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Cite your research#

If you want to:

  • cite research papers on which your SAMSON Extension is based;
  • cite libraries that your SAMSON Extension is using;
  • provide a brief documentation on your SAMSON Extension, or a link to a self-hosted documentation;
  • describe version changes

You can do all of it both in your SAMSON Extension and in the description of your SAMSON Extension on SAMSON Connect.

Cite in a SAMSON Extension#


Citation in a SAMSON Extension can be visible to users only if the SAMSON Extension has some GUI.

First, add the SBGWindow::Citable tag in the SBGWindowWidget::getFormat function of your GUI (for example, the GUI of an app, or the property window of a model):

int SEEMyModelProperties::getFormat() const {

    // SAMSON Extension generator pro tip: modify these default settings to configure the window
    // SBGWindow::Savable : let users save and load interface settings (implement loadSettings and saveSettings)
    // SBGWindow::Lockable : let users lock the window on top
    // SBGWindow::Resizable : let users resize the window
    // SBGWindow::Citable : let users obtain citation information (implement getCitation)

    return (SBGWindow::Savable | SBGWindow::Lockable | SBGWindow::Citable);


This adds a question mark to the window buttons:

Cite button in an app

Then, overload the SBGWindowWidget::getCitation function:

QString    SEEMyModelProperties::getCitation() const {

        "If you use this interaction model in your work, please cite:<br/>"
        "[1] S. Artemova, L. Jaillet and S. Redon.<br/>"
        "    Automatic molecular structure perception for the universal force field.<br/>"
        "    J. Comput. Chem. 2016, 37, 1191-1205. DOI: 10.1002/jcc.24309.<br/>"
        "[2] <a href=\"https://www.samson-connect.net\">https://www.samson-connect.net</a><br/>"


Note that you may use the HTML subset supported by Qt, in particular to add links.

When clicking on the question mark button, this creates a modal popup which lets the user copy the string returned by the getCitation function to the clipboard:

Citation example

Cite on SAMSON Connect#

First you need to upload your SAMSON Extension on SAMSON Connect. Please, refer to the tutorial on distributing.

SAMSON Connect provides you the possibility to add links, images in the description of your SAMSON Extension thanks to support of the powerful and easy-to-use Markdown markup language (SAMSON Connect uses CommonMark specification of Markdown). Learn more about how to use Markdown.

Cite on SAMSON Connect