Class SBDDocumentRenderPreset#
ClassList > SBDDocumentRenderPreset
This class describes a render preset.
#include <SBDDocumentRenderPreset.hpp>
Inherits the following classes: SBDDataGraphNode
Public Types#
Type | Name |
enum | AntiAliasingPreset |
enum | BackgroundImageMode |
enum | BackgroundType |
enum | LightingPreset |
enum | ShadowPreset |
Public Types inherited from SBDDataGraphNode#
See SBDDataGraphNode
Type | Name |
enum | RenderingPass The rendering pass. |
enum | Type The type of the data graph node. |
Public Functions#
Type | Name |
SBDDocumentRenderPreset () Constructs a render preset. |
SBDDocumentRenderPreset (const std::string & name) Constructs a render preset with name name . |
SB_DECLARE_DATA (SBDDocumentRenderPreset) |
void | apply () Applies the render preset. |
virtual void | changed () Emits the RenderPresetChanged event. |
void | clearBackgroundImageBase64 () Clear the background image. |
virtual SBDDocumentRenderPreset * | clone () override Returns a copy of the node. |
void | connectDocumentSignalToSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBDocumentEvent *) functionPointer, SBCReferenceTarget * nextReferenceTarget=0, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBDocumentEvent *) nextFunctionPointer=0) Connects the document signal to a slot. |
void | disconnectDocumentSignalFromSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBDocumentEvent *) functionPointer) Disconnects the document signal from a slot. |
bool | documentSignalIsConnectedToSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBDocumentEvent *) functionPointer) const Returns true if and only if the document signal is connected to the slot. |
float | getAmbientLight () const Returns the global light's ambient light amount. |
int | getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor () const Returns the multisampling factor value. |
AntiAliasingPreset | getAntiAliasingPreset () const Returns the anti-aliasing preset. |
int | getAntiAliasingPresetIndex () const Returns the anti-aliasing preset index. |
float | getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius () const Returns the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius. |
const SBColor & | getBackgroundBottomColor () const Returns the background bottom color. |
const std::string & | getBackgroundImageBase64 () const Returns the background image in base64. |
BackgroundImageMode | getBackgroundImageMode () const Returns the background image mode. |
int | getBackgroundImageModeIndex () const Returns the background image mode index. |
const SBColor & | getBackgroundTopColor () const Returns the background top color. |
BackgroundType | getBackgroundType () const Returns the background type. |
int | getBackgroundTypeIndex () const Returns the background type index. |
bool | getBloomFlag () const Returns the bloom effect is on or off. |
int | getBloomRadius () const Returns the number of bloom passes. |
float | getBloomStrength () const Returns the bloom strength value. |
float | getBloomThreshold () const Returns the bloom threshold value. |
SBQuantity::length | getBondRadius () const Returns the bond radius. |
SBQuantity::length | getConstantAtomRadius () const Returns the constant atom radius value. |
bool | getConstantAtomRadiusFlag () const Returns true if atoms should be rendered with a constant radius, false if atoms should be rendered with the atom size proportional to Van der Waals radius. |
SBQuantity::length | getDepthOfFieldDistance () const Returns the distance at which the depth-of-field effect begins. |
bool | getDepthOfFieldFlag () const Returns the depth-of-field effect is on or off. |
float | getDepthOfFieldStrength () const Returns the depth-of-field strength. |
const std::string & | getDescriptionForInspector () const Returns text description that will be shown in the Inspector. |
bool | getFXAAFlag () const Returns the FXAA flag. |
const SBColor & | getFirstLightColor () const Returns the first light's color. |
float | getFirstLightIntensity () const Returns the first light's intensity. |
int | getFirstLightLatitude () const Returns the first light's latitude. |
int | getFirstLightLongitude () const Returns the first light's longitude. |
float | getFirstLightSpecularIntensity () const Returns the first light's specular intensity. |
float | getFirstLightSpecularPower () const Returns the first light's specular power. |
SBQuantity::length | getFogFarDistance () const Returns the distance beyond which fog is maximal. |
bool | getFogFlag () const Returns the fog effect is on or off. |
SBQuantity::length | getFogNearDistance () const Returns the distance at which the fog begins. |
int | getFogStrength () const Returns the fog strength. |
float | getFresnelIntensity () const Returns the global light's fresnel intensity. |
float | getFresnelPower () const Returns the global light's fresnel power. |
bool | getGridFlag () const Returns whether the grid should be displayed in the Viewport. |
SBQuantity::length | getGridRadius () const Returns the grid radius. |
SBQuantity::length | getGridSpacing () const Returns the grid spacing. |
SBQuantity::length | getGridThickness () const Returns the grid thickness. |
int | getGridTransparency () const Returns the grid transparency. |
LightingPreset | getLightingPreset () const Returns the lighting preset. |
int | getLightingPresetIndex () const Returns the lighting preset index. |
SBDDocumentRenderPreset * | getNextRenderPreset () const Returns the next render preset. |
bool | getNonConstantAtomRadiusFlag () const This is a convenience function that returns an opposite to what returns getConstantAtomRadiusFlag() __ |
bool | getOSAOFlag () const Returns the object-space ambient occlusion (OSAO) effect is on or off. |
int | getOSAOGridSize () const Returns the SSAO kernel size value. |
float | getOSAOStrength () const Returns the OSAO strength value. |
bool | getPinholeFlag () const Returns whether the pinhole effect is on or off. |
int | getPinholeSharpness () const Returns the pinhole sharpness. |
SBDDocumentRenderPreset * | getPreviousRenderPreset () const Returns the previous render preset. |
bool | getRenderMultipleBondsFlag () const Returns true if multiple bonds should be rendered explicitly (default), false of the order of a bond should be represented by its thickness. |
bool | getSSAOFlag () const Returns the screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) effect is on or off. |
int | getSSAOKernelSize () const Returns the SSAO kernel size value. |
float | getSSAORadius () const Returns the SSAO radius. |
float | getSSAORandomization () const Returns the SSAO randomization value. |
float | getSSAOStrength () const Returns the SSAO strength value. |
bool | getScaleFlag () const Returns whether the scale should be displayed in the Viewport. |
int | getScaleMinimumLength () const Returns the scale's minimum lengths. |
int | getScaleThickness () const Returns the scale thickness. |
const SBColor & | getSecondLightColor () const Returns the second light's color. |
float | getSecondLightIntensity () const Returns the second light's intensity. |
int | getSecondLightLatitude () const Returns the second light's latitude. |
int | getSecondLightLongitude () const Returns the second light's longitude. |
float | getSecondLightSpecularIntensity () const Returns the second light's specular intensity. |
float | getSecondLightSpecularPower () const Returns the second light's specular power. |
bool | getShadowFlag () const Returns whether shadow should be displayed. |
int | getShadowMultisamplingFactor () const Returns the shadow multisampling factor value. |
SBQuantity::length | getShadowOffset () const Returns the offset between objects and their shadows. |
ShadowPreset | getShadowPreset () const Returns the shadow preset. |
int | getShadowPresetIndex () const Returns the shadow preset's index. |
int | getShadowResolution () const Returns the shadow resolution value. |
float | getShadowSpread () const Returns the spread of shadows. |
int | getShadowTransparency () const Returns the shadow transparency. |
const SBColor & | getSilhouetteColor () const Returns the silhouette color. |
SBQuantity::length | getSilhouetteDistanceThreshold () const Returns the silhouette's distance threshold. |
bool | getSilhouetteFlag () const Returns whether silhouettes should be displayed. |
bool | getSilhouetteFogAttenuationFlag () const Returns whether silhouettes should have fog attenuation. |
int | getSilhouetteThickness () const Returns the silhouette thickness. |
int | getSilhouetteTransparency () const Returns the silhouette transparency. |
virtual SBDDataGraphNode::Type | getType () override const Returns the data graph node type. |
bool | hasBackgroundImageBase64 () const Returns whether the background image in base64 has been set. |
bool | isCustomBackground () const A convenience function that return true if the custom gradient background is chosen. |
bool | isImageBackground () const A convenience function that return true if the image background is chosen. |
virtual bool | isSerializable () override const Returns true. |
virtual void | print (unsigned int offset=0) override const Prints the render preset. |
virtual void | serialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) override const Serializes the render preset. |
void | setAmbientLight (float v) Sets the global light's ambient light amount to v . |
void | setAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor (int i) Sets the multisampling factor value to i . |
void | setAntiAliasingPreset (AntiAliasingPreset preset) Sets the anti-aliasing preset to preset . |
void | setAntiAliasingPresetIndex (int i) Sets the anti-aliasing preset to i . |
void | setAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius (float v) Sets the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius. |
void | setBackgroundBottomColor (const SBColor & color) Sets the background bottom color to color . |
void | setBackgroundImageBase64 (const std::string & imageBase64) Sets the background image in base64 to imageBase64 . |
void | setBackgroundImageMode (BackgroundImageMode mode) Sets the background image mode to mode . |
void | setBackgroundImageModeIndex (int i) Sets the background image mode to i . |
void | setBackgroundTopColor (const SBColor & color) Sets the background top color to color . |
void | setBackgroundType (BackgroundType type) Sets the background type to type . |
void | setBackgroundTypeIndex (int i) Sets the background type to i . |
void | setBloomFlag (bool b) Sets the bloom flag to b . |
void | setBloomRadius (int v) Sets the number of bloom passes value to v . |
void | setBloomStrength (float v) Sets the bloom strength value to v . |
void | setBloomThreshold (float v) Sets the bloom threshold value to v . |
void | setBondRadius (SBQuantity::length v) Sets the bond radius. |
void | setConstantAtomRadius (SBQuantity::length v) Sets the constant atom radius value. |
void | setConstantAtomRadiusFlag (bool b) Sets the whether atoms should be rendered with a constant radius. |
void | setDepthOfFieldDistance (SBQuantity::length v) Sets the distance at which the depth-of-field effect begins. |
void | setDepthOfFieldFlag (bool b) Sets the depth-of-field flag to b . |
void | setDepthOfFieldStrength (float v) Sets the depth-of-field strength. |
void | setFXAAFlag (bool b) Sets the FXAA flag to b . |
void | setFirstLightColor (const SBColor & color) Sets the first light's color to color . |
void | setFirstLightIntensity (float v) Sets the first light's intensity value to v . |
void | setFirstLightLatitude (int v) Sets the first light's latitude. |
void | setFirstLightLongitude (int v) Sets the first light's longitude. |
void | setFirstLightSpecularIntensity (float v) Sets the first light's specular intensity value to v . |
void | setFirstLightSpecularPower (float v) Sets the first light's specular power value to v . |
void | setFogFarDistance (SBQuantity::length v) Sets the distance beyond which fog is maximal. |
void | setFogFlag (bool b) Sets the fog flag to b . |
void | setFogNearDistance (SBQuantity::length v) Sets the distance at which the fog begins. |
void | setFogStrength (int v) Sets the fog strength. |
void | setFresnelIntensity (float v) Sets the global light's fresnel intensity value to v . |
void | setFresnelPower (float v) Sets the global light's fresnel power value to v . |
void | setGridFlag (bool b) Sets the grid flag to b . |
void | setGridRadius (SBQuantity::length v) Sets the grid radius. |
void | setGridSpacing (SBQuantity::length v) Sets the grid spacing. |
void | setGridThickness (SBQuantity::length v) Sets the grid thickness. |
void | setGridTransparency (int v) Sets the grid transparency. |
void | setLightingPreset (LightingPreset preset) Sets the lighting preset to preset . |
void | setLightingPresetIndex (int i) Sets the lighting preset to i . |
void | setOSAOFlag (bool b) Sets the object-space ambient occlusion (OSAO) flag to b . |
void | setOSAOGridSize (int v) Sets the SSAO kernel size value to v . |
void | setOSAOStrength (float v) Sets the OSAO strength value to v . |
void | setPinholeFlag (bool b) Sets the pinhole flag to b . |
void | setPinholeSharpness (int v) Sets the pinhole sharpness. |
void | setRenderMultipleBondsFlag (bool b) Sets the whether multiple bonds should be rendered explicitly. |
void | setSSAOFlag (bool b) Sets the screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) flag to b . |
void | setSSAOKernelSize (int v) Sets the SSAO kernel size value to v . |
void | setSSAORadius (float v) Sets the SSAO radius to v . |
void | setSSAORandomization (float v) Sets the SSAO randomization value to v . |
void | setSSAOStrength (float v) Sets the SSAO strength value to v . |
void | setScaleFlag (bool b) Sets the scale flag to b . |
void | setScaleMinimumLength (int v) Sets the scale's minimum lengths. |
void | setScaleThickness (int v) Sets the scale thickness. |
void | setSecondLightColor (const SBColor & color) Sets the second light's color to color . |
void | setSecondLightIntensity (float v) Sets the second light's intensity value to v . |
void | setSecondLightLatitude (int v) Sets the second light's latitude. |
void | setSecondLightLongitude (int v) Sets the second light's longitude. |
void | setSecondLightSpecularIntensity (float v) Sets the second light's specular intensity value to v . |
void | setSecondLightSpecularPower (float v) Sets the second light's specular power value to v . |
void | setShadowFlag (bool b) Sets the shadow flag to b . |
void | setShadowMultisamplingFactor (int i) Sets the shadow multisampling factor value to i . |
void | setShadowOffset (SBQuantity::length v) Sets the offset between objects and their shadows. |
void | setShadowPreset (ShadowPreset preset) Sets the shadow preset to preset . |
void | setShadowPresetIndex (int i) Sets the shadow preset to i . |
void | setShadowResolution (int i) Sets the shadow resolution value to i . |
void | setShadowSpread (float v) Sets the spread of shadows to v . |
void | setShadowTransparency (int v) Sets the shadow transparency. |
void | setSilhouetteColor (const SBColor & color) Sets the silhouette color to color . |
void | setSilhouetteDistanceThreshold (SBQuantity::length v) Sets the silhouette's distance threshold. |
void | setSilhouetteFlag (bool b) Sets the silhouette flag to b . |
void | setSilhouetteFogAttenuationFlag (bool b) Sets the silhouette's fog attenuation flag to b . |
void | setSilhouetteThickness (int v) Sets the silhouette thickness. |
void | setSilhouetteTransparency (int v) Sets the silhouette transparency. |
virtual std::string | toStdString (unsigned int offset=0) const Returns a string representation of the render preset. |
virtual void | unserialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) override Unserializes the render preset. |
virtual | ~SBDDocumentRenderPreset () Destructs the render preset. |
Public Functions inherited from SBDDataGraphNode#
See SBDDataGraphNode
Type | Name |
virtual bool | addChild (SBDDataGraphNode * node, SBDDataGraphNode * nextNode=nullptr) Adds a child to the node. |
bool | addMaterial (SBDDataGraphNodeMaterial * material) Adds a material. |
bool | baseSignalIsConnectedToSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBBaseEvent *) functionPointer) const Returns true when the base signal is connected to a slot. |
virtual bool | canAddChild (const SBDDataGraphNode * node, const SBDDataGraphNode * nextNode=nullptr) const Returns whether this node can add node as a child. |
virtual bool | canAddChildType (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) const Returns whether this node can add a node with type nodeType as a child. |
bool | canAddMaterial () const Returns whether can add a material to the node based on its type. |
virtual bool | canHaveDescendantType (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) const Returns whether this node can have a node with type nodeType as a descendant. |
virtual SBDDataGraphNode * | clone () Returns a copy of the node and its descendants. |
void | connectBaseSignalToSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBBaseEvent *) functionPointer, SBCReferenceTarget * nextReferenceTarget=0, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBBaseEvent *) nextFunctionPointer=0) Connects the base signal to a slot. |
unsigned int | countNodes (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType, bool selectedNodesOnly=false, const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const Counts nodes based on a nodeType , a selection status and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies. |
unsigned int | countNodes (const SBNodePredicate & selectionPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const Counts nodes based on a selectionPredicate and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies. |
void | create () Creates the node. |
bool | descendsFrom (const SBDDataGraphNode * node) const Returns true if and only if this node is node , or descends from it. |
bool | descendsFrom (const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodeIndexer , or descends from one of them. |
bool | descendsFrom (SBPointerIndexer< SBDDataGraphNode > * nodePointerIndexer) const Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodePointerIndexer , or descends from one of them. |
void | disconnectBaseSignalFromSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBBaseEvent *) functionPointer) Disconnects the base signal from a slot. |
virtual void | display (RenderingPass renderingPass) Displays the node. |
virtual void | display () Displays the node (deprecated) |
virtual void | displayForSelection () Displays the node for selection purposes (deprecated) |
virtual void | displayForShadow () Displays the node for shadowing purposes (deprecated) |
void | erase () Erases the node. |
virtual void | forEachNodeDepthFirst (void(*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action) Performs an action on each node. |
virtual void | forEachNodeDepthFirst (SBCClass * object, void(SBCClass::*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action) Performs an action on each node. |
virtual unsigned int | getDefaultOpacity () const Returns the default opacity. |
virtual unsigned int | getDefaultTransparency () const Returns the default transparency. |
SBDDocument * | getDocument () const Returns the document the node belongs to. |
virtual unsigned int | getFlags () const Returns the flags. |
virtual std::string | getHierarchyString (const std::string & separator=" / ", bool includeNodeType=false) const Returns a string with hierarchical information on the node and its parents names. |
bool | getHighlightingFlag () const Returns the highlighting flag. |
virtual unsigned int | getInheritedFlags () const Returns the inherited flags. |
float | getInheritedOpacity () const Returns the cumulative opacity, when taking into account the ascendants. |
float | getInheritedTransparency () const Returns the cumulative transparency, when taking into account the ascendants. |
virtual bool | getLockedFlag () const Returns the locked flag. |
SBDDataGraphNodeMaterial * | getMaterial () const Returns the material. |
SBDDataGraphNode * | getMaterialOwner () const Returns the node whose material is inherited. |
virtual unsigned int | getMaximumOpacity () const Returns the maximum opacity. |
virtual unsigned int | getMaximumTransparency () const Returns the maximum transparency. |
virtual unsigned int | getMinimumOpacity () const Returns the minimum opacity. |
virtual unsigned int | getMinimumTransparency () const Returns the minimum transparency. |
virtual SBQuantity::mass | getMolecularWeight () Returns the molecular weight. |
virtual std::string const & | getName () const Returns the name of the node. |
SBDDataGraphNode * | getNextNode () const Returns the pointer to the next node in the children of the node's parent. |
SBDDataGraphNode * | getNextNode (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) const Returns the pointer to the next node with type nodeType in the children of the node's parent. |
unsigned int | getNodeIndex () const Returns the node index (unique in the whole data graph, but non-persistent) |
SBUUID | getNodeUUID () const Returns the node UUID. |
virtual void | getNodes (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType, bool selectedNodesOnly=false, const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const Collects nodes into nodeIndexer , based on anodeType , a selection status and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies. |
virtual void | getNodes (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBNodePredicate & selectionPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const Collects nodes into nodeIndexer , based on aselectionPredicate and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfAtoms () Returns the number of atoms. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfCarbons () Returns the number of carbons. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfChains () Returns the number of chains. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfCoarseGrainedAtoms () Returns the number of coarse-grained atoms. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfHydrogens () Returns the number of hydrogens. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfMolecules () Returns the number of molecules. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfNitrogens () Returns the number of nitrogens. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfOtherAtoms () Returns the number of other atoms. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfOxygens () Returns the number of oxygens. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfResidues () Returns the number of residues. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfSegments () Returns the number of segments. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfStructuralGroups () Returns the number of structural groups. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfStructuralModels () Returns the number of structural models. |
virtual unsigned int | getNumberOfSulfurs () Returns the number of sulfurs. |
virtual unsigned int | getOpacity () const Returns the opacity. |
virtual unsigned int | getOpacitySingleStep () const Returns the opacity single step. |
virtual std::string | getOpacitySuffix () const Returns the opacity suffix. |
SBDDataGraphNode * | getParent () const Returns the parent of the node. |
SBDDataGraphNode * | getPreviousNode () const Returns the pointer to the previous node in the children of the node's parent. |
SBDDataGraphNode * | getPreviousNode (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) const Returns the pointer to the previous node with type nodeType in the children of the node's parent. |
SBDDataGraphNode * | getRoot () const Returns the root of the hierarchy the node belongs to. |
bool | getSelected () const Returns whether the node is selected. |
bool | getSelectionFlag () const Returns the selection flag. |
virtual int | getSumOfFormalCharges () Returns the sum of formal charges. |
virtual float | getSumOfPartialCharges () Returns the sum of partial charges. |
SBDDataGraphNode * | getThisNode () const Returns the pointer to this node. |
virtual unsigned int | getTransparency () const Returns the transparency. |
virtual unsigned int | getTransparencySingleStep () const Returns the transparency single step. |
virtual std::string | getTransparencySuffix () const Returns the transparency suffix. |
virtual Type | getType () const Returns the type of the data graph node. |
std::string | getTypeString (bool humanReadable=false) const Returns a string describing the type of the data graph node. |
bool | getVisibilityFlag () const Returns the visibility flag. |
bool | getVisible () const Returns whether the node is visible. |
bool | hasMaterial () const Returns whether the node has a material (by itself, or inherited) |
virtual bool | hasNode (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType, bool selectedNodesOnly=false, const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const Returns whether the node has nodes based on a nodeType , a selection status and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies. |
virtual bool | hasNode (const SBNodePredicate & selectionPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const Returns whether the node has nodes based on a selectionPredicate and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies. |
bool | hasOneOf (const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodeIndexer , or is the ancestor of one of them, or is a group that stores one of them. |
virtual bool | hasOpacityRange () const Returns whether the node has the opacity range. |
virtual bool | hasTransparencyRange () const Returns whether the node has the transparency range. |
bool | isAtom () const Returns true when the node is an atom. |
bool | isBallAndStick () const Returns true when the node is the default ball-and-stick visual model. |
bool | isBond () const Returns true when the node is a bond. |
bool | isCartoon () const Returns true when the node is the default cartoon visual model. |
bool | isCreated () const Returns true if and only if the node is created. |
bool | isDynamicalModel () const Returns true when the node is a dynamical model. |
bool | isErased () const Returns true if and only if the node is erased. |
bool | isGaussianSurface () const Returns true when the node is the default Gaussian surface visual model. |
bool | isHighlighted () const Returns whether the node is highlighted. |
bool | isIn (const SBDDataGraphNode * node) const Returns true if and only if this node is node , or descends from it, or belongs to a group stored innode . |
bool | isIn (const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodeIndexer , or descends from one of them, or belongs to a group stored in one of the nodes of thenodeIndexer . |
bool | isIn (SBPointerIndexer< SBDDataGraphNode > * nodePointerIndexer) const Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodePointerIndexer , or descends from one of them, or belongs to a group stored in of the nodes of thenodePointerIndexer . |
bool | isInteractionModel () const Returns true when the node is a interaction model. |
bool | isLicorice () const Returns true when the node is the default licorice visual model. |
bool | isLight () const Returns true when the node is a light. |
virtual bool | isLocked () const Returns whether the node is locked. |
bool | isMesh () const Returns true when the node is a mesh. |
bool | isModel () const Returns true when the node is a model. |
bool | isOneOf (const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodeIndexer . |
bool | isOneOf (SBPointerIndexer< SBDDataGraphNode > * nodePointerIndexer) const Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodePointerIndexer . |
bool | isPropertyModel () const Returns true when the node is a property model. |
bool | isRibbon () const Returns true when the node is the default ribbon visual model. |
bool | isSelected () const Returns whether the node is selected. |
virtual bool | isSerializable () const Returns true when the class is serializable. |
bool | isSimulator () const Returns true when the node is a simulator. |
bool | isSolventAccessibleSurface () const Returns true when the node is the default solvent accessible surface visual model. |
bool | isSolventExcludedSurface () const Returns true when the node is the default solvent excluded surface visual model. |
bool | isStructuralModel () const Returns true when the node is a structural model. |
bool | isStructuralNode () const Returns true when the node is a structural node. |
bool | isTube () const Returns true when the node is the default tube visual model. |
bool | isType (Type type) const Returns true when the type of the node corresponds to type . |
bool | isVanDerWaals () const Returns true when the node is the default van der Waals visual model. |
bool | isVisible () const Returns whether the node is visible. |
bool | isVisualModel () const Returns true when the node is a visual model. |
bool | ownsMaterial () const Returns whether the node owns a material. |
virtual void | print (unsigned int offset=0) const Prints some debugging information. |
virtual bool | removeChild (SBDDataGraphNode * node) Removes a child from the node. |
bool | removeMaterial () Removes the material. |
void | removeMaterialsFromDescendants () Removes materials from all nodes that descend from this node, but it does not remove the material from the node itself. |
virtual void | serialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) const Serializes the node. |
void | setHighlightingFlag (bool flag) Sets the highlighting flag. |
virtual void | setLockedFlag (bool flag) Sets the locked flag. |
virtual void | setName (const std::string & name) Sets the name of the node. |
virtual void | setOpacity (unsigned int opacity) Sets the opacity. |
void | setSelectionFlag (bool flag) Sets the selection flag. |
virtual void | setTransparency (unsigned int transparency) Sets the transparency. |
void | setVisibilityFlag (bool flag) Sets the visibility flag. |
virtual void | unserialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) Unserializes the node. |
Public Functions inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#
Type | Name |
SBCReferenceTarget () |
unsigned int | getMemoryFootprint () const |
void | printReferencesToOwners () const |
virtual | ~SBCReferenceTarget () |
Public Static Functions#
Type | Name |
float | getAmbientLightSingleStep () |
std::string | getAmbientLightToolTip () |
int | getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactorSingleStep () |
std::string | getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactorToolTip () |
int | getAntiAliasingPresetCount () Returns the number of anti-aliasing presets. |
std::string | getAntiAliasingPresetItemText (int i) Returns the name of the i-th anti-aliasing preset. |
std::string | getAntiAliasingPresetString (AntiAliasingPreset preset) Returns a human-readable string representation of the anti-aliasing preset preset . |
std::string | getAntiAliasingPresetToolTip () |
float | getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusSingleStep () |
std::string | getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusSuffix () |
std::string | getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusToolTip () |
int | getBackgroundImageModeCount () Returns the number of background image modes. |
std::string | getBackgroundImageModeItemText (int i) Returns the name of the i-th background image mode. |
std::string | getBackgroundImageModeString (BackgroundImageMode mode) Returns a human-readable string representation of the background image mode mode . |
int | getBackgroundTypeCount () Returns the number of background types. |
std::string | getBackgroundTypeItemText (int i) Returns the name of the i-th background type. |
std::string | getBackgroundTypeString (BackgroundType type) Returns a human-readable string representation of the background type type . |
std::string | getBackgroundTypeToolTip () |
int | getBloomRadiusSingleStep () |
std::string | getBloomRadiusToolTip () |
float | getBloomStrengthSingleStep () |
float | getBloomThresholdSingleStep () |
std::string | getBloomToolTip () |
SBQuantity::length | getBondRadiusSingleStep () |
std::string | getBondRadiusToolTip () |
std::string | getConstantAtomRadiusFlagToolTip () |
SBQuantity::length | getConstantAtomRadiusSingleStep () |
std::string | getConstantAtomRadiusToolTip () |
float | getDefaultAmbientLight () Returns the global light's default ambient light amount. |
int | getDefaultAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor () Returns the default value of the anti-aliasing multisampling factor. |
float | getDefaultAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius () Returns the default value of the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius. |
const SBColor & | getDefaultBackgroundBottomColor () Returns the default background bottom color. |
int | getDefaultBackgroundImageModeIndex () Returns the default background image mode. |
const SBColor & | getDefaultBackgroundTopColor () Returns the default background top color. |
int | getDefaultBackgroundTypeIndex () Returns the default background type. |
int | getDefaultBloomRadius () Returns the default number of bloom passes. |
float | getDefaultBloomStrength () Returns the default value of the bloom strength. |
float | getDefaultBloomThreshold () Returns the default value of the bloom threshold. |
SBQuantity::length | getDefaultBondRadius () Returns the default value of the bond radius. |
SBQuantity::length | getDefaultConstantAtomRadius () Returns the default value of the constant atom radius. |
SBQuantity::length | getDefaultDepthOfFieldDistance () Returns the default value of the depth-of-field's distance. |
float | getDefaultDepthOfFieldStrength () Returns the default value of the depth-of-field strength. |
const SBColor & | getDefaultFirstLightColor () Returns the first light's default color. |
float | getDefaultFirstLightIntensity () Returns the first light's default intensity. |
int | getDefaultFirstLightLatitude () Returns the first light's default value of latitude. |
int | getDefaultFirstLightLongitude () Returns the light's default value of longitude. |
float | getDefaultFirstLightSpecularIntensity () Returns the first light's default specular intensity. |
float | getDefaultFirstLightSpecularPower () Returns the first light's default specular power. |
SBQuantity::length | getDefaultFogFarDistance () Returns the default value of the fog's far distance. |
SBQuantity::length | getDefaultFogNearDistance () Returns the default value of the fog's near distance. |
int | getDefaultFogStrength () Returns the default value of the fog strength. |
float | getDefaultFresnelIntensity () Returns the global light's default fresnel intensity. |
float | getDefaultFresnelPower () Returns the global light's default fresnel power. |
SBQuantity::length | getDefaultGridRadius () Returns the default value of the grid radius. |
SBQuantity::length | getDefaultGridSpacing () Returns the default value of the grid spacing. |
SBQuantity::length | getDefaultGridThickness () Returns the default value of the grid thickness. |
int | getDefaultGridTransparency () Returns the default value of the grid transparency. |
int | getDefaultLightingPresetIndex () Returns the default lighting presets. |
int | getDefaultOSAOGridSize () Returns the default value of the SSAO kernel size. |
float | getDefaultOSAOStrength () Returns the default value of the OSAO strength. |
int | getDefaultPinholeSharpness () Returns the default value of the pinhole sharpness. |
int | getDefaultSSAOKernelSize () Returns the default value of the SSAO kernel size. |
float | getDefaultSSAORadius () Returns the default value of the SSAO radius. |
float | getDefaultSSAORandomization () Returns the default value of the SSAO randomization parameter. |
float | getDefaultSSAOStrength () Returns the default value of the SSAO strength. |
int | getDefaultScaleMinimumLength () Returns the default value of the scale's minimum lengths. |
int | getDefaultScaleThickness () Returns the default value of the scale thickness. |
const SBColor & | getDefaultSecondLightColor () Returns the second light's default color. |
float | getDefaultSecondLightIntensity () Returns the second light's default intensity. |
int | getDefaultSecondLightLatitude () Returns the second light's default value of latitude. |
int | getDefaultSecondLightLongitude () Returns the second light's default value of longitude. |
float | getDefaultSecondLightSpecularIntensity () Returns the second light's default specular intensity. |
float | getDefaultSecondLightSpecularPower () Returns the second light's default specular power. |
int | getDefaultShadowMultisamplingFactor () Returns the default value of shadows' multisampling factor. |
SBQuantity::length | getDefaultShadowOffset () Returns the default value of the offset between objects and their shadows. |
int | getDefaultShadowPresetIndex () Returns the default shadow presets. |
int | getDefaultShadowResolution () Returns the default value of shadows' resolution. |
float | getDefaultShadowSpread () Returns the default value of the spread of shadows. |
int | getDefaultShadowTransparency () Returns the default value of the shadow transparency. |
const SBColor & | getDefaultSilhouetteColor () Returns the silhouette's default color. |
SBQuantity::length | getDefaultSilhouetteDistanceThreshold () Returns the default value of the silhouette's distance threshold. |
int | getDefaultSilhouetteThickness () Returns the default value of the silhouette thickness. |
int | getDefaultSilhouetteTransparency () Returns the default value of the silhouette transparency. |
SBQuantity::length | getDepthOfFieldDistanceSingleStep () |
std::string | getDepthOfFieldDistanceToolTip () |
float | getDepthOfFieldStrengthSingleStep () |
std::string | getDepthOfFieldStrengthToolTip () |
std::string | getDepthOfFieldToolTip () |
std::string | getFXAAFlagToolTip () |
std::string | getFirstLightColorToolTip () |
float | getFirstLightIntensitySingleStep () |
float | getFirstLightSpecularIntensitySingleStep () |
std::string | getFirstLightSpecularIntensityToolTip () |
float | getFirstLightSpecularPowerSingleStep () |
std::string | getFirstLightSpecularPowerToolTip () |
SBQuantity::length | getFogFarDistanceSingleStep () |
std::string | getFogFarDistanceToolTip () |
SBQuantity::length | getFogNearDistanceSingleStep () |
std::string | getFogNearDistanceToolTip () |
int | getFogStrengthSingleStep () |
std::string | getFogStrengthToolTip () |
std::string | getFogToolTip () |
float | getFresnelIntensitySingleStep () |
std::string | getFresnelIntensityToolTip () |
float | getFresnelPowerSingleStep () |
std::string | getFresnelPowerToolTip () |
SBQuantity::length | getGridRadiusSingleStep () |
SBQuantity::length | getGridSpacingSingleStep () |
SBQuantity::length | getGridThicknessSingleStep () |
std::string | getGridToolTip () |
int | getGridTransparencySingleStep () |
int | getLightCoordinateSingleStep () |
std::string | getLightCoordinateToolTip () |
int | getLightingPresetCount () Returns the number of lighting presets. |
std::string | getLightingPresetItemText (int i) Returns the name of the i-th lighting preset. |
std::string | getLightingPresetString (LightingPreset preset) Returns a human-readable string representation of the lighting preset preset . |
std::string | getLightingPresetToolTip () |
float | getMaximumAmbientLight () Returns the global light's maximum ambient light amount. |
int | getMaximumAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor () Returns the maximum value of the anti-aliasing multisampling factor. |
float | getMaximumAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius () Returns the maximum value of the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius. |
int | getMaximumBloomRadius () Returns the maximum number of bloom passes. |
float | getMaximumBloomStrength () Returns the maximum value of the bloom strength. |
float | getMaximumBloomThreshold () Returns the maximum value of the bloom threshold. |
SBQuantity::length | getMaximumBondRadius () Returns the maximum value of the bond radius. |
SBQuantity::length | getMaximumConstantAtomRadius () Returns the maximum value of the constant atom radius. |
SBQuantity::length | getMaximumDepthOfFieldDistance () Returns the maximum value of the depth-of-field's distance. |
float | getMaximumDepthOfFieldStrength () Returns the maximum value of the depth-of-field strength. |
float | getMaximumFirstLightIntensity () Returns the first light's maximum intensity. |
float | getMaximumFirstLightSpecularIntensity () Returns the first light's maximum specular intensity. |
float | getMaximumFirstLightSpecularPower () Returns the first light's maximum specular power. |
SBQuantity::length | getMaximumFogFarDistance () Returns the maximum value of the fog's far distance. |
SBQuantity::length | getMaximumFogNearDistance () Returns the maximum value of the fog's near distance. |
int | getMaximumFogStrength () Returns the maximum value of the fog strength. |
float | getMaximumFresnelIntensity () Returns the global light's maximum fresnel intensity. |
float | getMaximumFresnelPower () Returns the global light's maximum fresnel power. |
SBQuantity::length | getMaximumGridRadius () Returns the maximum value of the grid radius. |
SBQuantity::length | getMaximumGridSpacing () Returns the maximum value of the grid spacing. |
SBQuantity::length | getMaximumGridThickness () Returns the maximum value of the grid thickness. |
int | getMaximumGridTransparency () Returns the maximum value of the grid transparency. |
int | getMaximumLightCoordinate () Returns the light's maximum value of longitude/latitude. |
int | getMaximumOSAOGridSize () Returns the maximum value of the SSAO kernel size. |
float | getMaximumOSAOStrength () Returns the maximum value of the OSAO strength. |
int | getMaximumPinholeSharpness () Returns the maximum value of the pinhole sharpness. |
int | getMaximumSSAOKernelSize () Returns the maximum value of the SSAO kernel size. |
float | getMaximumSSAORadius () Returns the maximum value of the SSAO radius. |
float | getMaximumSSAORandomization () Returns the maximum value of the SSAO randomization parameter. |
float | getMaximumSSAOStrength () Returns the maximum value of the SSAO strength. |
int | getMaximumScaleMinimumLength () Returns the maximum value of the scale's minimum lengths. |
int | getMaximumScaleThickness () Returns the maximum value of the scale thickness. |
float | getMaximumSecondLightIntensity () Returns the second light's maximum intensity. |
float | getMaximumSecondLightSpecularIntensity () Returns the second light's maximum specular intensity. |
float | getMaximumSecondLightSpecularPower () Returns the second light's maximum specular power. |
int | getMaximumShadowMultisamplingFactor () Returns the maximum value of shadows' multisampling factor. |
SBQuantity::length | getMaximumShadowOffset () Returns the maximum value of the offset between objects and their shadows. |
int | getMaximumShadowResolution () Returns the maximum value of shadows' resolution. |
float | getMaximumShadowSpread () Returns the maximum value of the spread of shadows. |
int | getMaximumShadowTransparency () Returns the maximum value of the shadow transparency. |
SBQuantity::length | getMaximumSilhouetteDistanceThreshold () Returns the maximum value of the silhouette's distance threshold. |
int | getMaximumSilhouetteThickness () Returns the maximum value of the silhouette thickness. |
int | getMaximumSilhouetteTransparency () Returns the maximum value of the silhouette transparency. |
float | getMinimumAmbientLight () Returns the global light's minimum ambient light amount. |
int | getMinimumAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor () Returns the minimum value of the anti-aliasing multisampling factor. |
float | getMinimumAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius () Returns the minimum value of the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius. |
int | getMinimumBloomRadius () Returns the minimum number of bloom passes. |
float | getMinimumBloomStrength () Returns the minimum value of the bloom strength. |
float | getMinimumBloomThreshold () Returns the minimum value of the bloom threshold. |
SBQuantity::length | getMinimumBondRadius () Returns the minimum value of the bond radius. |
SBQuantity::length | getMinimumConstantAtomRadius () Returns the minimum value of the constant atom radius. |
SBQuantity::length | getMinimumDepthOfFieldDistance () Returns the minimum value of the depth-of-field's distance. |
float | getMinimumDepthOfFieldStrength () Returns the minimum value of the depth-of-field strength. |
float | getMinimumFirstLightIntensity () Returns the first light's minimum intensity. |
float | getMinimumFirstLightSpecularIntensity () Returns the first light's minimum specular intensity. |
float | getMinimumFirstLightSpecularPower () Returns the first light's minimum specular power. |
SBQuantity::length | getMinimumFogFarDistance () Returns the minimum value of the fog's far distance. |
SBQuantity::length | getMinimumFogNearDistance () Returns the minimum value of the fog's near distance. |
int | getMinimumFogStrength () Returns the minimum value of the fog strength. |
float | getMinimumFresnelIntensity () Returns the global light's minimum fresnel intensity. |
float | getMinimumFresnelPower () Returns the global light's minimum fresnel power. |
SBQuantity::length | getMinimumGridRadius () Returns the minimum value of the grid radius. |
SBQuantity::length | getMinimumGridSpacing () Returns the minimum value of the grid spacing. |
SBQuantity::length | getMinimumGridThickness () Returns the minimum value of the grid thickness. |
int | getMinimumGridTransparency () Returns the minimum value of the grid transparency. |
int | getMinimumLightCoordinate () Returns the light's minimum value of longitude/latitude. |
int | getMinimumOSAOGridSize () Returns the minimum value of the SSAO kernel size. |
float | getMinimumOSAOStrength () Returns the minimum value of the OSAO strength. |
int | getMinimumPinholeSharpness () Returns the minimum value of the pinhole sharpness. |
int | getMinimumSSAOKernelSize () Returns the minimum value of the SSAO kernel size. |
float | getMinimumSSAORadius () Returns the minimum value of the SSAO radius. |
float | getMinimumSSAORandomization () Returns the minimum value of the SSAO randomization parameter. |
float | getMinimumSSAOStrength () Returns the minimum value of the SSAO strength. |
int | getMinimumScaleMinimumLength () Returns the minimum value of the scale's minimum lengths. |
int | getMinimumScaleThickness () Returns the minimum value of the scale thickness. |
float | getMinimumSecondLightIntensity () Returns the second light's minimum intensity. |
float | getMinimumSecondLightSpecularIntensity () Returns the second light's minimum specular intensity. |
float | getMinimumSecondLightSpecularPower () Returns the second light's minimum specular power. |
int | getMinimumShadowMultisamplingFactor () Returns the minimum value of shadows' multisampling factor. |
SBQuantity::length | getMinimumShadowOffset () Returns the minimum value of the offset between objects and their shadows. |
int | getMinimumShadowResolution () Returns the minimum value of shadows' resolution. |
float | getMinimumShadowSpread () Returns the minimum value of the spread of shadows. |
int | getMinimumShadowTransparency () Returns the minimum value of the shadow transparency. |
SBQuantity::length | getMinimumSilhouetteDistanceThreshold () Returns the minimum value of the silhouette's distance threshold. |
int | getMinimumSilhouetteThickness () Returns the minimum value of the silhouette thickness. |
int | getMinimumSilhouetteTransparency () Returns the minimum value of the silhouette transparency. |
int | getOSAOGridSizeSingleStep () |
std::string | getOSAOGridSizeToolTip () |
float | getOSAOStrengthSingleStep () |
std::string | getOSAOStrengthToolTip () |
std::string | getOSAOToolTip () |
int | getPinholeSharpnessSingleStep () |
std::string | getPinholeToolTip () |
std::string | getRenderMultipleBondsToolTip () |
int | getSSAOKernelSizeSingleStep () |
std::string | getSSAOKernelSizeToolTip () |
float | getSSAORadiusSingleStep () |
std::string | getSSAORadiusToolTip () |
float | getSSAORandomizationSingleStep () |
std::string | getSSAORandomizationToolTip () |
float | getSSAOStrengthSingleStep () |
std::string | getSSAOStrengthToolTip () |
std::string | getSSAOToolTip () |
int | getScaleMinimumLengthSingleStep () |
std::string | getScaleMinimumLengthSuffix () |
int | getScaleThicknessSingleStep () |
std::string | getScaleThicknessSuffix () |
std::string | getScaleToolTip () |
std::string | getSecondLightColorToolTip () |
float | getSecondLightIntensitySingleStep () |
float | getSecondLightSpecularIntensitySingleStep () |
std::string | getSecondLightSpecularIntensityToolTip () |
float | getSecondLightSpecularPowerSingleStep () |
std::string | getSecondLightSpecularPowerToolTip () |
int | getShadowMultisamplingFactorSingleStep () |
std::string | getShadowMultisamplingFactorToolTip () |
SBQuantity::length | getShadowOffsetSingleStep () |
std::string | getShadowOffsetToolTip () |
int | getShadowPresetCount () Returns the number of shadow presets. |
std::string | getShadowPresetItemText (int i) Returns the name of the i-th shadow preset. |
std::string | getShadowPresetString (ShadowPreset preset) Returns a human-readable string representation of the shadow preset preset . |
std::string | getShadowPresetToolTip () |
int | getShadowResolutionSingleStep () |
std::string | getShadowResolutionToolTip () |
float | getShadowSpreadSingleStep () |
std::string | getShadowSpreadToolTip () |
std::string | getShadowToolTip () |
int | getShadowTransparencySingleStep () |
std::string | getSilhouetteColorToolTip () |
SBQuantity::length | getSilhouetteDistanceThresholdSingleStep () |
std::string | getSilhouetteDistanceThresholdToolTip () |
std::string | getSilhouetteFogAttenuationToolTip () |
int | getSilhouetteThicknessSingleStep () |
std::string | getSilhouetteThicknessSuffix () |
std::string | getSilhouetteToolTip () |
int | getSilhouetteTransparencySingleStep () |
Public Static Functions inherited from SBDDataGraphNode#
See SBDDataGraphNode
Type | Name |
bool | canAddMaterial (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) Returns whether can add a material to a node of type nodeType . |
void | clone (const SBNodeIndexer & sourceNodeIndexer, SBNodeIndexer & destinationNodeIndexer) Clones the nodes in sourceNodeIndexer (treated as a whole) and places the clones indestinationNodeIndexer . |
void | forEachNodeInSelection (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, void(*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action) Performs an action for each node in a selection. |
void | forEachNodeInSelection (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, SBCClass * object, void(SBCClass::*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action) Performs an action for each node in a selection. |
SBDDataGraphNode * | getNode (unsigned int nodeIndex) Returns the unique node corresponding to the node index nodeIndex . |
std::string | getTypeString (Type type, bool humanReadable=false) Returns a string describing the type of the data graph node. |
Protected Attributes inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#
Type | Name |
SBCReferenceTargetData * | dataPointer |
Protected Functions inherited from SBDDataGraphNode#
See SBDDataGraphNode
Type | Name |
SBDDataGraphNode () Builds a data graph node. |
SBDDataGraphNode (SBDDataGraphNodeData * dataPointer) Builds a data graph node. |
virtual | ~SBDDataGraphNode () Destroys the node. |
Protected Functions inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#
Type | Name |
SBCReferenceTarget (SBCReferenceTargetData * dataPointer) |
void | removeAllReferenceOwners () |
Public Types Documentation#
enum AntiAliasingPreset#
enum SBDDocumentRenderPreset::AntiAliasingPreset {
BestSpeed = 0,
BetterSpeed = 1,
HigherQuality = 2,
HighestQuality = 3,
Custom = 4
enum BackgroundImageMode#
enum SBDDocumentRenderPreset::BackgroundImageMode {
ContainedInViewport = 0,
CoveringViewport = 1
enum BackgroundType#
enum SBDDocumentRenderPreset::BackgroundType {
Default = 0,
White = 1,
Black = 2,
Custom = 3,
Image = 4
enum LightingPreset#
enum ShadowPreset#
enum SBDDocumentRenderPreset::ShadowPreset {
LowQuality = 0,
MediumQuality = 1,
HighQuality = 2,
SoftShadow = 3,
Custom = 4
Public Functions Documentation#
function SBDDocumentRenderPreset [1/2]#
Constructs a render preset.
function SBDDocumentRenderPreset [2/2]#
Constructs a render preset with name name
function apply#
Applies the render preset.
function changed#
Emits the RenderPresetChanged event.
function clearBackgroundImageBase64#
Clear the background image.
function clone#
Returns a copy of the node.
Implements SBDDataGraphNode::clone
function connectDocumentSignalToSlot#
Connects the document signal to a slot.
void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::connectDocumentSignalToSlot (
SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget,
void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)( SBDocumentEvent *) functionPointer,
SBCReferenceTarget * nextReferenceTarget=0,
void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)( SBDocumentEvent *) nextFunctionPointer=0
function disconnectDocumentSignalFromSlot#
Disconnects the document signal from a slot.
void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::disconnectDocumentSignalFromSlot (
SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget,
void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)( SBDocumentEvent *) functionPointer
function documentSignalIsConnectedToSlot#
Returns true if and only if the document signal is connected to the slot.
bool SBDDocumentRenderPreset::documentSignalIsConnectedToSlot (
SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget,
void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)( SBDocumentEvent *) functionPointer
) const
function getAmbientLight#
Returns the global light's ambient light amount.
function getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor#
Returns the multisampling factor value.
function getAntiAliasingPreset#
Returns the anti-aliasing preset.
function getAntiAliasingPresetIndex#
Returns the anti-aliasing preset index.
function getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius#
Returns the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.
function getBackgroundBottomColor#
Returns the background bottom color.
function getBackgroundImageBase64#
Returns the background image in base64.
function getBackgroundImageMode#
Returns the background image mode.
function getBackgroundImageModeIndex#
Returns the background image mode index.
function getBackgroundTopColor#
Returns the background top color.
function getBackgroundType#
Returns the background type.
function getBackgroundTypeIndex#
Returns the background type index.
function getBloomFlag#
Returns the bloom effect is on or off.
function getBloomRadius#
Returns the number of bloom passes.
function getBloomStrength#
Returns the bloom strength value.
function getBloomThreshold#
Returns the bloom threshold value.
function getBondRadius#
Returns the bond radius.
function getConstantAtomRadius#
Returns the constant atom radius value.
function getConstantAtomRadiusFlag#
Returns true if atoms should be rendered with a constant radius, false if atoms should be rendered with the atom size proportional to Van der Waals radius.
function getDepthOfFieldDistance#
Returns the distance at which the depth-of-field effect begins.
function getDepthOfFieldFlag#
Returns the depth-of-field effect is on or off.
function getDepthOfFieldStrength#
Returns the depth-of-field strength.
function getDescriptionForInspector#
Returns text description that will be shown in the Inspector.
function getFXAAFlag#
Returns the FXAA flag.
function getFirstLightColor#
Returns the first light's color.
function getFirstLightIntensity#
Returns the first light's intensity.
function getFirstLightLatitude#
Returns the first light's latitude.
function getFirstLightLongitude#
Returns the first light's longitude.
function getFirstLightSpecularIntensity#
Returns the first light's specular intensity.
function getFirstLightSpecularPower#
Returns the first light's specular power.
function getFogFarDistance#
Returns the distance beyond which fog is maximal.
function getFogFlag#
Returns the fog effect is on or off.
function getFogNearDistance#
Returns the distance at which the fog begins.
function getFogStrength#
Returns the fog strength.
function getFresnelIntensity#
Returns the global light's fresnel intensity.
function getFresnelPower#
Returns the global light's fresnel power.
function getGridFlag#
Returns whether the grid should be displayed in the Viewport.
function getGridRadius#
Returns the grid radius.
function getGridSpacing#
Returns the grid spacing.
function getGridThickness#
Returns the grid thickness.
function getGridTransparency#
Returns the grid transparency.
function getLightingPreset#
Returns the lighting preset.
function getLightingPresetIndex#
Returns the lighting preset index.
function getNextRenderPreset#
Returns the next render preset.
function getNonConstantAtomRadiusFlag#
This is a convenience function that returns an opposite to what returns getConstantAtomRadiusFlag() __
function getOSAOFlag#
Returns the object-space ambient occlusion (OSAO) effect is on or off.
function getOSAOGridSize#
Returns the SSAO kernel size value.
function getOSAOStrength#
Returns the OSAO strength value.
function getPinholeFlag#
Returns whether the pinhole effect is on or off.
function getPinholeSharpness#
Returns the pinhole sharpness.
function getPreviousRenderPreset#
Returns the previous render preset.
function getRenderMultipleBondsFlag#
Returns true if multiple bonds should be rendered explicitly (default), false of the order of a bond should be represented by its thickness.
function getSSAOFlag#
Returns the screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) effect is on or off.
function getSSAOKernelSize#
Returns the SSAO kernel size value.
function getSSAORadius#
Returns the SSAO radius.
function getSSAORandomization#
Returns the SSAO randomization value.
function getSSAOStrength#
Returns the SSAO strength value.
function getScaleFlag#
Returns whether the scale should be displayed in the Viewport.
function getScaleMinimumLength#
Returns the scale's minimum lengths.
function getScaleThickness#
Returns the scale thickness.
function getSecondLightColor#
Returns the second light's color.
function getSecondLightIntensity#
Returns the second light's intensity.
function getSecondLightLatitude#
Returns the second light's latitude.
function getSecondLightLongitude#
Returns the second light's longitude.
function getSecondLightSpecularIntensity#
Returns the second light's specular intensity.
function getSecondLightSpecularPower#
Returns the second light's specular power.
function getShadowFlag#
Returns whether shadow should be displayed.
function getShadowMultisamplingFactor#
Returns the shadow multisampling factor value.
function getShadowOffset#
Returns the offset between objects and their shadows.
function getShadowPreset#
Returns the shadow preset.
function getShadowPresetIndex#
Returns the shadow preset's index.
function getShadowResolution#
Returns the shadow resolution value.
function getShadowSpread#
Returns the spread of shadows.
function getShadowTransparency#
Returns the shadow transparency.
function getSilhouetteColor#
Returns the silhouette color.
function getSilhouetteDistanceThreshold#
Returns the silhouette's distance threshold.
function getSilhouetteFlag#
Returns whether silhouettes should be displayed.
function getSilhouetteFogAttenuationFlag#
Returns whether silhouettes should have fog attenuation.
function getSilhouetteThickness#
Returns the silhouette thickness.
function getSilhouetteTransparency#
Returns the silhouette transparency.
function getType#
Returns the data graph node type.
Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getType
function hasBackgroundImageBase64#
Returns whether the background image in base64 has been set.
function isCustomBackground#
A convenience function that return true if the custom gradient background is chosen.
function isImageBackground#
A convenience function that return true if the image background is chosen.
function isSerializable#
Returns true.
Implements SBDDataGraphNode::isSerializable
function print#
Prints the render preset.
Implements SBDDataGraphNode::print
function serialize#
Serializes the render preset.
virtual void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::serialize (
SBCSerializer * serializer,
const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer,
const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER,
const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber (1, 0, 0)
) override const
Implements SBDDataGraphNode::serialize
function setAmbientLight#
Sets the global light's ambient light amount to v
function setAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor#
Sets the multisampling factor value to i
function setAntiAliasingPreset#
Sets the anti-aliasing preset to preset
function setAntiAliasingPresetIndex#
Sets the anti-aliasing preset to i
function setAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius#
Sets the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.
function setBackgroundBottomColor#
Sets the background bottom color to color
function setBackgroundImageBase64#
Sets the background image in base64 to imageBase64
function setBackgroundImageMode#
Sets the background image mode to mode
function setBackgroundImageModeIndex#
Sets the background image mode to i
function setBackgroundTopColor#
Sets the background top color to color
function setBackgroundType#
Sets the background type to type
function setBackgroundTypeIndex#
Sets the background type to i
function setBloomFlag#
Sets the bloom flag to b
function setBloomRadius#
Sets the number of bloom passes value to v
function setBloomStrength#
Sets the bloom strength value to v
function setBloomThreshold#
Sets the bloom threshold value to v
function setBondRadius#
Sets the bond radius.
function setConstantAtomRadius#
Sets the constant atom radius value.
function setConstantAtomRadiusFlag#
Sets the whether atoms should be rendered with a constant radius.
function setDepthOfFieldDistance#
Sets the distance at which the depth-of-field effect begins.
function setDepthOfFieldFlag#
Sets the depth-of-field flag to b
function setDepthOfFieldStrength#
Sets the depth-of-field strength.
function setFXAAFlag#
Sets the FXAA flag to b
function setFirstLightColor#
Sets the first light's color to color
function setFirstLightIntensity#
Sets the first light's intensity value to v
function setFirstLightLatitude#
Sets the first light's latitude.
function setFirstLightLongitude#
Sets the first light's longitude.
function setFirstLightSpecularIntensity#
Sets the first light's specular intensity value to v
function setFirstLightSpecularPower#
Sets the first light's specular power value to v
function setFogFarDistance#
Sets the distance beyond which fog is maximal.
function setFogFlag#
Sets the fog flag to b
function setFogNearDistance#
Sets the distance at which the fog begins.
function setFogStrength#
Sets the fog strength.
function setFresnelIntensity#
Sets the global light's fresnel intensity value to v
function setFresnelPower#
Sets the global light's fresnel power value to v
function setGridFlag#
Sets the grid flag to b
function setGridRadius#
Sets the grid radius.
function setGridSpacing#
Sets the grid spacing.
function setGridThickness#
Sets the grid thickness.
function setGridTransparency#
Sets the grid transparency.
function setLightingPreset#
Sets the lighting preset to preset
function setLightingPresetIndex#
Sets the lighting preset to i
function setOSAOFlag#
Sets the object-space ambient occlusion (OSAO) flag to b
function setOSAOGridSize#
Sets the SSAO kernel size value to v
function setOSAOStrength#
Sets the OSAO strength value to v
function setPinholeFlag#
Sets the pinhole flag to b
function setPinholeSharpness#
Sets the pinhole sharpness.
function setRenderMultipleBondsFlag#
Sets the whether multiple bonds should be rendered explicitly.
function setSSAOFlag#
Sets the screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) flag to b
function setSSAOKernelSize#
Sets the SSAO kernel size value to v
function setSSAORadius#
Sets the SSAO radius to v
function setSSAORandomization#
Sets the SSAO randomization value to v
function setSSAOStrength#
Sets the SSAO strength value to v
function setScaleFlag#
Sets the scale flag to b
function setScaleMinimumLength#
Sets the scale's minimum lengths.
function setScaleThickness#
Sets the scale thickness.
function setSecondLightColor#
Sets the second light's color to color
function setSecondLightIntensity#
Sets the second light's intensity value to v
function setSecondLightLatitude#
Sets the second light's latitude.
function setSecondLightLongitude#
Sets the second light's longitude.
function setSecondLightSpecularIntensity#
Sets the second light's specular intensity value to v
function setSecondLightSpecularPower#
Sets the second light's specular power value to v
function setShadowFlag#
Sets the shadow flag to b
function setShadowMultisamplingFactor#
Sets the shadow multisampling factor value to i
function setShadowOffset#
Sets the offset between objects and their shadows.
function setShadowPreset#
Sets the shadow preset to preset
function setShadowPresetIndex#
Sets the shadow preset to i
function setShadowResolution#
Sets the shadow resolution value to i
function setShadowSpread#
Sets the spread of shadows to v
function setShadowTransparency#
Sets the shadow transparency.
function setSilhouetteColor#
Sets the silhouette color to color
function setSilhouetteDistanceThreshold#
Sets the silhouette's distance threshold.
function setSilhouetteFlag#
Sets the silhouette flag to b
function setSilhouetteFogAttenuationFlag#
Sets the silhouette's fog attenuation flag to b
function setSilhouetteThickness#
Sets the silhouette thickness.
function setSilhouetteTransparency#
Sets the silhouette transparency.
function toStdString#
Returns a string representation of the render preset.
function unserialize#
Unserializes the render preset.
virtual void SBDDocumentRenderPreset::unserialize (
SBCSerializer * serializer,
const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer,
const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER,
const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber (1, 0, 0)
) override
Implements SBDDataGraphNode::unserialize
function ~SBDDocumentRenderPreset#
Destructs the render preset.
Public Static Functions Documentation#
function getAmbientLightSingleStep#
function getAmbientLightToolTip#
function getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactorSingleStep#
function getAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactorToolTip#
function getAntiAliasingPresetCount#
Returns the number of anti-aliasing presets.
function getAntiAliasingPresetItemText#
Returns the name of the i-th
anti-aliasing preset.
function getAntiAliasingPresetString#
Returns a human-readable string representation of the anti-aliasing preset preset
static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getAntiAliasingPresetString (
AntiAliasingPreset preset
function getAntiAliasingPresetToolTip#
function getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusSingleStep#
function getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusSuffix#
function getAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadiusToolTip#
function getBackgroundImageModeCount#
Returns the number of background image modes.
function getBackgroundImageModeItemText#
Returns the name of the i-th
background image mode.
function getBackgroundImageModeString#
Returns a human-readable string representation of the background image mode mode
static std::string SBDDocumentRenderPreset::getBackgroundImageModeString (
BackgroundImageMode mode
function getBackgroundTypeCount#
Returns the number of background types.
function getBackgroundTypeItemText#
Returns the name of the i-th
background type.
function getBackgroundTypeString#
Returns a human-readable string representation of the background type type
function getBackgroundTypeToolTip#
function getBloomRadiusSingleStep#
function getBloomRadiusToolTip#
function getBloomStrengthSingleStep#
function getBloomThresholdSingleStep#
function getBloomToolTip#
function getBondRadiusSingleStep#
function getBondRadiusToolTip#
function getConstantAtomRadiusFlagToolTip#
function getConstantAtomRadiusSingleStep#
function getConstantAtomRadiusToolTip#
function getDefaultAmbientLight#
Returns the global light's default ambient light amount.
function getDefaultAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor#
Returns the default value of the anti-aliasing multisampling factor.
function getDefaultAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius#
Returns the default value of the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.
function getDefaultBackgroundBottomColor#
Returns the default background bottom color.
function getDefaultBackgroundImageModeIndex#
Returns the default background image mode.
function getDefaultBackgroundTopColor#
Returns the default background top color.
function getDefaultBackgroundTypeIndex#
Returns the default background type.
function getDefaultBloomRadius#
Returns the default number of bloom passes.
function getDefaultBloomStrength#
Returns the default value of the bloom strength.
function getDefaultBloomThreshold#
Returns the default value of the bloom threshold.
function getDefaultBondRadius#
Returns the default value of the bond radius.
function getDefaultConstantAtomRadius#
Returns the default value of the constant atom radius.
function getDefaultDepthOfFieldDistance#
Returns the default value of the depth-of-field's distance.
function getDefaultDepthOfFieldStrength#
Returns the default value of the depth-of-field strength.
function getDefaultFirstLightColor#
Returns the first light's default color.
function getDefaultFirstLightIntensity#
Returns the first light's default intensity.
function getDefaultFirstLightLatitude#
Returns the first light's default value of latitude.
function getDefaultFirstLightLongitude#
Returns the light's default value of longitude.
function getDefaultFirstLightSpecularIntensity#
Returns the first light's default specular intensity.
function getDefaultFirstLightSpecularPower#
Returns the first light's default specular power.
function getDefaultFogFarDistance#
Returns the default value of the fog's far distance.
function getDefaultFogNearDistance#
Returns the default value of the fog's near distance.
function getDefaultFogStrength#
Returns the default value of the fog strength.
function getDefaultFresnelIntensity#
Returns the global light's default fresnel intensity.
function getDefaultFresnelPower#
Returns the global light's default fresnel power.
function getDefaultGridRadius#
Returns the default value of the grid radius.
function getDefaultGridSpacing#
Returns the default value of the grid spacing.
function getDefaultGridThickness#
Returns the default value of the grid thickness.
function getDefaultGridTransparency#
Returns the default value of the grid transparency.
function getDefaultLightingPresetIndex#
Returns the default lighting presets.
function getDefaultOSAOGridSize#
Returns the default value of the SSAO kernel size.
function getDefaultOSAOStrength#
Returns the default value of the OSAO strength.
function getDefaultPinholeSharpness#
Returns the default value of the pinhole sharpness.
function getDefaultSSAOKernelSize#
Returns the default value of the SSAO kernel size.
function getDefaultSSAORadius#
Returns the default value of the SSAO radius.
function getDefaultSSAORandomization#
Returns the default value of the SSAO randomization parameter.
function getDefaultSSAOStrength#
Returns the default value of the SSAO strength.
function getDefaultScaleMinimumLength#
Returns the default value of the scale's minimum lengths.
function getDefaultScaleThickness#
Returns the default value of the scale thickness.
function getDefaultSecondLightColor#
Returns the second light's default color.
function getDefaultSecondLightIntensity#
Returns the second light's default intensity.
function getDefaultSecondLightLatitude#
Returns the second light's default value of latitude.
function getDefaultSecondLightLongitude#
Returns the second light's default value of longitude.
function getDefaultSecondLightSpecularIntensity#
Returns the second light's default specular intensity.
function getDefaultSecondLightSpecularPower#
Returns the second light's default specular power.
function getDefaultShadowMultisamplingFactor#
Returns the default value of shadows' multisampling factor.
function getDefaultShadowOffset#
Returns the default value of the offset between objects and their shadows.
function getDefaultShadowPresetIndex#
Returns the default shadow presets.
function getDefaultShadowResolution#
Returns the default value of shadows' resolution.
function getDefaultShadowSpread#
Returns the default value of the spread of shadows.
function getDefaultShadowTransparency#
Returns the default value of the shadow transparency.
function getDefaultSilhouetteColor#
Returns the silhouette's default color.
function getDefaultSilhouetteDistanceThreshold#
Returns the default value of the silhouette's distance threshold.
function getDefaultSilhouetteThickness#
Returns the default value of the silhouette thickness.
function getDefaultSilhouetteTransparency#
Returns the default value of the silhouette transparency.
function getDepthOfFieldDistanceSingleStep#
function getDepthOfFieldDistanceToolTip#
function getDepthOfFieldStrengthSingleStep#
function getDepthOfFieldStrengthToolTip#
function getDepthOfFieldToolTip#
function getFXAAFlagToolTip#
function getFirstLightColorToolTip#
function getFirstLightIntensitySingleStep#
function getFirstLightSpecularIntensitySingleStep#
function getFirstLightSpecularIntensityToolTip#
function getFirstLightSpecularPowerSingleStep#
function getFirstLightSpecularPowerToolTip#
function getFogFarDistanceSingleStep#
function getFogFarDistanceToolTip#
function getFogNearDistanceSingleStep#
function getFogNearDistanceToolTip#
function getFogStrengthSingleStep#
function getFogStrengthToolTip#
function getFogToolTip#
function getFresnelIntensitySingleStep#
function getFresnelIntensityToolTip#
function getFresnelPowerSingleStep#
function getFresnelPowerToolTip#
function getGridRadiusSingleStep#
function getGridSpacingSingleStep#
function getGridThicknessSingleStep#
function getGridToolTip#
function getGridTransparencySingleStep#
function getLightCoordinateSingleStep#
function getLightCoordinateToolTip#
function getLightingPresetCount#
Returns the number of lighting presets.
function getLightingPresetItemText#
Returns the name of the i-th
lighting preset.
function getLightingPresetString#
Returns a human-readable string representation of the lighting preset preset
function getLightingPresetToolTip#
function getMaximumAmbientLight#
Returns the global light's maximum ambient light amount.
function getMaximumAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor#
Returns the maximum value of the anti-aliasing multisampling factor.
function getMaximumAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius#
Returns the maximum value of the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.
function getMaximumBloomRadius#
Returns the maximum number of bloom passes.
function getMaximumBloomStrength#
Returns the maximum value of the bloom strength.
function getMaximumBloomThreshold#
Returns the maximum value of the bloom threshold.
function getMaximumBondRadius#
Returns the maximum value of the bond radius.
function getMaximumConstantAtomRadius#
Returns the maximum value of the constant atom radius.
function getMaximumDepthOfFieldDistance#
Returns the maximum value of the depth-of-field's distance.
function getMaximumDepthOfFieldStrength#
Returns the maximum value of the depth-of-field strength.
function getMaximumFirstLightIntensity#
Returns the first light's maximum intensity.
function getMaximumFirstLightSpecularIntensity#
Returns the first light's maximum specular intensity.
function getMaximumFirstLightSpecularPower#
Returns the first light's maximum specular power.
function getMaximumFogFarDistance#
Returns the maximum value of the fog's far distance.
function getMaximumFogNearDistance#
Returns the maximum value of the fog's near distance.
function getMaximumFogStrength#
Returns the maximum value of the fog strength.
function getMaximumFresnelIntensity#
Returns the global light's maximum fresnel intensity.
function getMaximumFresnelPower#
Returns the global light's maximum fresnel power.
function getMaximumGridRadius#
Returns the maximum value of the grid radius.
function getMaximumGridSpacing#
Returns the maximum value of the grid spacing.
function getMaximumGridThickness#
Returns the maximum value of the grid thickness.
function getMaximumGridTransparency#
Returns the maximum value of the grid transparency.
function getMaximumLightCoordinate#
Returns the light's maximum value of longitude/latitude.
function getMaximumOSAOGridSize#
Returns the maximum value of the SSAO kernel size.
function getMaximumOSAOStrength#
Returns the maximum value of the OSAO strength.
function getMaximumPinholeSharpness#
Returns the maximum value of the pinhole sharpness.
function getMaximumSSAOKernelSize#
Returns the maximum value of the SSAO kernel size.
function getMaximumSSAORadius#
Returns the maximum value of the SSAO radius.
function getMaximumSSAORandomization#
Returns the maximum value of the SSAO randomization parameter.
function getMaximumSSAOStrength#
Returns the maximum value of the SSAO strength.
function getMaximumScaleMinimumLength#
Returns the maximum value of the scale's minimum lengths.
function getMaximumScaleThickness#
Returns the maximum value of the scale thickness.
function getMaximumSecondLightIntensity#
Returns the second light's maximum intensity.
function getMaximumSecondLightSpecularIntensity#
Returns the second light's maximum specular intensity.
function getMaximumSecondLightSpecularPower#
Returns the second light's maximum specular power.
function getMaximumShadowMultisamplingFactor#
Returns the maximum value of shadows' multisampling factor.
function getMaximumShadowOffset#
Returns the maximum value of the offset between objects and their shadows.
function getMaximumShadowResolution#
Returns the maximum value of shadows' resolution.
function getMaximumShadowSpread#
Returns the maximum value of the spread of shadows.
function getMaximumShadowTransparency#
Returns the maximum value of the shadow transparency.
function getMaximumSilhouetteDistanceThreshold#
Returns the maximum value of the silhouette's distance threshold.
function getMaximumSilhouetteThickness#
Returns the maximum value of the silhouette thickness.
function getMaximumSilhouetteTransparency#
Returns the maximum value of the silhouette transparency.
function getMinimumAmbientLight#
Returns the global light's minimum ambient light amount.
function getMinimumAntiAliasingMultisamplingFactor#
Returns the minimum value of the anti-aliasing multisampling factor.
function getMinimumAtomRadiusRatioToVanDerWaalsRadius#
Returns the minimum value of the ratio of atom size to van der Waals radius.
function getMinimumBloomRadius#
Returns the minimum number of bloom passes.
function getMinimumBloomStrength#
Returns the minimum value of the bloom strength.
function getMinimumBloomThreshold#
Returns the minimum value of the bloom threshold.
function getMinimumBondRadius#
Returns the minimum value of the bond radius.
function getMinimumConstantAtomRadius#
Returns the minimum value of the constant atom radius.
function getMinimumDepthOfFieldDistance#
Returns the minimum value of the depth-of-field's distance.
function getMinimumDepthOfFieldStrength#
Returns the minimum value of the depth-of-field strength.
function getMinimumFirstLightIntensity#
Returns the first light's minimum intensity.
function getMinimumFirstLightSpecularIntensity#
Returns the first light's minimum specular intensity.
function getMinimumFirstLightSpecularPower#
Returns the first light's minimum specular power.
function getMinimumFogFarDistance#
Returns the minimum value of the fog's far distance.
function getMinimumFogNearDistance#
Returns the minimum value of the fog's near distance.
function getMinimumFogStrength#
Returns the minimum value of the fog strength.
function getMinimumFresnelIntensity#
Returns the global light's minimum fresnel intensity.
function getMinimumFresnelPower#
Returns the global light's minimum fresnel power.
function getMinimumGridRadius#
Returns the minimum value of the grid radius.
function getMinimumGridSpacing#
Returns the minimum value of the grid spacing.
function getMinimumGridThickness#
Returns the minimum value of the grid thickness.
function getMinimumGridTransparency#
Returns the minimum value of the grid transparency.
function getMinimumLightCoordinate#
Returns the light's minimum value of longitude/latitude.
function getMinimumOSAOGridSize#
Returns the minimum value of the SSAO kernel size.
function getMinimumOSAOStrength#
Returns the minimum value of the OSAO strength.
function getMinimumPinholeSharpness#
Returns the minimum value of the pinhole sharpness.
function getMinimumSSAOKernelSize#
Returns the minimum value of the SSAO kernel size.
function getMinimumSSAORadius#
Returns the minimum value of the SSAO radius.
function getMinimumSSAORandomization#
Returns the minimum value of the SSAO randomization parameter.
function getMinimumSSAOStrength#
Returns the minimum value of the SSAO strength.
function getMinimumScaleMinimumLength#
Returns the minimum value of the scale's minimum lengths.
function getMinimumScaleThickness#
Returns the minimum value of the scale thickness.
function getMinimumSecondLightIntensity#
Returns the second light's minimum intensity.
function getMinimumSecondLightSpecularIntensity#
Returns the second light's minimum specular intensity.
function getMinimumSecondLightSpecularPower#
Returns the second light's minimum specular power.
function getMinimumShadowMultisamplingFactor#
Returns the minimum value of shadows' multisampling factor.
function getMinimumShadowOffset#
Returns the minimum value of the offset between objects and their shadows.
function getMinimumShadowResolution#
Returns the minimum value of shadows' resolution.
function getMinimumShadowSpread#
Returns the minimum value of the spread of shadows.
function getMinimumShadowTransparency#
Returns the minimum value of the shadow transparency.
function getMinimumSilhouetteDistanceThreshold#
Returns the minimum value of the silhouette's distance threshold.
function getMinimumSilhouetteThickness#
Returns the minimum value of the silhouette thickness.
function getMinimumSilhouetteTransparency#
Returns the minimum value of the silhouette transparency.
function getOSAOGridSizeSingleStep#
function getOSAOGridSizeToolTip#
function getOSAOStrengthSingleStep#
function getOSAOStrengthToolTip#
function getOSAOToolTip#
function getPinholeSharpnessSingleStep#
function getPinholeToolTip#
function getRenderMultipleBondsToolTip#
function getSSAOKernelSizeSingleStep#
function getSSAOKernelSizeToolTip#
function getSSAORadiusSingleStep#
function getSSAORadiusToolTip#
function getSSAORandomizationSingleStep#
function getSSAORandomizationToolTip#
function getSSAOStrengthSingleStep#
function getSSAOStrengthToolTip#
function getSSAOToolTip#
function getScaleMinimumLengthSingleStep#
function getScaleMinimumLengthSuffix#
function getScaleThicknessSingleStep#
function getScaleThicknessSuffix#
function getScaleToolTip#
function getSecondLightColorToolTip#
function getSecondLightIntensitySingleStep#
function getSecondLightSpecularIntensitySingleStep#
function getSecondLightSpecularIntensityToolTip#
function getSecondLightSpecularPowerSingleStep#
function getSecondLightSpecularPowerToolTip#
function getShadowMultisamplingFactorSingleStep#
function getShadowMultisamplingFactorToolTip#
function getShadowOffsetSingleStep#
function getShadowOffsetToolTip#
function getShadowPresetCount#
Returns the number of shadow presets.
function getShadowPresetItemText#
Returns the name of the i-th
shadow preset.
function getShadowPresetString#
Returns a human-readable string representation of the shadow preset preset