystem.hpp
- dir include
- dir Element
- dir include
- file SBMElement.hpp
- file SBMElementExport.hpp
- file SBMElementTable.hpp
- dir include
- dir InteractionModel
- dir Model
- dir include
- file SBMModel.hpp
- file SBMModelExport.hpp
- file SBMModelNode.hpp
- dir include
- dir PropertyModel
- dir StructuralModel
- dir include
- file SBMStructuralModel.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelConformation.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelEvent.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelExport.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelGrid.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNode.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNodeBackbone.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNodeBond.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNodeChain.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNodeGroup.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNodeHydrogenBond.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNodeHydrogenBondGroup.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNodeMolecule.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNodeResidue.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNodeRoot.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNodeSegment.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelNodeSideChain.hpp
- file SBMStructuralModelPath.hpp
- dir include
- dir VisualModel
- dir include
- file SBMVisualModel.hpp
- file SBMVisualModelCylinderArray.hpp
- file SBMVisualModelEvent.hpp
- file SBMVisualModelExport.hpp
- file SBMVisualModelGeometryArray.hpp
- file SBMVisualModelLineArray.hpp
- file SBMVisualModelMesh.hpp
- file SBMVisualModelSphereArray.hpp
- file SBMVisualModelSurface.hpp
- file SBMVisualModelTexture.hpp
- file SBMVisualModelTriangleArray.hpp
- file SBMVisualModelTubeArray.hpp
- dir include
- dir DynamicalModel
- dir Simulation
- dir NeighborSearch
- dir Simulator
- dir StateUpdater
- dir Core