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Class SBDDocumentRenderPreset#

ClassList > SBDDocumentRenderPreset

This class describes a render preset.

  • #include <SBDDocumentRenderPreset.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: SBDDataGraphNode

Public Types#

Type Name
enum AntiAliasingPreset
enum BackgroundImageMode
enum BackgroundType
enum LightingPreset
enum ShadowPreset

Public Types inherited from SBDDataGraphNode#

See SBDDataGraphNode

Type Name
enum RenderingPass
The rendering pass.
enum Type
The type of the data graph node.

Public Functions#

Type Name
SBDDocumentRenderPreset ()
Constructs a render preset.
SBDDocumentRenderPreset (const std::string & name)
Constructs a render preset with name name .
SB_DECLARE_DATA (SBDDocumentRenderPreset)
void apply ()
Applies the render preset.
virtual void changed ()
Emits the RenderPresetChanged event.
void clearBackgroundImageBase64 ()
Clear the background image.
virtual SBDDocumentRenderPreset * clone () override
Returns a copy of the node.
void connectDocumentSignalToSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBDocumentEvent *) functionPointer, SBCReferenceTarget * nextReferenceTarget=0, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBDocumentEvent *) nextFunctionPointer=0)
Connects the document signal to a slot.
void disconnectDocumentSignalFromSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBDocumentEvent *) functionPointer)
Disconnects the document signal from a slot.
bool documentSignalIsConnectedToSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBDocumentEvent *) functionPointer) const
Returns true if and only if the document signal is connected to the slot.
float getAmbientLight () const
Returns the global light's ambient light amount.
int getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor () const
Returns the multisampling factor value.
AntiAliasingPreset getAntiAliasingPreset () const
Returns the anti-aliasing preset.
int getAntiAliasingPresetIndex () const
Returns the anti-aliasing preset index.
float getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius () const
Returns the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.
const SBColor & getBackgroundBottomColor () const
Returns the background bottom color.
const std::string & getBackgroundImageBase64 () const
Returns the background image in base64.
BackgroundImageMode getBackgroundImageMode () const
Returns the background image mode.
int getBackgroundImageModeIndex () const
Returns the background image mode index.
const SBColor & getBackgroundTopColor () const
Returns the background top color.
BackgroundType getBackgroundType () const
Returns the background type.
int getBackgroundTypeIndex () const
Returns the background type index.
bool getBloomFlag () const
Returns the bloom effect is on or off.
int getBloomRadius () const
Returns the number of bloom passes.
float getBloomStrength () const
Returns the bloom strength value.
float getBloomThreshold () const
Returns the bloom threshold value.
SBQuantity::length getBondRadius () const
Returns the bond radius.
SBQuantity::length getConstantAtomRadius () const
Returns the constant atom radius value.
bool getConstantAtomRadiusFlag () const
Returns true if atoms should be rendered with a constant radius, false if atoms should be rendered with the atom size proportional to Van der Waals radius.
SBQuantity::length getDepthOfFieldDistance () const
Returns the distance at which the depth-of-field effect begins.
bool getDepthOfFieldFlag () const
Returns the depth-of-field effect is on or off.
float getDepthOfFieldStrength () const
Returns the depth-of-field strength.
const std::string & getDescriptionForInspector () const
Returns text description that will be shown in the Inspector.
bool getFXAAFlag () const
Returns the FXAA flag.
const SBColor & getFirstLightColor () const
Returns the first light's color.
float getFirstLightIntensity () const
Returns the first light's intensity.
int getFirstLightLatitude () const
Returns the first light's latitude.
int getFirstLightLongitude () const
Returns the first light's longitude.
float getFirstLightSpecularIntensity () const
Returns the first light's specular intensity.
float getFirstLightSpecularPower () const
Returns the first light's specular power.
SBQuantity::length getFogFarDistance () const
Returns the distance beyond which fog is maximal.
bool getFogFlag () const
Returns the fog effect is on or off.
SBQuantity::length getFogNearDistance () const
Returns the distance at which the fog begins.
int getFogStrength () const
Returns the fog strength.
float getFresnelIntensity () const
Returns the global light's fresnel intensity.
float getFresnelPower () const
Returns the global light's fresnel power.
bool getGridFlag () const
Returns whether the grid should be displayed in the Viewport.
SBQuantity::length getGridRadius () const
Returns the grid radius.
SBQuantity::length getGridSpacing () const
Returns the grid spacing.
SBQuantity::length getGridThickness () const
Returns the grid thickness.
int getGridTransparency () const
Returns the grid transparency.
LightingPreset getLightingPreset () const
Returns the lighting preset.
int getLightingPresetIndex () const
Returns the lighting preset index.
SBDDocumentRenderPreset * getNextRenderPreset () const
Returns the next render preset.
bool getNonConstantAtomRadiusFlag () const
This is a convenience function that returns an opposite to what returns getConstantAtomRadiusFlag() __
bool getOSAOFlag () const
Returns the object-space ambient occlusion (OSAO) effect is on or off.
int getOSAOGridSize () const
Returns the SSAO kernel size value.
float getOSAOStrength () const
Returns the OSAO strength value.
bool getPinholeFlag () const
Returns whether the pinhole effect is on or off.
int getPinholeSharpness () const
Returns the pinhole sharpness.
SBDDocumentRenderPreset * getPreviousRenderPreset () const
Returns the previous render preset.
bool getRenderMultipleBondsFlag () const
Returns true if multiple bonds should be rendered explicitly (default), false of the order of a bond should be represented by its thickness.
bool getSSAOFlag () const
Returns the screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) effect is on or off.
int getSSAOKernelSize () const
Returns the SSAO kernel size value.
float getSSAORadius () const
Returns the SSAO radius.
float getSSAORandomization () const
Returns the SSAO randomization value.
float getSSAOStrength () const
Returns the SSAO strength value.
bool getScaleFlag () const
Returns whether the scale should be displayed in the Viewport.
int getScaleMinimumLength () const
Returns the scale's minimum lengths.
int getScaleThickness () const
Returns the scale thickness.
const SBColor & getSecondLightColor () const
Returns the second light's color.
float getSecondLightIntensity () const
Returns the second light's intensity.
int getSecondLightLatitude () const
Returns the second light's latitude.
int getSecondLightLongitude () const
Returns the second light's longitude.
float getSecondLightSpecularIntensity () const
Returns the second light's specular intensity.
float getSecondLightSpecularPower () const
Returns the second light's specular power.
bool getShadowFlag () const
Returns whether shadow should be displayed.
int getShadowMultisamplingFactor () const
Returns the shadow multisampling factor value.
SBQuantity::length getShadowOffset () const
Returns the offset between objects and their shadows.
ShadowPreset getShadowPreset () const
Returns the shadow preset.
int getShadowPresetIndex () const
Returns the shadow preset's index.
int getShadowResolution () const
Returns the shadow resolution value.
float getShadowSpread () const
Returns the spread of shadows.
int getShadowTransparency () const
Returns the shadow transparency.
const SBColor & getSilhouetteColor () const
Returns the silhouette color.
SBQuantity::length getSilhouetteDistanceThreshold () const
Returns the silhouette's distance threshold.
bool getSilhouetteFlag () const
Returns whether silhouettes should be displayed.
bool getSilhouetteFogAttenuationFlag () const
Returns whether silhouettes should have fog attenuation.
int getSilhouetteThickness () const
Returns the silhouette thickness.
int getSilhouetteTransparency () const
Returns the silhouette transparency.
virtual SBDDataGraphNode::Type getType () override const
Returns the data graph node type.
bool hasBackgroundImageBase64 () const
Returns whether the background image in base64 has been set.
bool isCustomBackground () const
A convenience function that return true if the custom gradient background is chosen.
bool isImageBackground () const
A convenience function that return true if the image background is chosen.
virtual bool isSerializable () override const
Returns true.
virtual void print (unsigned int offset=0) override const
Prints the render preset.
virtual void serialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) override const
Serializes the render preset.
void setAmbientLight (float v)
Sets the global light's ambient light amount to v .
void setAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor (int i)
Sets the multisampling factor value to i .
void setAntiAliasingPreset (AntiAliasingPreset preset)
Sets the anti-aliasing preset to preset .
void setAntiAliasingPresetIndex (int i)
Sets the anti-aliasing preset to i .
void setAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius (float v)
Sets the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.
void setBackgroundBottomColor (const SBColor & color)
Sets the background bottom color to color .
void setBackgroundImageBase64 (const std::string & imageBase64)
Sets the background image in base64 to imageBase64 .
void setBackgroundImageMode (BackgroundImageMode mode)
Sets the background image mode to mode .
void setBackgroundImageModeIndex (int i)
Sets the background image mode to i .
void setBackgroundTopColor (const SBColor & color)
Sets the background top color to color .
void setBackgroundType (BackgroundType type)
Sets the background type to type .
void setBackgroundTypeIndex (int i)
Sets the background type to i .
void setBloomFlag (bool b)
Sets the bloom flag to b .
void setBloomRadius (int v)
Sets the number of bloom passes value to v .
void setBloomStrength (float v)
Sets the bloom strength value to v .
void setBloomThreshold (float v)
Sets the bloom threshold value to v .
void setBondRadius (SBQuantity::length v)
Sets the bond radius.
void setConstantAtomRadius (SBQuantity::length v)
Sets the constant atom radius value.
void setConstantAtomRadiusFlag (bool b)
Sets the whether atoms should be rendered with a constant radius.
void setDepthOfFieldDistance (SBQuantity::length v)
Sets the distance at which the depth-of-field effect begins.
void setDepthOfFieldFlag (bool b)
Sets the depth-of-field flag to b .
void setDepthOfFieldStrength (float v)
Sets the depth-of-field strength.
void setFXAAFlag (bool b)
Sets the FXAA flag to b .
void setFirstLightColor (const SBColor & color)
Sets the first light's color to color .
void setFirstLightIntensity (float v)
Sets the first light's intensity value to v .
void setFirstLightLatitude (int v)
Sets the first light's latitude.
void setFirstLightLongitude (int v)
Sets the first light's longitude.
void setFirstLightSpecularIntensity (float v)
Sets the first light's specular intensity value to v .
void setFirstLightSpecularPower (float v)
Sets the first light's specular power value to v .
void setFogFarDistance (SBQuantity::length v)
Sets the distance beyond which fog is maximal.
void setFogFlag (bool b)
Sets the fog flag to b .
void setFogNearDistance (SBQuantity::length v)
Sets the distance at which the fog begins.
void setFogStrength (int v)
Sets the fog strength.
void setFresnelIntensity (float v)
Sets the global light's fresnel intensity value to v .
void setFresnelPower (float v)
Sets the global light's fresnel power value to v .
void setGridFlag (bool b)
Sets the grid flag to b .
void setGridRadius (SBQuantity::length v)
Sets the grid radius.
void setGridSpacing (SBQuantity::length v)
Sets the grid spacing.
void setGridThickness (SBQuantity::length v)
Sets the grid thickness.
void setGridTransparency (int v)
Sets the grid transparency.
void setLightingPreset (LightingPreset preset)
Sets the lighting preset to preset .
void setLightingPresetIndex (int i)
Sets the lighting preset to i .
void setOSAOFlag (bool b)
Sets the object-space ambient occlusion (OSAO) flag to b .
void setOSAOGridSize (int v)
Sets the SSAO kernel size value to v .
void setOSAOStrength (float v)
Sets the OSAO strength value to v .
void setPinholeFlag (bool b)
Sets the pinhole flag to b .
void setPinholeSharpness (int v)
Sets the pinhole sharpness.
void setRenderMultipleBondsFlag (bool b)
Sets the whether multiple bonds should be rendered explicitly.
void setSSAOFlag (bool b)
Sets the screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) flag to b .
void setSSAOKernelSize (int v)
Sets the SSAO kernel size value to v .
void setSSAORadius (float v)
Sets the SSAO radius to v .
void setSSAORandomization (float v)
Sets the SSAO randomization value to v .
void setSSAOStrength (float v)
Sets the SSAO strength value to v .
void setScaleFlag (bool b)
Sets the scale flag to b .
void setScaleMinimumLength (int v)
Sets the scale's minimum lengths.
void setScaleThickness (int v)
Sets the scale thickness.
void setSecondLightColor (const SBColor & color)
Sets the second light's color to color .
void setSecondLightIntensity (float v)
Sets the second light's intensity value to v .
void setSecondLightLatitude (int v)
Sets the second light's latitude.
void setSecondLightLongitude (int v)
Sets the second light's longitude.
void setSecondLightSpecularIntensity (float v)
Sets the second light's specular intensity value to v .
void setSecondLightSpecularPower (float v)
Sets the second light's specular power value to v .
void setShadowFlag (bool b)
Sets the shadow flag to b .
void setShadowMultisamplingFactor (int i)
Sets the shadow multisampling factor value to i .
void setShadowOffset (SBQuantity::length v)
Sets the offset between objects and their shadows.
void setShadowPreset (ShadowPreset preset)
Sets the shadow preset to preset .
void setShadowPresetIndex (int i)
Sets the shadow preset to i .
void setShadowResolution (int i)
Sets the shadow resolution value to i .
void setShadowSpread (float v)
Sets the spread of shadows to v .
void setShadowTransparency (int v)
Sets the shadow transparency.
void setSilhouetteColor (const SBColor & color)
Sets the silhouette color to color .
void setSilhouetteDistanceThreshold (SBQuantity::length v)
Sets the silhouette's distance threshold.
void setSilhouetteFlag (bool b)
Sets the silhouette flag to b .
void setSilhouetteFogAttenuationFlag (bool b)
Sets the silhouette's fog attenuation flag to b .
void setSilhouetteThickness (int v)
Sets the silhouette thickness.
void setSilhouetteTransparency (int v)
Sets the silhouette transparency.
virtual std::string toStdString (unsigned int offset=0) const
Returns a string representation of the render preset.
virtual void unserialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) override
Unserializes the render preset.
virtual ~SBDDocumentRenderPreset ()
Destructs the render preset.

Public Functions inherited from SBDDataGraphNode#

See SBDDataGraphNode

Type Name
virtual bool addChild (SBDDataGraphNode * node, SBDDataGraphNode * nextNode=nullptr)
Adds a child to the node.
bool addMaterial (SBDDataGraphNodeMaterial * material)
Adds a material.
bool baseSignalIsConnectedToSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBBaseEvent *) functionPointer) const
Returns true when the base signal is connected to a slot.
virtual bool canAddChild (const SBDDataGraphNode * node, const SBDDataGraphNode * nextNode=nullptr) const
Returns whether this node can add node as a child.
virtual bool canAddChildType (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) const
Returns whether this node can add a node with type nodeType as a child.
bool canAddMaterial () const
Returns whether can add a material to the node based on its type.
virtual bool canHaveDescendantType (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) const
Returns whether this node can have a node with type nodeType as a descendant.
virtual SBDDataGraphNode * clone ()
Returns a copy of the node and its descendants.
void connectBaseSignalToSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBBaseEvent *) functionPointer, SBCReferenceTarget * nextReferenceTarget=0, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBBaseEvent *) nextFunctionPointer=0)
Connects the base signal to a slot.
unsigned int countNodes (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType, bool selectedNodesOnly=false, const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const
Counts nodes based on a nodeType , a selection status and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
unsigned int countNodes (const SBNodePredicate & selectionPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const
Counts nodes based on a selectionPredicate and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
void create ()
Creates the node.
bool descendsFrom (const SBDDataGraphNode * node) const
Returns true if and only if this node is node , or descends from it.
bool descendsFrom (const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodeIndexer , or descends from one of them.
bool descendsFrom (SBPointerIndexer< SBDDataGraphNode > * nodePointerIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodePointerIndexer , or descends from one of them.
void disconnectBaseSignalFromSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBBaseEvent *) functionPointer)
Disconnects the base signal from a slot.
virtual void display (RenderingPass renderingPass)
Displays the node.
virtual void display ()
Displays the node (deprecated)
virtual void displayForSelection ()
Displays the node for selection purposes (deprecated)
virtual void displayForShadow ()
Displays the node for shadowing purposes (deprecated)
void erase ()
Erases the node.
virtual void forEachNodeDepthFirst (void(*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action)
Performs an action on each node.
virtual void forEachNodeDepthFirst (SBCClass * object, void(SBCClass::*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action)
Performs an action on each node.
virtual unsigned int getDefaultOpacity () const
Returns the default opacity.
virtual unsigned int getDefaultTransparency () const
Returns the default transparency.
SBDDocument * getDocument () const
Returns the document the node belongs to.
virtual unsigned int getFlags () const
Returns the flags.
virtual std::string getHierarchyString (const std::string & separator=" / ", bool includeNodeType=false) const
Returns a string with hierarchical information on the node and its parents names.
bool getHighlightingFlag () const
Returns the highlighting flag.
virtual unsigned int getInheritedFlags () const
Returns the inherited flags.
float getInheritedOpacity () const
Returns the cumulative opacity, when taking into account the ascendants.
float getInheritedTransparency () const
Returns the cumulative transparency, when taking into account the ascendants.
virtual bool getLockedFlag () const
Returns the locked flag.
SBDDataGraphNodeMaterial * getMaterial () const
Returns the material.
SBDDataGraphNode * getMaterialOwner () const
Returns the node whose material is inherited.
virtual unsigned int getMaximumOpacity () const
Returns the maximum opacity.
virtual unsigned int getMaximumTransparency () const
Returns the maximum transparency.
virtual unsigned int getMinimumOpacity () const
Returns the minimum opacity.
virtual unsigned int getMinimumTransparency () const
Returns the minimum transparency.
virtual SBQuantity::mass getMolecularWeight ()
Returns the molecular weight.
virtual std::string const & getName () const
Returns the name of the node.
SBDDataGraphNode * getNextNode () const
Returns the pointer to the next node in the children of the node's parent.
SBDDataGraphNode * getNextNode (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) const
Returns the pointer to the next node with type nodeType in the children of the node's parent.
unsigned int getNodeIndex () const
Returns the node index (unique in the whole data graph, but non-persistent)
SBUUID getNodeUUID () const
Returns the node UUID.
virtual void getNodes (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType, bool selectedNodesOnly=false, const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const
Collects nodes into nodeIndexer , based on anodeType , a selection status and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
virtual void getNodes (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBNodePredicate & selectionPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const
Collects nodes into nodeIndexer , based on aselectionPredicate and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfAtoms ()
Returns the number of atoms.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfCarbons ()
Returns the number of carbons.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfChains ()
Returns the number of chains.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfCoarseGrainedAtoms ()
Returns the number of coarse-grained atoms.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfHydrogens ()
Returns the number of hydrogens.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfMolecules ()
Returns the number of molecules.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfNitrogens ()
Returns the number of nitrogens.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfOtherAtoms ()
Returns the number of other atoms.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfOxygens ()
Returns the number of oxygens.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfResidues ()
Returns the number of residues.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfSegments ()
Returns the number of segments.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfStructuralGroups ()
Returns the number of structural groups.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfStructuralModels ()
Returns the number of structural models.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfSulfurs ()
Returns the number of sulfurs.
virtual unsigned int getOpacity () const
Returns the opacity.
virtual unsigned int getOpacitySingleStep () const
Returns the opacity single step.
virtual std::string getOpacitySuffix () const
Returns the opacity suffix.
SBDDataGraphNode * getParent () const
Returns the parent of the node.
SBDDataGraphNode * getPreviousNode () const
Returns the pointer to the previous node in the children of the node's parent.
SBDDataGraphNode * getPreviousNode (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) const
Returns the pointer to the previous node with type nodeType in the children of the node's parent.
SBDDataGraphNode * getRoot () const
Returns the root of the hierarchy the node belongs to.
bool getSelected () const
Returns whether the node is selected.
bool getSelectionFlag () const
Returns the selection flag.
virtual int getSumOfFormalCharges ()
Returns the sum of formal charges.
virtual float getSumOfPartialCharges ()
Returns the sum of partial charges.
SBDDataGraphNode * getThisNode () const
Returns the pointer to this node.
virtual unsigned int getTransparency () const
Returns the transparency.
virtual unsigned int getTransparencySingleStep () const
Returns the transparency single step.
virtual std::string getTransparencySuffix () const
Returns the transparency suffix.
virtual Type getType () const
Returns the type of the data graph node.
std::string getTypeString (bool humanReadable=false) const
Returns a string describing the type of the data graph node.
bool getVisibilityFlag () const
Returns the visibility flag.
bool getVisible () const
Returns whether the node is visible.
bool hasMaterial () const
Returns whether the node has a material (by itself, or inherited)
virtual bool hasNode (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType, bool selectedNodesOnly=false, const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const
Returns whether the node has nodes based on a nodeType , a selection status and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
virtual bool hasNode (const SBNodePredicate & selectionPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const
Returns whether the node has nodes based on a selectionPredicate and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
bool hasOneOf (const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodeIndexer , or is the ancestor of one of them, or is a group that stores one of them.
virtual bool hasOpacityRange () const
Returns whether the node has the opacity range.
virtual bool hasTransparencyRange () const
Returns whether the node has the transparency range.
bool isAtom () const
Returns true when the node is an atom.
bool isBallAndStick () const
Returns true when the node is the default ball-and-stick visual model.
bool isBond () const
Returns true when the node is a bond.
bool isCartoon () const
Returns true when the node is the default cartoon visual model.
bool isCreated () const
Returns true if and only if the node is created.
bool isDynamicalModel () const
Returns true when the node is a dynamical model.
bool isErased () const
Returns true if and only if the node is erased.
bool isGaussianSurface () const
Returns true when the node is the default Gaussian surface visual model.
bool isHighlighted () const
Returns whether the node is highlighted.
bool isIn (const SBDDataGraphNode * node) const
Returns true if and only if this node is node , or descends from it, or belongs to a group stored innode .
bool isIn (const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodeIndexer , or descends from one of them, or belongs to a group stored in one of the nodes of thenodeIndexer .
bool isIn (SBPointerIndexer< SBDDataGraphNode > * nodePointerIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodePointerIndexer , or descends from one of them, or belongs to a group stored in of the nodes of thenodePointerIndexer .
bool isInteractionModel () const
Returns true when the node is a interaction model.
bool isLicorice () const
Returns true when the node is the default licorice visual model.
bool isLight () const
Returns true when the node is a light.
virtual bool isLocked () const
Returns whether the node is locked.
bool isMesh () const
Returns true when the node is a mesh.
bool isModel () const
Returns true when the node is a model.
bool isOneOf (const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodeIndexer .
bool isOneOf (SBPointerIndexer< SBDDataGraphNode > * nodePointerIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodePointerIndexer .
bool isPropertyModel () const
Returns true when the node is a property model.
bool isRibbon () const
Returns true when the node is the default ribbon visual model.
bool isSelected () const
Returns whether the node is selected.
virtual bool isSerializable () const
Returns true when the class is serializable.
bool isSimulator () const
Returns true when the node is a simulator.
bool isSolventAccessibleSurface () const
Returns true when the node is the default solvent accessible surface visual model.
bool isSolventExcludedSurface () const
Returns true when the node is the default solvent excluded surface visual model.
bool isStructuralModel () const
Returns true when the node is a structural model.
bool isStructuralNode () const
Returns true when the node is a structural node.
bool isTube () const
Returns true when the node is the default tube visual model.
bool isType (Type type) const
Returns true when the type of the node corresponds to type .
bool isVanDerWaals () const
Returns true when the node is the default van der Waals visual model.
bool isVisible () const
Returns whether the node is visible.
bool isVisualModel () const
Returns true when the node is a visual model.
bool ownsMaterial () const
Returns whether the node owns a material.
virtual void print (unsigned int offset=0) const
Prints some debugging information.
virtual bool removeChild (SBDDataGraphNode * node)
Removes a child from the node.
bool removeMaterial ()
Removes the material.
void removeMaterialsFromDescendants ()
Removes materials from all nodes that descend from this node, but it does not remove the material from the node itself.
virtual void serialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) const
Serializes the node.
void setHighlightingFlag (bool flag)
Sets the highlighting flag.
virtual void setLockedFlag (bool flag)
Sets the locked flag.
virtual void setName (const std::string & name)
Sets the name of the node.
virtual void setOpacity (unsigned int opacity)
Sets the opacity.
void setSelectionFlag (bool flag)
Sets the selection flag.
virtual void setTransparency (unsigned int transparency)
Sets the transparency.
void setVisibilityFlag (bool flag)
Sets the visibility flag.
virtual void unserialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0))
Unserializes the node.

Public Functions inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#

See SBCReferenceTarget

Type Name
SBCReferenceTarget ()
unsigned int getMemoryFootprint () const
void printReferencesToOwners () const
virtual ~SBCReferenceTarget ()

Public Static Functions#

Type Name
float getAmbientLightSingleStep ()
std::string getAmbientLightToolTip ()
int getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactorSingleStep ()
std::string getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactorToolTip ()
int getAntiAliasingPresetCount ()
Returns the number of anti-aliasing presets.
std::string getAntiAliasingPresetItemText (int i)
Returns the name of the i-th anti-aliasing preset.
std::string getAntiAliasingPresetString (AntiAliasingPreset preset)
Returns a human-readable string representation of the anti-aliasing preset preset .
std::string getAntiAliasingPresetToolTip ()
float getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusSingleStep ()
std::string getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusSuffix ()
std::string getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusToolTip ()
int getBackgroundImageModeCount ()
Returns the number of background image modes.
std::string getBackgroundImageModeItemText (int i)
Returns the name of the i-th background image mode.
std::string getBackgroundImageModeString (BackgroundImageMode mode)
Returns a human-readable string representation of the background image mode mode .
int getBackgroundTypeCount ()
Returns the number of background types.
std::string getBackgroundTypeItemText (int i)
Returns the name of the i-th background type.
std::string getBackgroundTypeString (BackgroundType type)
Returns a human-readable string representation of the background type type .
std::string getBackgroundTypeToolTip ()
int getBloomRadiusSingleStep ()
std::string getBloomRadiusToolTip ()
float getBloomStrengthSingleStep ()
float getBloomThresholdSingleStep ()
std::string getBloomToolTip ()
SBQuantity::length getBondRadiusSingleStep ()
std::string getBondRadiusToolTip ()
std::string getConstantAtomRadiusFlagToolTip ()
SBQuantity::length getConstantAtomRadiusSingleStep ()
std::string getConstantAtomRadiusToolTip ()
float getDefaultAmbientLight ()
Returns the global light's default ambient light amount.
int getDefaultAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor ()
Returns the default value of the anti-aliasing multisampling factor.
float getDefaultAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius ()
Returns the default value of the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.
const SBColor & getDefaultBackgroundBottomColor ()
Returns the default background bottom color.
int getDefaultBackgroundImageModeIndex ()
Returns the default background image mode.
const SBColor & getDefaultBackgroundTopColor ()
Returns the default background top color.
int getDefaultBackgroundTypeIndex ()
Returns the default background type.
int getDefaultBloomRadius ()
Returns the default number of bloom passes.
float getDefaultBloomStrength ()
Returns the default value of the bloom strength.
float getDefaultBloomThreshold ()
Returns the default value of the bloom threshold.
SBQuantity::length getDefaultBondRadius ()
Returns the default value of the bond radius.
SBQuantity::length getDefaultConstantAtomRadius ()
Returns the default value of the constant atom radius.
SBQuantity::length getDefaultDepthOfFieldDistance ()
Returns the default value of the depth-of-field's distance.
float getDefaultDepthOfFieldStrength ()
Returns the default value of the depth-of-field strength.
const SBColor & getDefaultFirstLightColor ()
Returns the first light's default color.
float getDefaultFirstLightIntensity ()
Returns the first light's default intensity.
int getDefaultFirstLightLatitude ()
Returns the first light's default value of latitude.
int getDefaultFirstLightLongitude ()
Returns the light's default value of longitude.
float getDefaultFirstLightSpecularIntensity ()
Returns the first light's default specular intensity.
float getDefaultFirstLightSpecularPower ()
Returns the first light's default specular power.
SBQuantity::length getDefaultFogFarDistance ()
Returns the default value of the fog's far distance.
SBQuantity::length getDefaultFogNearDistance ()
Returns the default value of the fog's near distance.
int getDefaultFogStrength ()
Returns the default value of the fog strength.
float getDefaultFresnelIntensity ()
Returns the global light's default fresnel intensity.
float getDefaultFresnelPower ()
Returns the global light's default fresnel power.
SBQuantity::length getDefaultGridRadius ()
Returns the default value of the grid radius.
SBQuantity::length getDefaultGridSpacing ()
Returns the default value of the grid spacing.
SBQuantity::length getDefaultGridThickness ()
Returns the default value of the grid thickness.
int getDefaultGridTransparency ()
Returns the default value of the grid transparency.
int getDefaultLightingPresetIndex ()
Returns the default lighting presets.
int getDefaultOSAOGridSize ()
Returns the default value of the SSAO kernel size.
float getDefaultOSAOStrength ()
Returns the default value of the OSAO strength.
int getDefaultPinholeSharpness ()
Returns the default value of the pinhole sharpness.
int getDefaultSSAOKernelSize ()
Returns the default value of the SSAO kernel size.
float getDefaultSSAORadius ()
Returns the default value of the SSAO radius.
float getDefaultSSAORandomization ()
Returns the default value of the SSAO randomization parameter.
float getDefaultSSAOStrength ()
Returns the default value of the SSAO strength.
int getDefaultScaleMinimumLength ()
Returns the default value of the scale's minimum lengths.
int getDefaultScaleThickness ()
Returns the default value of the scale thickness.
const SBColor & getDefaultSecondLightColor ()
Returns the second light's default color.
float getDefaultSecondLightIntensity ()
Returns the second light's default intensity.
int getDefaultSecondLightLatitude ()
Returns the second light's default value of latitude.
int getDefaultSecondLightLongitude ()
Returns the second light's default value of longitude.
float getDefaultSecondLightSpecularIntensity ()
Returns the second light's default specular intensity.
float getDefaultSecondLightSpecularPower ()
Returns the second light's default specular power.
int getDefaultShadowMultisamplingFactor ()
Returns the default value of shadows' multisampling factor.
SBQuantity::length getDefaultShadowOffset ()
Returns the default value of the offset between objects and their shadows.
int getDefaultShadowPresetIndex ()
Returns the default shadow presets.
int getDefaultShadowResolution ()
Returns the default value of shadows' resolution.
float getDefaultShadowSpread ()
Returns the default value of the spread of shadows.
int getDefaultShadowTransparency ()
Returns the default value of the shadow transparency.
const SBColor & getDefaultSilhouetteColor ()
Returns the silhouette's default color.
SBQuantity::length getDefaultSilhouetteDistanceThreshold ()
Returns the default value of the silhouette's distance threshold.
int getDefaultSilhouetteThickness ()
Returns the default value of the silhouette thickness.
int getDefaultSilhouetteTransparency ()
Returns the default value of the silhouette transparency.
SBQuantity::length getDepthOfFieldDistanceSingleStep ()
std::string getDepthOfFieldDistanceToolTip ()
float getDepthOfFieldStrengthSingleStep ()
std::string getDepthOfFieldStrengthToolTip ()
std::string getDepthOfFieldToolTip ()
std::string getFXAAFlagToolTip ()
std::string getFirstLightColorToolTip ()
float getFirstLightIntensitySingleStep ()
float getFirstLightSpecularIntensitySingleStep ()
std::string getFirstLightSpecularIntensityToolTip ()
float getFirstLightSpecularPowerSingleStep ()
std::string getFirstLightSpecularPowerToolTip ()
SBQuantity::length getFogFarDistanceSingleStep ()
std::string getFogFarDistanceToolTip ()
SBQuantity::length getFogNearDistanceSingleStep ()
std::string getFogNearDistanceToolTip ()
int getFogStrengthSingleStep ()
std::string getFogStrengthToolTip ()
std::string getFogToolTip ()
float getFresnelIntensitySingleStep ()
std::string getFresnelIntensityToolTip ()
float getFresnelPowerSingleStep ()
std::string getFresnelPowerToolTip ()
SBQuantity::length getGridRadiusSingleStep ()
SBQuantity::length getGridSpacingSingleStep ()
SBQuantity::length getGridThicknessSingleStep ()
std::string getGridToolTip ()
int getGridTransparencySingleStep ()
int getLightCoordinateSingleStep ()
std::string getLightCoordinateToolTip ()
int getLightingPresetCount ()
Returns the number of lighting presets.
std::string getLightingPresetItemText (int i)
Returns the name of the i-th lighting preset.
std::string getLightingPresetString (LightingPreset preset)
Returns a human-readable string representation of the lighting preset preset .
std::string getLightingPresetToolTip ()
float getMaximumAmbientLight ()
Returns the global light's maximum ambient light amount.
int getMaximumAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor ()
Returns the maximum value of the anti-aliasing multisampling factor.
float getMaximumAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius ()
Returns the maximum value of the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.
int getMaximumBloomRadius ()
Returns the maximum number of bloom passes.
float getMaximumBloomStrength ()
Returns the maximum value of the bloom strength.
float getMaximumBloomThreshold ()
Returns the maximum value of the bloom threshold.
SBQuantity::length getMaximumBondRadius ()
Returns the maximum value of the bond radius.
SBQuantity::length getMaximumConstantAtomRadius ()
Returns the maximum value of the constant atom radius.
SBQuantity::length getMaximumDepthOfFieldDistance ()
Returns the maximum value of the depth-of-field's distance.
float getMaximumDepthOfFieldStrength ()
Returns the maximum value of the depth-of-field strength.
float getMaximumFirstLightIntensity ()
Returns the first light's maximum intensity.
float getMaximumFirstLightSpecularIntensity ()
Returns the first light's maximum specular intensity.
float getMaximumFirstLightSpecularPower ()
Returns the first light's maximum specular power.
SBQuantity::length getMaximumFogFarDistance ()
Returns the maximum value of the fog's far distance.
SBQuantity::length getMaximumFogNearDistance ()
Returns the maximum value of the fog's near distance.
int getMaximumFogStrength ()
Returns the maximum value of the fog strength.
float getMaximumFresnelIntensity ()
Returns the global light's maximum fresnel intensity.
float getMaximumFresnelPower ()
Returns the global light's maximum fresnel power.
SBQuantity::length getMaximumGridRadius ()
Returns the maximum value of the grid radius.
SBQuantity::length getMaximumGridSpacing ()
Returns the maximum value of the grid spacing.
SBQuantity::length getMaximumGridThickness ()
Returns the maximum value of the grid thickness.
int getMaximumGridTransparency ()
Returns the maximum value of the grid transparency.
int getMaximumLightCoordinate ()
Returns the light's maximum value of longitude/latitude.
int getMaximumOSAOGridSize ()
Returns the maximum value of the SSAO kernel size.
float getMaximumOSAOStrength ()
Returns the maximum value of the OSAO strength.
int getMaximumPinholeSharpness ()
Returns the maximum value of the pinhole sharpness.
int getMaximumSSAOKernelSize ()
Returns the maximum value of the SSAO kernel size.
float getMaximumSSAORadius ()
Returns the maximum value of the SSAO radius.
float getMaximumSSAORandomization ()
Returns the maximum value of the SSAO randomization parameter.
float getMaximumSSAOStrength ()
Returns the maximum value of the SSAO strength.
int getMaximumScaleMinimumLength ()
Returns the maximum value of the scale's minimum lengths.
int getMaximumScaleThickness ()
Returns the maximum value of the scale thickness.
float getMaximumSecondLightIntensity ()
Returns the second light's maximum intensity.
float getMaximumSecondLightSpecularIntensity ()
Returns the second light's maximum specular intensity.
float getMaximumSecondLightSpecularPower ()
Returns the second light's maximum specular power.
int getMaximumShadowMultisamplingFactor ()
Returns the maximum value of shadows' multisampling factor.
SBQuantity::length getMaximumShadowOffset ()
Returns the maximum value of the offset between objects and their shadows.
int getMaximumShadowResolution ()
Returns the maximum value of shadows' resolution.
float getMaximumShadowSpread ()
Returns the maximum value of the spread of shadows.
int getMaximumShadowTransparency ()
Returns the maximum value of the shadow transparency.
SBQuantity::length getMaximumSilhouetteDistanceThreshold ()
Returns the maximum value of the silhouette's distance threshold.
int getMaximumSilhouetteThickness ()
Returns the maximum value of the silhouette thickness.
int getMaximumSilhouetteTransparency ()
Returns the maximum value of the silhouette transparency.
float getMinimumAmbientLight ()
Returns the global light's minimum ambient light amount.
int getMinimumAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor ()
Returns the minimum value of the anti-aliasing multisampling factor.
float getMinimumAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius ()
Returns the minimum value of the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.
int getMinimumBloomRadius ()
Returns the minimum number of bloom passes.
float getMinimumBloomStrength ()
Returns the minimum value of the bloom strength.
float getMinimumBloomThreshold ()
Returns the minimum value of the bloom threshold.
SBQuantity::length getMinimumBondRadius ()
Returns the minimum value of the bond radius.
SBQuantity::length getMinimumConstantAtomRadius ()
Returns the minimum value of the constant atom radius.
SBQuantity::length getMinimumDepthOfFieldDistance ()
Returns the minimum value of the depth-of-field's distance.
float getMinimumDepthOfFieldStrength ()
Returns the minimum value of the depth-of-field strength.
float getMinimumFirstLightIntensity ()
Returns the first light's minimum intensity.
float getMinimumFirstLightSpecularIntensity ()
Returns the first light's minimum specular intensity.
float getMinimumFirstLightSpecularPower ()
Returns the first light's minimum specular power.
SBQuantity::length getMinimumFogFarDistance ()
Returns the minimum value of the fog's far distance.
SBQuantity::length getMinimumFogNearDistance ()
Returns the minimum value of the fog's near distance.
int getMinimumFogStrength ()
Returns the minimum value of the fog strength.
float getMinimumFresnelIntensity ()
Returns the global light's minimum fresnel intensity.
float getMinimumFresnelPower ()
Returns the global light's minimum fresnel power.
SBQuantity::length getMinimumGridRadius ()
Returns the minimum value of the grid radius.
SBQuantity::length getMinimumGridSpacing ()
Returns the minimum value of the grid spacing.
SBQuantity::length getMinimumGridThickness ()
Returns the minimum value of the grid thickness.
int getMinimumGridTransparency ()
Returns the minimum value of the grid transparency.
int getMinimumLightCoordinate ()
Returns the light's minimum value of longitude/latitude.
int getMinimumOSAOGridSize ()
Returns the minimum value of the SSAO kernel size.
float getMinimumOSAOStrength ()
Returns the minimum value of the OSAO strength.
int getMinimumPinholeSharpness ()
Returns the minimum value of the pinhole sharpness.
int getMinimumSSAOKernelSize ()
Returns the minimum value of the SSAO kernel size.
float getMinimumSSAORadius ()
Returns the minimum value of the SSAO radius.
float getMinimumSSAORandomization ()
Returns the minimum value of the SSAO randomization parameter.
float getMinimumSSAOStrength ()
Returns the minimum value of the SSAO strength.
int getMinimumScaleMinimumLength ()
Returns the minimum value of the scale's minimum lengths.
int getMinimumScaleThickness ()
Returns the minimum value of the scale thickness.
float getMinimumSecondLightIntensity ()
Returns the second light's minimum intensity.
float getMinimumSecondLightSpecularIntensity ()
Returns the second light's minimum specular intensity.
float getMinimumSecondLightSpecularPower ()
Returns the second light's minimum specular power.
int getMinimumShadowMultisamplingFactor ()
Returns the minimum value of shadows' multisampling factor.
SBQuantity::length getMinimumShadowOffset ()
Returns the minimum value of the offset between objects and their shadows.
int getMinimumShadowResolution ()
Returns the minimum value of shadows' resolution.
float getMinimumShadowSpread ()
Returns the minimum value of the spread of shadows.
int getMinimumShadowTransparency ()
Returns the minimum value of the shadow transparency.
SBQuantity::length getMinimumSilhouetteDistanceThreshold ()
Returns the minimum value of the silhouette's distance threshold.
int getMinimumSilhouetteThickness ()
Returns the minimum value of the silhouette thickness.
int getMinimumSilhouetteTransparency ()
Returns the minimum value of the silhouette transparency.
int getOSAOGridSizeSingleStep ()
std::string getOSAOGridSizeToolTip ()
float getOSAOStrengthSingleStep ()
std::string getOSAOStrengthToolTip ()
std::string getOSAOToolTip ()
int getPinholeSharpnessSingleStep ()
std::string getPinholeToolTip ()
std::string getRenderMultipleBondsToolTip ()
int getSSAOKernelSizeSingleStep ()
std::string getSSAOKernelSizeToolTip ()
float getSSAORadiusSingleStep ()
std::string getSSAORadiusToolTip ()
float getSSAORandomizationSingleStep ()
std::string getSSAORandomizationToolTip ()
float getSSAOStrengthSingleStep ()
std::string getSSAOStrengthToolTip ()
std::string getSSAOToolTip ()
int getScaleMinimumLengthSingleStep ()
std::string getScaleMinimumLengthSuffix ()
int getScaleThicknessSingleStep ()
std::string getScaleThicknessSuffix ()
std::string getScaleToolTip ()
std::string getSecondLightColorToolTip ()
float getSecondLightIntensitySingleStep ()
float getSecondLightSpecularIntensitySingleStep ()
std::string getSecondLightSpecularIntensityToolTip ()
float getSecondLightSpecularPowerSingleStep ()
std::string getSecondLightSpecularPowerToolTip ()
int getShadowMultisamplingFactorSingleStep ()
std::string getShadowMultisamplingFactorToolTip ()
SBQuantity::length getShadowOffsetSingleStep ()
std::string getShadowOffsetToolTip ()
int getShadowPresetCount ()
Returns the number of shadow presets.
std::string getShadowPresetItemText (int i)
Returns the name of the i-th shadow preset.
std::string getShadowPresetString (ShadowPreset preset)
Returns a human-readable string representation of the shadow preset preset .
std::string getShadowPresetToolTip ()
int getShadowResolutionSingleStep ()
std::string getShadowResolutionToolTip ()
float getShadowSpreadSingleStep ()
std::string getShadowSpreadToolTip ()
std::string getShadowToolTip ()
int getShadowTransparencySingleStep ()
std::string getSilhouetteColorToolTip ()
SBQuantity::length getSilhouetteDistanceThresholdSingleStep ()
std::string getSilhouetteDistanceThresholdToolTip ()
std::string getSilhouetteFogAttenuationToolTip ()
int getSilhouetteThicknessSingleStep ()
std::string getSilhouetteThicknessSuffix ()
std::string getSilhouetteToolTip ()
int getSilhouetteTransparencySingleStep ()

Public Static Functions inherited from SBDDataGraphNode#

See SBDDataGraphNode

Type Name
bool canAddMaterial (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType)
Returns whether can add a material to a node of type nodeType .
void clone (const SBNodeIndexer & sourceNodeIndexer, SBNodeIndexer & destinationNodeIndexer)
Clones the nodes in sourceNodeIndexer (treated as a whole) and places the clones indestinationNodeIndexer .
void forEachNodeInSelection (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, void(*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action)
Performs an action for each node in a selection.
void forEachNodeInSelection (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, SBCClass * object, void(SBCClass::*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action)
Performs an action for each node in a selection.
SBDDataGraphNode * getNode (unsigned int nodeIndex)
Returns the unique node corresponding to the node index nodeIndex .
std::string getTypeString (Type type, bool humanReadable=false)
Returns a string describing the type of the data graph node.

Protected Attributes inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#

See SBCReferenceTarget

Type Name
SBCReferenceTargetData * dataPointer

Protected Functions inherited from SBDDataGraphNode#

See SBDDataGraphNode

Type Name
SBDDataGraphNode ()
Builds a data graph node.
SBDDataGraphNode (SBDDataGraphNodeData * dataPointer)
Builds a data graph node.
virtual ~SBDDataGraphNode ()
Destroys the node.

Protected Functions inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#

See SBCReferenceTarget

Type Name
SBCReferenceTarget (SBCReferenceTargetData * dataPointer)
void removeAllReferenceOwners ()

Public Types Documentation#

enum AntiAliasingPreset#

enum SBDDocumentRenderPreset::AntiAliasingPreset {
    BestSpeed = 0,
    BetterSpeed = 1,
    HigherQuality = 2,
    HighestQuality = 3,
    Custom = 4

enum BackgroundImageMode#

enum SBDDocumentRenderPreset::BackgroundImageMode {
    ContainedInViewport = 0,
    CoveringViewport = 1

enum BackgroundType#

enum SBDDocumentRenderPreset::BackgroundType {
    Default = 0,
    White = 1,
    Black = 2,
    Custom = 3,
    Image = 4

enum LightingPreset#

enum SBDDocumentRenderPreset::LightingPreset {
    Default = 0,
    FlatLight = 1,
    Custom = 2

enum ShadowPreset#

enum SBDDocumentRenderPreset::ShadowPreset {
    LowQuality = 0,
    MediumQuality = 1,
    HighQuality = 2,
    SoftShadow = 3,
    Custom = 4

Public Functions Documentation#

function SBDDocumentRenderPreset [1/2]#

Constructs a render preset.

SBDDocumentRenderPreset::SBDDocumentRenderPreset () 

function SBDDocumentRenderPreset [2/2]#

Constructs a render preset with name name .

SBDDocumentRenderPreset::SBDDocumentRenderPreset (
    const std::string & name


SBDDocumentRenderPreset::SB_DECLARE_DATA (

function apply#

Applies the render preset.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::apply () 

function changed#

Emits the RenderPresetChanged event.

virtual void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::changed () 

function clearBackgroundImageBase64#

Clear the background image.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::clearBackgroundImageBase64 () 

function clone#

Returns a copy of the node.

virtual SBDDocumentRenderPreset * SBDDocumentRenderPreset::clone () override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::clone

function connectDocumentSignalToSlot#

Connects the document signal to a slot.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::connectDocumentSignalToSlot (
    SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget,
    void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)( SBDocumentEvent *) functionPointer,
    SBCReferenceTarget * nextReferenceTarget=0,
    void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)( SBDocumentEvent *) nextFunctionPointer=0

function disconnectDocumentSignalFromSlot#

Disconnects the document signal from a slot.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::disconnectDocumentSignalFromSlot (
    SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget,
    void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)( SBDocumentEvent *) functionPointer

function documentSignalIsConnectedToSlot#

Returns true if and only if the document signal is connected to the slot.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::documentSignalIsConnectedToSlot (
    SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget,
    void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)( SBDocumentEvent *) functionPointer
) const

function getAmbientLight#

Returns the global light's ambient light amount.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAmbientLight () const

function getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor#

Returns the multisampling factor value.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor () const

function getAntiAliasingPreset#

Returns the anti-aliasing preset.

AntiAliasingPreset SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAntiAliasingPreset () const

function getAntiAliasingPresetIndex#

Returns the anti-aliasing preset index.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAntiAliasingPresetIndex () const

function getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius#

Returns the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius () const

function getBackgroundBottomColor#

Returns the background bottom color.

const SBColor & SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundBottomColor () const

function getBackgroundImageBase64#

Returns the background image in base64.

const std::string & SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundImageBase64 () const

function getBackgroundImageMode#

Returns the background image mode.

BackgroundImageMode SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundImageMode () const

function getBackgroundImageModeIndex#

Returns the background image mode index.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundImageModeIndex () const

function getBackgroundTopColor#

Returns the background top color.

const SBColor & SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundTopColor () const

function getBackgroundType#

Returns the background type.

BackgroundType SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundType () const

function getBackgroundTypeIndex#

Returns the background type index.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundTypeIndex () const

function getBloomFlag#

Returns the bloom effect is on or off.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBloomFlag () const

function getBloomRadius#

Returns the number of bloom passes.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBloomRadius () const

function getBloomStrength#

Returns the bloom strength value.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBloomStrength () const

function getBloomThreshold#

Returns the bloom threshold value.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBloomThreshold () const

function getBondRadius#

Returns the bond radius.

SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBondRadius () const

function getConstantAtomRadius#

Returns the constant atom radius value.

SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getConstantAtomRadius () const

function getConstantAtomRadiusFlag#

Returns true if atoms should be rendered with a constant radius, false if atoms should be rendered with the atom size proportional to Van der Waals radius.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getConstantAtomRadiusFlag () const

function getDepthOfFieldDistance#

Returns the distance at which the depth-of-field effect begins.

SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDepthOfFieldDistance () const

function getDepthOfFieldFlag#

Returns the depth-of-field effect is on or off.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDepthOfFieldFlag () const

function getDepthOfFieldStrength#

Returns the depth-of-field strength.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDepthOfFieldStrength () const

function getDescriptionForInspector#

Returns text description that will be shown in the Inspector.

const std::string & SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDescriptionForInspector () const

function getFXAAFlag#

Returns the FXAA flag.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFXAAFlag () const

function getFirstLightColor#

Returns the first light's color.

const SBColor & SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFirstLightColor () const

function getFirstLightIntensity#

Returns the first light's intensity.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFirstLightIntensity () const

function getFirstLightLatitude#

Returns the first light's latitude.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFirstLightLatitude () const

function getFirstLightLongitude#

Returns the first light's longitude.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFirstLightLongitude () const

function getFirstLightSpecularIntensity#

Returns the first light's specular intensity.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFirstLightSpecularIntensity () const

function getFirstLightSpecularPower#

Returns the first light's specular power.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFirstLightSpecularPower () const

function getFogFarDistance#

Returns the distance beyond which fog is maximal.

SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFogFarDistance () const

function getFogFlag#

Returns the fog effect is on or off.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFogFlag () const

function getFogNearDistance#

Returns the distance at which the fog begins.

SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFogNearDistance () const

function getFogStrength#

Returns the fog strength.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFogStrength () const

function getFresnelIntensity#

Returns the global light's fresnel intensity.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFresnelIntensity () const

function getFresnelPower#

Returns the global light's fresnel power.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFresnelPower () const

function getGridFlag#

Returns whether the grid should be displayed in the Viewport.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getGridFlag () const

function getGridRadius#

Returns the grid radius.

SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getGridRadius () const

function getGridSpacing#

Returns the grid spacing.

SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getGridSpacing () const

function getGridThickness#

Returns the grid thickness.

SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getGridThickness () const

function getGridTransparency#

Returns the grid transparency.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getGridTransparency () const

function getLightingPreset#

Returns the lighting preset.

LightingPreset SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getLightingPreset () const

function getLightingPresetIndex#

Returns the lighting preset index.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getLightingPresetIndex () const

function getNextRenderPreset#

Returns the next render preset.

SBDDocumentRenderPreset * SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getNextRenderPreset () const

function getNonConstantAtomRadiusFlag#

This is a convenience function that returns an opposite to what returns getConstantAtomRadiusFlag() __

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getNonConstantAtomRadiusFlag () const

function getOSAOFlag#

Returns the object-space ambient occlusion (OSAO) effect is on or off.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getOSAOFlag () const

function getOSAOGridSize#

Returns the SSAO kernel size value.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getOSAOGridSize () const

function getOSAOStrength#

Returns the OSAO strength value.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getOSAOStrength () const

function getPinholeFlag#

Returns whether the pinhole effect is on or off.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getPinholeFlag () const

function getPinholeSharpness#

Returns the pinhole sharpness.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getPinholeSharpness () const

function getPreviousRenderPreset#

Returns the previous render preset.

SBDDocumentRenderPreset * SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getPreviousRenderPreset () const

function getRenderMultipleBondsFlag#

Returns true if multiple bonds should be rendered explicitly (default), false of the order of a bond should be represented by its thickness.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getRenderMultipleBondsFlag () const

function getSSAOFlag#

Returns the screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) effect is on or off.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAOFlag () const

function getSSAOKernelSize#

Returns the SSAO kernel size value.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAOKernelSize () const

function getSSAORadius#

Returns the SSAO radius.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAORadius () const

function getSSAORandomization#

Returns the SSAO randomization value.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAORandomization () const

function getSSAOStrength#

Returns the SSAO strength value.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAOStrength () const

function getScaleFlag#

Returns whether the scale should be displayed in the Viewport.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getScaleFlag () const

function getScaleMinimumLength#

Returns the scale's minimum lengths.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getScaleMinimumLength () const

function getScaleThickness#

Returns the scale thickness.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getScaleThickness () const

function getSecondLightColor#

Returns the second light's color.

const SBColor & SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSecondLightColor () const

function getSecondLightIntensity#

Returns the second light's intensity.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSecondLightIntensity () const

function getSecondLightLatitude#

Returns the second light's latitude.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSecondLightLatitude () const

function getSecondLightLongitude#

Returns the second light's longitude.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSecondLightLongitude () const

function getSecondLightSpecularIntensity#

Returns the second light's specular intensity.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSecondLightSpecularIntensity () const

function getSecondLightSpecularPower#

Returns the second light's specular power.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSecondLightSpecularPower () const

function getShadowFlag#

Returns whether shadow should be displayed.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowFlag () const

function getShadowMultisamplingFactor#

Returns the shadow multisampling factor value.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowMultisamplingFactor () const

function getShadowOffset#

Returns the offset between objects and their shadows.

SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowOffset () const

function getShadowPreset#

Returns the shadow preset.

ShadowPreset SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowPreset () const

function getShadowPresetIndex#

Returns the shadow preset's index.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowPresetIndex () const

function getShadowResolution#

Returns the shadow resolution value.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowResolution () const

function getShadowSpread#

Returns the spread of shadows.

float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowSpread () const

function getShadowTransparency#

Returns the shadow transparency.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowTransparency () const

function getSilhouetteColor#

Returns the silhouette color.

const SBColor & SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteColor () const

function getSilhouetteDistanceThreshold#

Returns the silhouette's distance threshold.

SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteDistanceThreshold () const

function getSilhouetteFlag#

Returns whether silhouettes should be displayed.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteFlag () const

function getSilhouetteFogAttenuationFlag#

Returns whether silhouettes should have fog attenuation.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteFogAttenuationFlag () const

function getSilhouetteThickness#

Returns the silhouette thickness.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteThickness () const

function getSilhouetteTransparency#

Returns the silhouette transparency.

int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteTransparency () const

function getType#

Returns the data graph node type.

virtual SBDDataGraphNode::Type SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getType () override const

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getType

function hasBackgroundImageBase64#

Returns whether the background image in base64 has been set.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::hasBackgroundImageBase64 () const

function isCustomBackground#

A convenience function that return true if the custom gradient background is chosen.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::isCustomBackground () const

function isImageBackground#

A convenience function that return true if the image background is chosen.

bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::isImageBackground () const

function isSerializable#

Returns true.

virtual bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::isSerializable () override const

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::isSerializable

function print#

Prints the render preset.

virtual void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::print (
    unsigned int offset=0
) override const

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::print

function serialize#

Serializes the render preset.

virtual void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::serialize (
    SBCSerializer * serializer,
    const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer,
    const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER,
    const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber (1, 0, 0)
) override const

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::serialize

function setAmbientLight#

Sets the global light's ambient light amount to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setAmbientLight (
    float v

function setAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor#

Sets the multisampling factor value to i .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor (
    int i

function setAntiAliasingPreset#

Sets the anti-aliasing preset to preset .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setAntiAliasingPreset (
    AntiAliasingPreset preset

function setAntiAliasingPresetIndex#

Sets the anti-aliasing preset to i .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setAntiAliasingPresetIndex (
    int i

function setAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius#

Sets the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius (
    float v

function setBackgroundBottomColor#

Sets the background bottom color to color .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setBackgroundBottomColor (
    const SBColor & color

function setBackgroundImageBase64#

Sets the background image in base64 to imageBase64 .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setBackgroundImageBase64 (
    const std::string & imageBase64

function setBackgroundImageMode#

Sets the background image mode to mode .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setBackgroundImageMode (
    BackgroundImageMode mode

function setBackgroundImageModeIndex#

Sets the background image mode to i .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setBackgroundImageModeIndex (
    int i

function setBackgroundTopColor#

Sets the background top color to color .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setBackgroundTopColor (
    const SBColor & color

function setBackgroundType#

Sets the background type to type .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setBackgroundType (
    BackgroundType type

function setBackgroundTypeIndex#

Sets the background type to i .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setBackgroundTypeIndex (
    int i

function setBloomFlag#

Sets the bloom flag to b .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setBloomFlag (
    bool b

function setBloomRadius#

Sets the number of bloom passes value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setBloomRadius (
    int v

function setBloomStrength#

Sets the bloom strength value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setBloomStrength (
    float v

function setBloomThreshold#

Sets the bloom threshold value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setBloomThreshold (
    float v

function setBondRadius#

Sets the bond radius.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setBondRadius (
    SBQuantity::length v

function setConstantAtomRadius#

Sets the constant atom radius value.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setConstantAtomRadius (
    SBQuantity::length v

function setConstantAtomRadiusFlag#

Sets the whether atoms should be rendered with a constant radius.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setConstantAtomRadiusFlag (
    bool b

function setDepthOfFieldDistance#

Sets the distance at which the depth-of-field effect begins.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setDepthOfFieldDistance (
    SBQuantity::length v

function setDepthOfFieldFlag#

Sets the depth-of-field flag to b .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setDepthOfFieldFlag (
    bool b

function setDepthOfFieldStrength#

Sets the depth-of-field strength.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setDepthOfFieldStrength (
    float v

function setFXAAFlag#

Sets the FXAA flag to b .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFXAAFlag (
    bool b

function setFirstLightColor#

Sets the first light's color to color .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFirstLightColor (
    const SBColor & color

function setFirstLightIntensity#

Sets the first light's intensity value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFirstLightIntensity (
    float v

function setFirstLightLatitude#

Sets the first light's latitude.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFirstLightLatitude (
    int v

function setFirstLightLongitude#

Sets the first light's longitude.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFirstLightLongitude (
    int v

function setFirstLightSpecularIntensity#

Sets the first light's specular intensity value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFirstLightSpecularIntensity (
    float v

function setFirstLightSpecularPower#

Sets the first light's specular power value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFirstLightSpecularPower (
    float v

function setFogFarDistance#

Sets the distance beyond which fog is maximal.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFogFarDistance (
    SBQuantity::length v

function setFogFlag#

Sets the fog flag to b .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFogFlag (
    bool b

function setFogNearDistance#

Sets the distance at which the fog begins.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFogNearDistance (
    SBQuantity::length v

function setFogStrength#

Sets the fog strength.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFogStrength (
    int v

function setFresnelIntensity#

Sets the global light's fresnel intensity value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFresnelIntensity (
    float v

function setFresnelPower#

Sets the global light's fresnel power value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setFresnelPower (
    float v

function setGridFlag#

Sets the grid flag to b .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setGridFlag (
    bool b

function setGridRadius#

Sets the grid radius.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setGridRadius (
    SBQuantity::length v

function setGridSpacing#

Sets the grid spacing.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setGridSpacing (
    SBQuantity::length v

function setGridThickness#

Sets the grid thickness.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setGridThickness (
    SBQuantity::length v

function setGridTransparency#

Sets the grid transparency.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setGridTransparency (
    int v

function setLightingPreset#

Sets the lighting preset to preset .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setLightingPreset (
    LightingPreset preset

function setLightingPresetIndex#

Sets the lighting preset to i .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setLightingPresetIndex (
    int i

function setOSAOFlag#

Sets the object-space ambient occlusion (OSAO) flag to b .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setOSAOFlag (
    bool b

function setOSAOGridSize#

Sets the SSAO kernel size value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setOSAOGridSize (
    int v

function setOSAOStrength#

Sets the OSAO strength value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setOSAOStrength (
    float v

function setPinholeFlag#

Sets the pinhole flag to b .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setPinholeFlag (
    bool b

function setPinholeSharpness#

Sets the pinhole sharpness.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setPinholeSharpness (
    int v

function setRenderMultipleBondsFlag#

Sets the whether multiple bonds should be rendered explicitly.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setRenderMultipleBondsFlag (
    bool b

function setSSAOFlag#

Sets the screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) flag to b .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSSAOFlag (
    bool b

function setSSAOKernelSize#

Sets the SSAO kernel size value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSSAOKernelSize (
    int v

function setSSAORadius#

Sets the SSAO radius to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSSAORadius (
    float v

function setSSAORandomization#

Sets the SSAO randomization value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSSAORandomization (
    float v

function setSSAOStrength#

Sets the SSAO strength value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSSAOStrength (
    float v

function setScaleFlag#

Sets the scale flag to b .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setScaleFlag (
    bool b

function setScaleMinimumLength#

Sets the scale's minimum lengths.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setScaleMinimumLength (
    int v

function setScaleThickness#

Sets the scale thickness.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setScaleThickness (
    int v

function setSecondLightColor#

Sets the second light's color to color .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSecondLightColor (
    const SBColor & color

function setSecondLightIntensity#

Sets the second light's intensity value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSecondLightIntensity (
    float v

function setSecondLightLatitude#

Sets the second light's latitude.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSecondLightLatitude (
    int v

function setSecondLightLongitude#

Sets the second light's longitude.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSecondLightLongitude (
    int v

function setSecondLightSpecularIntensity#

Sets the second light's specular intensity value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSecondLightSpecularIntensity (
    float v

function setSecondLightSpecularPower#

Sets the second light's specular power value to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSecondLightSpecularPower (
    float v

function setShadowFlag#

Sets the shadow flag to b .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setShadowFlag (
    bool b

function setShadowMultisamplingFactor#

Sets the shadow multisampling factor value to i .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setShadowMultisamplingFactor (
    int i

function setShadowOffset#

Sets the offset between objects and their shadows.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setShadowOffset (
    SBQuantity::length v

function setShadowPreset#

Sets the shadow preset to preset .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setShadowPreset (
    ShadowPreset preset

function setShadowPresetIndex#

Sets the shadow preset to i .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setShadowPresetIndex (
    int i

function setShadowResolution#

Sets the shadow resolution value to i .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setShadowResolution (
    int i

function setShadowSpread#

Sets the spread of shadows to v .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setShadowSpread (
    float v

function setShadowTransparency#

Sets the shadow transparency.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setShadowTransparency (
    int v

function setSilhouetteColor#

Sets the silhouette color to color .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSilhouetteColor (
    const SBColor & color

function setSilhouetteDistanceThreshold#

Sets the silhouette's distance threshold.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSilhouetteDistanceThreshold (
    SBQuantity::length v

function setSilhouetteFlag#

Sets the silhouette flag to b .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSilhouetteFlag (
    bool b

function setSilhouetteFogAttenuationFlag#

Sets the silhouette's fog attenuation flag to b .

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSilhouetteFogAttenuationFlag (
    bool b

function setSilhouetteThickness#

Sets the silhouette thickness.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSilhouetteThickness (
    int v

function setSilhouetteTransparency#

Sets the silhouette transparency.

void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::setSilhouetteTransparency (
    int v

function toStdString#

Returns a string representation of the render preset.

virtual std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::toStdString (
    unsigned int offset=0
) const

function unserialize#

Unserializes the render preset.

virtual void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::unserialize (
    SBCSerializer * serializer,
    const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer,
    const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER,
    const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber (1, 0, 0)
) override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::unserialize

function ~SBDDocumentRenderPreset#

Destructs the render preset.

virtual SBDDocumentRenderPreset::~SBDDocumentRenderPreset () 

Public Static Functions Documentation#

function getAmbientLightSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAmbientLightSingleStep () 

function getAmbientLightToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAmbientLightToolTip () 

function getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactorSingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactorSingleStep () 

function getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactorToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactorToolTip () 

function getAntiAliasingPresetCount#

Returns the number of anti-aliasing presets.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAntiAliasingPresetCount () 

function getAntiAliasingPresetItemText#

Returns the name of the i-th anti-aliasing preset.

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAntiAliasingPresetItemText (
    int i

function getAntiAliasingPresetString#

Returns a human-readable string representation of the anti-aliasing preset preset .

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAntiAliasingPresetString (
    AntiAliasingPreset preset

function getAntiAliasingPresetToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAntiAliasingPresetToolTip () 

function getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusSingleStep () 

function getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusSuffix#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusSuffix () 

function getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusToolTip () 

function getBackgroundImageModeCount#

Returns the number of background image modes.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundImageModeCount () 

function getBackgroundImageModeItemText#

Returns the name of the i-th background image mode.

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundImageModeItemText (
    int i

function getBackgroundImageModeString#

Returns a human-readable string representation of the background image mode mode .

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundImageModeString (
    BackgroundImageMode mode

function getBackgroundTypeCount#

Returns the number of background types.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundTypeCount () 

function getBackgroundTypeItemText#

Returns the name of the i-th background type.

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundTypeItemText (
    int i

function getBackgroundTypeString#

Returns a human-readable string representation of the background type type .

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundTypeString (
    BackgroundType type

function getBackgroundTypeToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundTypeToolTip () 

function getBloomRadiusSingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBloomRadiusSingleStep () 

function getBloomRadiusToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBloomRadiusToolTip () 

function getBloomStrengthSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBloomStrengthSingleStep () 

function getBloomThresholdSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBloomThresholdSingleStep () 

function getBloomToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBloomToolTip () 

function getBondRadiusSingleStep#

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBondRadiusSingleStep () 

function getBondRadiusToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBondRadiusToolTip () 

function getConstantAtomRadiusFlagToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getConstantAtomRadiusFlagToolTip () 

function getConstantAtomRadiusSingleStep#

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getConstantAtomRadiusSingleStep () 

function getConstantAtomRadiusToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getConstantAtomRadiusToolTip () 

function getDefaultAmbientLight#

Returns the global light's default ambient light amount.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultAmbientLight () 

function getDefaultAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor#

Returns the default value of the anti-aliasing multisampling factor.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor () 

function getDefaultAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius#

Returns the default value of the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius () 

function getDefaultBackgroundBottomColor#

Returns the default background bottom color.

static const SBColor & SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultBackgroundBottomColor () 

function getDefaultBackgroundImageModeIndex#

Returns the default background image mode.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultBackgroundImageModeIndex () 

function getDefaultBackgroundTopColor#

Returns the default background top color.

static const SBColor & SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultBackgroundTopColor () 

function getDefaultBackgroundTypeIndex#

Returns the default background type.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultBackgroundTypeIndex () 

function getDefaultBloomRadius#

Returns the default number of bloom passes.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultBloomRadius () 

function getDefaultBloomStrength#

Returns the default value of the bloom strength.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultBloomStrength () 

function getDefaultBloomThreshold#

Returns the default value of the bloom threshold.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultBloomThreshold () 

function getDefaultBondRadius#

Returns the default value of the bond radius.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultBondRadius () 

function getDefaultConstantAtomRadius#

Returns the default value of the constant atom radius.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultConstantAtomRadius () 

function getDefaultDepthOfFieldDistance#

Returns the default value of the depth-of-field's distance.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultDepthOfFieldDistance () 

function getDefaultDepthOfFieldStrength#

Returns the default value of the depth-of-field strength.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultDepthOfFieldStrength () 

function getDefaultFirstLightColor#

Returns the first light's default color.

static const SBColor & SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultFirstLightColor () 

function getDefaultFirstLightIntensity#

Returns the first light's default intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultFirstLightIntensity () 

function getDefaultFirstLightLatitude#

Returns the first light's default value of latitude.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultFirstLightLatitude () 

function getDefaultFirstLightLongitude#

Returns the light's default value of longitude.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultFirstLightLongitude () 

function getDefaultFirstLightSpecularIntensity#

Returns the first light's default specular intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultFirstLightSpecularIntensity () 

function getDefaultFirstLightSpecularPower#

Returns the first light's default specular power.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultFirstLightSpecularPower () 

function getDefaultFogFarDistance#

Returns the default value of the fog's far distance.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultFogFarDistance () 

function getDefaultFogNearDistance#

Returns the default value of the fog's near distance.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultFogNearDistance () 

function getDefaultFogStrength#

Returns the default value of the fog strength.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultFogStrength () 

function getDefaultFresnelIntensity#

Returns the global light's default fresnel intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultFresnelIntensity () 

function getDefaultFresnelPower#

Returns the global light's default fresnel power.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultFresnelPower () 

function getDefaultGridRadius#

Returns the default value of the grid radius.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultGridRadius () 

function getDefaultGridSpacing#

Returns the default value of the grid spacing.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultGridSpacing () 

function getDefaultGridThickness#

Returns the default value of the grid thickness.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultGridThickness () 

function getDefaultGridTransparency#

Returns the default value of the grid transparency.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultGridTransparency () 

function getDefaultLightingPresetIndex#

Returns the default lighting presets.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultLightingPresetIndex () 

function getDefaultOSAOGridSize#

Returns the default value of the SSAO kernel size.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultOSAOGridSize () 

function getDefaultOSAOStrength#

Returns the default value of the OSAO strength.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultOSAOStrength () 

function getDefaultPinholeSharpness#

Returns the default value of the pinhole sharpness.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultPinholeSharpness () 

function getDefaultSSAOKernelSize#

Returns the default value of the SSAO kernel size.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSSAOKernelSize () 

function getDefaultSSAORadius#

Returns the default value of the SSAO radius.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSSAORadius () 

function getDefaultSSAORandomization#

Returns the default value of the SSAO randomization parameter.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSSAORandomization () 

function getDefaultSSAOStrength#

Returns the default value of the SSAO strength.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSSAOStrength () 

function getDefaultScaleMinimumLength#

Returns the default value of the scale's minimum lengths.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultScaleMinimumLength () 

function getDefaultScaleThickness#

Returns the default value of the scale thickness.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultScaleThickness () 

function getDefaultSecondLightColor#

Returns the second light's default color.

static const SBColor & SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSecondLightColor () 

function getDefaultSecondLightIntensity#

Returns the second light's default intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSecondLightIntensity () 

function getDefaultSecondLightLatitude#

Returns the second light's default value of latitude.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSecondLightLatitude () 

function getDefaultSecondLightLongitude#

Returns the second light's default value of longitude.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSecondLightLongitude () 

function getDefaultSecondLightSpecularIntensity#

Returns the second light's default specular intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSecondLightSpecularIntensity () 

function getDefaultSecondLightSpecularPower#

Returns the second light's default specular power.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSecondLightSpecularPower () 

function getDefaultShadowMultisamplingFactor#

Returns the default value of shadows' multisampling factor.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultShadowMultisamplingFactor () 

function getDefaultShadowOffset#

Returns the default value of the offset between objects and their shadows.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultShadowOffset () 

function getDefaultShadowPresetIndex#

Returns the default shadow presets.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultShadowPresetIndex () 

function getDefaultShadowResolution#

Returns the default value of shadows' resolution.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultShadowResolution () 

function getDefaultShadowSpread#

Returns the default value of the spread of shadows.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultShadowSpread () 

function getDefaultShadowTransparency#

Returns the default value of the shadow transparency.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultShadowTransparency () 

function getDefaultSilhouetteColor#

Returns the silhouette's default color.

static const SBColor & SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSilhouetteColor () 

function getDefaultSilhouetteDistanceThreshold#

Returns the default value of the silhouette's distance threshold.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSilhouetteDistanceThreshold () 

function getDefaultSilhouetteThickness#

Returns the default value of the silhouette thickness.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSilhouetteThickness () 

function getDefaultSilhouetteTransparency#

Returns the default value of the silhouette transparency.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDefaultSilhouetteTransparency () 

function getDepthOfFieldDistanceSingleStep#

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDepthOfFieldDistanceSingleStep () 

function getDepthOfFieldDistanceToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDepthOfFieldDistanceToolTip () 

function getDepthOfFieldStrengthSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDepthOfFieldStrengthSingleStep () 

function getDepthOfFieldStrengthToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDepthOfFieldStrengthToolTip () 

function getDepthOfFieldToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getDepthOfFieldToolTip () 

function getFXAAFlagToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFXAAFlagToolTip () 

function getFirstLightColorToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFirstLightColorToolTip () 

function getFirstLightIntensitySingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFirstLightIntensitySingleStep () 

function getFirstLightSpecularIntensitySingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFirstLightSpecularIntensitySingleStep () 

function getFirstLightSpecularIntensityToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFirstLightSpecularIntensityToolTip () 

function getFirstLightSpecularPowerSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFirstLightSpecularPowerSingleStep () 

function getFirstLightSpecularPowerToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFirstLightSpecularPowerToolTip () 

function getFogFarDistanceSingleStep#

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFogFarDistanceSingleStep () 

function getFogFarDistanceToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFogFarDistanceToolTip () 

function getFogNearDistanceSingleStep#

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFogNearDistanceSingleStep () 

function getFogNearDistanceToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFogNearDistanceToolTip () 

function getFogStrengthSingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFogStrengthSingleStep () 

function getFogStrengthToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFogStrengthToolTip () 

function getFogToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFogToolTip () 

function getFresnelIntensitySingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFresnelIntensitySingleStep () 

function getFresnelIntensityToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFresnelIntensityToolTip () 

function getFresnelPowerSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFresnelPowerSingleStep () 

function getFresnelPowerToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getFresnelPowerToolTip () 

function getGridRadiusSingleStep#

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getGridRadiusSingleStep () 

function getGridSpacingSingleStep#

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getGridSpacingSingleStep () 

function getGridThicknessSingleStep#

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getGridThicknessSingleStep () 

function getGridToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getGridToolTip () 

function getGridTransparencySingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getGridTransparencySingleStep () 

function getLightCoordinateSingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getLightCoordinateSingleStep () 

function getLightCoordinateToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getLightCoordinateToolTip () 

function getLightingPresetCount#

Returns the number of lighting presets.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getLightingPresetCount () 

function getLightingPresetItemText#

Returns the name of the i-th lighting preset.

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getLightingPresetItemText (
    int i

function getLightingPresetString#

Returns a human-readable string representation of the lighting preset preset .

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getLightingPresetString (
    LightingPreset preset

function getLightingPresetToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getLightingPresetToolTip () 

function getMaximumAmbientLight#

Returns the global light's maximum ambient light amount.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumAmbientLight () 

function getMaximumAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor#

Returns the maximum value of the anti-aliasing multisampling factor.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor () 

function getMaximumAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius#

Returns the maximum value of the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius () 

function getMaximumBloomRadius#

Returns the maximum number of bloom passes.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumBloomRadius () 

function getMaximumBloomStrength#

Returns the maximum value of the bloom strength.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumBloomStrength () 

function getMaximumBloomThreshold#

Returns the maximum value of the bloom threshold.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumBloomThreshold () 

function getMaximumBondRadius#

Returns the maximum value of the bond radius.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumBondRadius () 

function getMaximumConstantAtomRadius#

Returns the maximum value of the constant atom radius.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumConstantAtomRadius () 

function getMaximumDepthOfFieldDistance#

Returns the maximum value of the depth-of-field's distance.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumDepthOfFieldDistance () 

function getMaximumDepthOfFieldStrength#

Returns the maximum value of the depth-of-field strength.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumDepthOfFieldStrength () 

function getMaximumFirstLightIntensity#

Returns the first light's maximum intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumFirstLightIntensity () 

function getMaximumFirstLightSpecularIntensity#

Returns the first light's maximum specular intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumFirstLightSpecularIntensity () 

function getMaximumFirstLightSpecularPower#

Returns the first light's maximum specular power.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumFirstLightSpecularPower () 

function getMaximumFogFarDistance#

Returns the maximum value of the fog's far distance.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumFogFarDistance () 

function getMaximumFogNearDistance#

Returns the maximum value of the fog's near distance.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumFogNearDistance () 

function getMaximumFogStrength#

Returns the maximum value of the fog strength.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumFogStrength () 

function getMaximumFresnelIntensity#

Returns the global light's maximum fresnel intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumFresnelIntensity () 

function getMaximumFresnelPower#

Returns the global light's maximum fresnel power.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumFresnelPower () 

function getMaximumGridRadius#

Returns the maximum value of the grid radius.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumGridRadius () 

function getMaximumGridSpacing#

Returns the maximum value of the grid spacing.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumGridSpacing () 

function getMaximumGridThickness#

Returns the maximum value of the grid thickness.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumGridThickness () 

function getMaximumGridTransparency#

Returns the maximum value of the grid transparency.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumGridTransparency () 

function getMaximumLightCoordinate#

Returns the light's maximum value of longitude/latitude.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumLightCoordinate () 

function getMaximumOSAOGridSize#

Returns the maximum value of the SSAO kernel size.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumOSAOGridSize () 

function getMaximumOSAOStrength#

Returns the maximum value of the OSAO strength.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumOSAOStrength () 

function getMaximumPinholeSharpness#

Returns the maximum value of the pinhole sharpness.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumPinholeSharpness () 

function getMaximumSSAOKernelSize#

Returns the maximum value of the SSAO kernel size.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumSSAOKernelSize () 

function getMaximumSSAORadius#

Returns the maximum value of the SSAO radius.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumSSAORadius () 

function getMaximumSSAORandomization#

Returns the maximum value of the SSAO randomization parameter.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumSSAORandomization () 

function getMaximumSSAOStrength#

Returns the maximum value of the SSAO strength.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumSSAOStrength () 

function getMaximumScaleMinimumLength#

Returns the maximum value of the scale's minimum lengths.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumScaleMinimumLength () 

function getMaximumScaleThickness#

Returns the maximum value of the scale thickness.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumScaleThickness () 

function getMaximumSecondLightIntensity#

Returns the second light's maximum intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumSecondLightIntensity () 

function getMaximumSecondLightSpecularIntensity#

Returns the second light's maximum specular intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumSecondLightSpecularIntensity () 

function getMaximumSecondLightSpecularPower#

Returns the second light's maximum specular power.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumSecondLightSpecularPower () 

function getMaximumShadowMultisamplingFactor#

Returns the maximum value of shadows' multisampling factor.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumShadowMultisamplingFactor () 

function getMaximumShadowOffset#

Returns the maximum value of the offset between objects and their shadows.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumShadowOffset () 

function getMaximumShadowResolution#

Returns the maximum value of shadows' resolution.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumShadowResolution () 

function getMaximumShadowSpread#

Returns the maximum value of the spread of shadows.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumShadowSpread () 

function getMaximumShadowTransparency#

Returns the maximum value of the shadow transparency.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumShadowTransparency () 

function getMaximumSilhouetteDistanceThreshold#

Returns the maximum value of the silhouette's distance threshold.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumSilhouetteDistanceThreshold () 

function getMaximumSilhouetteThickness#

Returns the maximum value of the silhouette thickness.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumSilhouetteThickness () 

function getMaximumSilhouetteTransparency#

Returns the maximum value of the silhouette transparency.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMaximumSilhouetteTransparency () 

function getMinimumAmbientLight#

Returns the global light's minimum ambient light amount.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumAmbientLight () 

function getMinimumAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor#

Returns the minimum value of the anti-aliasing multisampling factor.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor () 

function getMinimumAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius#

Returns the minimum value of the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius () 

function getMinimumBloomRadius#

Returns the minimum number of bloom passes.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumBloomRadius () 

function getMinimumBloomStrength#

Returns the minimum value of the bloom strength.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumBloomStrength () 

function getMinimumBloomThreshold#

Returns the minimum value of the bloom threshold.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumBloomThreshold () 

function getMinimumBondRadius#

Returns the minimum value of the bond radius.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumBondRadius () 

function getMinimumConstantAtomRadius#

Returns the minimum value of the constant atom radius.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumConstantAtomRadius () 

function getMinimumDepthOfFieldDistance#

Returns the minimum value of the depth-of-field's distance.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumDepthOfFieldDistance () 

function getMinimumDepthOfFieldStrength#

Returns the minimum value of the depth-of-field strength.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumDepthOfFieldStrength () 

function getMinimumFirstLightIntensity#

Returns the first light's minimum intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumFirstLightIntensity () 

function getMinimumFirstLightSpecularIntensity#

Returns the first light's minimum specular intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumFirstLightSpecularIntensity () 

function getMinimumFirstLightSpecularPower#

Returns the first light's minimum specular power.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumFirstLightSpecularPower () 

function getMinimumFogFarDistance#

Returns the minimum value of the fog's far distance.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumFogFarDistance () 

function getMinimumFogNearDistance#

Returns the minimum value of the fog's near distance.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumFogNearDistance () 

function getMinimumFogStrength#

Returns the minimum value of the fog strength.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumFogStrength () 

function getMinimumFresnelIntensity#

Returns the global light's minimum fresnel intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumFresnelIntensity () 

function getMinimumFresnelPower#

Returns the global light's minimum fresnel power.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumFresnelPower () 

function getMinimumGridRadius#

Returns the minimum value of the grid radius.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumGridRadius () 

function getMinimumGridSpacing#

Returns the minimum value of the grid spacing.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumGridSpacing () 

function getMinimumGridThickness#

Returns the minimum value of the grid thickness.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumGridThickness () 

function getMinimumGridTransparency#

Returns the minimum value of the grid transparency.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumGridTransparency () 

function getMinimumLightCoordinate#

Returns the light's minimum value of longitude/latitude.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumLightCoordinate () 

function getMinimumOSAOGridSize#

Returns the minimum value of the SSAO kernel size.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumOSAOGridSize () 

function getMinimumOSAOStrength#

Returns the minimum value of the OSAO strength.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumOSAOStrength () 

function getMinimumPinholeSharpness#

Returns the minimum value of the pinhole sharpness.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumPinholeSharpness () 

function getMinimumSSAOKernelSize#

Returns the minimum value of the SSAO kernel size.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumSSAOKernelSize () 

function getMinimumSSAORadius#

Returns the minimum value of the SSAO radius.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumSSAORadius () 

function getMinimumSSAORandomization#

Returns the minimum value of the SSAO randomization parameter.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumSSAORandomization () 

function getMinimumSSAOStrength#

Returns the minimum value of the SSAO strength.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumSSAOStrength () 

function getMinimumScaleMinimumLength#

Returns the minimum value of the scale's minimum lengths.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumScaleMinimumLength () 

function getMinimumScaleThickness#

Returns the minimum value of the scale thickness.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumScaleThickness () 

function getMinimumSecondLightIntensity#

Returns the second light's minimum intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumSecondLightIntensity () 

function getMinimumSecondLightSpecularIntensity#

Returns the second light's minimum specular intensity.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumSecondLightSpecularIntensity () 

function getMinimumSecondLightSpecularPower#

Returns the second light's minimum specular power.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumSecondLightSpecularPower () 

function getMinimumShadowMultisamplingFactor#

Returns the minimum value of shadows' multisampling factor.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumShadowMultisamplingFactor () 

function getMinimumShadowOffset#

Returns the minimum value of the offset between objects and their shadows.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumShadowOffset () 

function getMinimumShadowResolution#

Returns the minimum value of shadows' resolution.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumShadowResolution () 

function getMinimumShadowSpread#

Returns the minimum value of the spread of shadows.

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumShadowSpread () 

function getMinimumShadowTransparency#

Returns the minimum value of the shadow transparency.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumShadowTransparency () 

function getMinimumSilhouetteDistanceThreshold#

Returns the minimum value of the silhouette's distance threshold.

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumSilhouetteDistanceThreshold () 

function getMinimumSilhouetteThickness#

Returns the minimum value of the silhouette thickness.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumSilhouetteThickness () 

function getMinimumSilhouetteTransparency#

Returns the minimum value of the silhouette transparency.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getMinimumSilhouetteTransparency () 

function getOSAOGridSizeSingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getOSAOGridSizeSingleStep () 

function getOSAOGridSizeToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getOSAOGridSizeToolTip () 

function getOSAOStrengthSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getOSAOStrengthSingleStep () 

function getOSAOStrengthToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getOSAOStrengthToolTip () 

function getOSAOToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getOSAOToolTip () 

function getPinholeSharpnessSingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getPinholeSharpnessSingleStep () 

function getPinholeToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getPinholeToolTip () 

function getRenderMultipleBondsToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getRenderMultipleBondsToolTip () 

function getSSAOKernelSizeSingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAOKernelSizeSingleStep () 

function getSSAOKernelSizeToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAOKernelSizeToolTip () 

function getSSAORadiusSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAORadiusSingleStep () 

function getSSAORadiusToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAORadiusToolTip () 

function getSSAORandomizationSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAORandomizationSingleStep () 

function getSSAORandomizationToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAORandomizationToolTip () 

function getSSAOStrengthSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAOStrengthSingleStep () 

function getSSAOStrengthToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAOStrengthToolTip () 

function getSSAOToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSSAOToolTip () 

function getScaleMinimumLengthSingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getScaleMinimumLengthSingleStep () 

function getScaleMinimumLengthSuffix#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getScaleMinimumLengthSuffix () 

function getScaleThicknessSingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getScaleThicknessSingleStep () 

function getScaleThicknessSuffix#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getScaleThicknessSuffix () 

function getScaleToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getScaleToolTip () 

function getSecondLightColorToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSecondLightColorToolTip () 

function getSecondLightIntensitySingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSecondLightIntensitySingleStep () 

function getSecondLightSpecularIntensitySingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSecondLightSpecularIntensitySingleStep () 

function getSecondLightSpecularIntensityToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSecondLightSpecularIntensityToolTip () 

function getSecondLightSpecularPowerSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSecondLightSpecularPowerSingleStep () 

function getSecondLightSpecularPowerToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSecondLightSpecularPowerToolTip () 

function getShadowMultisamplingFactorSingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowMultisamplingFactorSingleStep () 

function getShadowMultisamplingFactorToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowMultisamplingFactorToolTip () 

function getShadowOffsetSingleStep#

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowOffsetSingleStep () 

function getShadowOffsetToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowOffsetToolTip () 

function getShadowPresetCount#

Returns the number of shadow presets.

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowPresetCount () 

function getShadowPresetItemText#

Returns the name of the i-th shadow preset.

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowPresetItemText (
    int i

function getShadowPresetString#

Returns a human-readable string representation of the shadow preset preset .

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowPresetString (
    ShadowPreset preset

function getShadowPresetToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowPresetToolTip () 

function getShadowResolutionSingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowResolutionSingleStep () 

function getShadowResolutionToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowResolutionToolTip () 

function getShadowSpreadSingleStep#

static float SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowSpreadSingleStep () 

function getShadowSpreadToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowSpreadToolTip () 

function getShadowToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowToolTip () 

function getShadowTransparencySingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getShadowTransparencySingleStep () 

function getSilhouetteColorToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteColorToolTip () 

function getSilhouetteDistanceThresholdSingleStep#

static SBQuantity::length SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteDistanceThresholdSingleStep () 

function getSilhouetteDistanceThresholdToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteDistanceThresholdToolTip () 

function getSilhouetteFogAttenuationToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteFogAttenuationToolTip () 

function getSilhouetteThicknessSingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteThicknessSingleStep () 

function getSilhouetteThicknessSuffix#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteThicknessSuffix () 

function getSilhouetteToolTip#

static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteToolTip () 

function getSilhouetteTransparencySingleStep#

static int SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getSilhouetteTransparencySingleStep ()