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Class SBDDataGraphBaseEvent#

ClassList > SBDDataGraphBaseEvent

This class describes a base event. More...

  • #include <SBDDataGraphBaseEvent.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: SBDDataGraphEvent

Public Types#

Type Name
enum Type
The type of the data graph base event.

Public Types inherited from SBDDataGraphEvent#

See SBDDataGraphEvent

Type Name
enum Category
The category of the data graph event.

Public Functions#

Type Name
SBDDataGraphBaseEvent (SBDDataGraphNode * sender, Type type)
virtual Category getCategory () const
Returns the category of the event.
Type getType () const
Returns the type of the data graph base event.
virtual void print (unsigned int offset=0) const
Prints some debugging information.
virtual ~SBDDataGraphBaseEvent ()

Public Functions inherited from SBDDataGraphEvent#

See SBDDataGraphEvent

Type Name
SBDDataGraphEvent (SBDDataGraphNode * sender)
virtual Category getCategory () const
Returns the category of the data graph event.
SBDDataGraphNode * getSender () const
Returns the sender of the event.
virtual void print (unsigned int offset=0) const
Prints debugging information.
virtual ~SBDDataGraphEvent ()

Public Static Functions#

Type Name
std::string getTypeString (Type type)
Returns a string describing the type of the data graph base event.

Public Static Functions inherited from SBDDataGraphEvent#

See SBDDataGraphEvent

Type Name
std::string getCategoryString (Category category)
Returns a string representation of the category of the data graph event.

Protected Attributes inherited from SBDDataGraphEvent#

See SBDDataGraphEvent

Type Name
SBDDataGraphEventData * dataPointer

Protected Functions#

Type Name
SBDDataGraphBaseEvent (SBDDataGraphBaseEventData * dataPointer)

Protected Functions inherited from SBDDataGraphEvent#

See SBDDataGraphEvent

Type Name
SBDDataGraphEvent (SBDDataGraphEventData * dataPointer)

Detailed Description#

Short name: SBBaseEvent

Public Types Documentation#

enum Type#

The type of the data graph base event.

enum SBDDataGraphBaseEvent::Type {
    NodeCreated = 0,
    NodeEraseBegin = 1,
    NodeEraseEnd = 2,
    NodeErased = 3,
    NodeDeleteBegin = 4,
    NodeDeleteEnd = 5,
    NodeDeleted = 6,
    SelectionFlagChanged = 10,
    VisibilityFlagChanged = 11,
    HighlightingFlagChanged = 12,
    IndexChanged = 14,
    NameChanged = 15,
    Shown = 16,
    Hidden = 17,
    MaterialAdded = 18,
    MaterialRemoved = 19,
    MaterialChanged = 20,
    UUIDChanged = 21,
    LockedFlagChanged = 22,
    TransparencyChanged = 23,
    ShadowingFlagChanged = 24,
    ParentChanged = 25

Public Functions Documentation#

function SBDDataGraphBaseEvent [1/2]#

SBDDataGraphBaseEvent::SBDDataGraphBaseEvent (
    SBDDataGraphNode * sender,
    Type type


SBDDataGraphBaseEvent::SB_DECLARE_DATA (

function getCategory#

Returns the category of the event.

virtual Category SBDDataGraphBaseEvent::getCategory () const

Implements SBDDataGraphEvent::getCategory

function getType#

Returns the type of the data graph base event.

Type SBDDataGraphBaseEvent::getType () const

function print#

Prints some debugging information.

virtual void SBDDataGraphBaseEvent::print (
    unsigned int offset=0
) const

Implements SBDDataGraphEvent::print

function ~SBDDataGraphBaseEvent#

virtual SBDDataGraphBaseEvent::~SBDDataGraphBaseEvent () 

Public Static Functions Documentation#

function getTypeString#

Returns a string describing the type of the data graph base event.

static std::string SBDDataGraphBaseEvent::getTypeString (
    Type type


  • type A type of the base event

This function returns the string representation of the base event type type

Protected Functions Documentation#

function SBDDataGraphBaseEvent [2/2]#

SBDDataGraphBaseEvent::SBDDataGraphBaseEvent (
    SBDDataGraphBaseEventData * dataPointer