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Class SBGWindow#

ClassList > SBGWindow

This class describes a window. More...

  • #include <SBGWindow.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: QWidget

Public Types#

Type Name
enum WindowOption
Window options.

Public Signals#

Type Name
signal void closed
Emitted when the window is closed by the user.
signal void locked (bool)
Emitted when the window is locked or unlocked.
signal void shown (bool)
Emitted when the window is shown or hidden.

Public Functions#

Type Name
SBGWindow (QWidget * parent, SBGWindowDialog * dialog)
Constructs a SAMSON window that wraps a SAMSON dialog.
SBGWindow (QWidget * parent, SBGWindowWidget * widget)
Constructs a SAMSON window that wraps a SAMSON widget.
SBGWindow (QWidget * parent, QDialog * dialog, QString name="", int format=SBGWindow::NoOptions, QPixmap logo=QPixmap(), SBUUID uuid=SBUUID(""))
Constructs a SAMSON window that wraps a Qt dialog.
SBGWindow (QWidget * parent, QWidget * widget, QString name="", int format=SBGWindow::NoOptions, QPixmap logo=QPixmap(), SBUUID uuid=SBUUID(""))
Constructs a SAMSON window that wraps a Qt widget.
void center ()
centers the window on screen
int getFormat () const
Returns the format of the window.
bool getLockedFlag () const
Returns whether the widget is locked (on top)
QPixmap getLogo () const
Returns the logo of the window.
QString getName () const
Returns the name of the window.
SBUUID getUUID () const
Returns the UUID of the window.
int height () const
Returns the height of the window.
void loadDefaultSettings ()
Loads the default settings of the window.
void saveDefaultSettings ()
Saves the default settings of the window.
void setLockedFlag (bool lockedFlag)
Sets whether the widget is locked (on top)
void setName (const QString & name)
Sets the name of the window.
QSize size () const
Returns the size of the window.
int width () const
Returns the width of the window.
virtual ~SBGWindow ()
Destructs the SAMSON window.

Protected Attributes#

Type Name
SBGWindowData * dataPointer

Protected Functions#

Type Name
void changeEvent (QEvent * event)
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent * event)
void hideEvent (QHideEvent * event)
void paintEvent (QPaintEvent * event)
void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent * event)
void showEvent (QShowEvent * event)
void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent * event)

Detailed Description#

This class describes a window in the GUI of SAMSON.

Short name: SBWindow

See also: SBGWindowDialog, SBGWindowWidget

Public Types Documentation#

enum WindowOption#

Window options.

enum SBGWindow::WindowOption {
    NoOptions = 0,
    Citable = 1,
    Lockable = 2,
    Resizable = 4,
    Savable = 8

Public Signals Documentation#

signal closed#

Emitted when the window is closed by the user.

void closed;

signal locked#

Emitted when the window is locked or unlocked.

void locked;

signal shown#

Emitted when the window is shown or hidden.

void shown;

Public Functions Documentation#

function SBGWindow [1/4]#

Constructs a SAMSON window that wraps a SAMSON dialog.

SBGWindow::SBGWindow (
    QWidget * parent,
    SBGWindowDialog * dialog

function SBGWindow [2/4]#

Constructs a SAMSON window that wraps a SAMSON widget.

SBGWindow::SBGWindow (
    QWidget * parent,
    SBGWindowWidget * widget

function SBGWindow [3/4]#

Constructs a SAMSON window that wraps a Qt dialog.

SBGWindow::SBGWindow (
    QWidget * parent,
    QDialog * dialog,
    QString name="",
    int format=SBGWindow::NoOptions,
    QPixmap logo=QPixmap(),
    SBUUID uuid=SBUUID ("")

function SBGWindow [4/4]#

Constructs a SAMSON window that wraps a Qt widget.

SBGWindow::SBGWindow (
    QWidget * parent,
    QWidget * widget,
    QString name="",
    int format=SBGWindow::NoOptions,
    QPixmap logo=QPixmap(),
    SBUUID uuid=SBUUID ("")



function center#

centers the window on screen

void SBGWindow::center () 

function getFormat#

Returns the format of the window.

int SBGWindow::getFormat () const

function getLockedFlag#

Returns whether the widget is locked (on top)

bool SBGWindow::getLockedFlag () const

Returns the logo of the window.

QPixmap SBGWindow::getLogo () const

function getName#

Returns the name of the window.

QString SBGWindow::getName () const

function getUUID#

Returns the UUID of the window.

SBUUID SBGWindow::getUUID () const

function height#

Returns the height of the window.

int SBGWindow::height () const

function loadDefaultSettings#

Loads the default settings of the window.

void SBGWindow::loadDefaultSettings () 

function saveDefaultSettings#

Saves the default settings of the window.

void SBGWindow::saveDefaultSettings () 

function setLockedFlag#

Sets whether the widget is locked (on top)

void SBGWindow::setLockedFlag (
    bool lockedFlag

function setName#

Sets the name of the window.

void SBGWindow::setName (
    const QString & name

function size#

Returns the size of the window.

QSize SBGWindow::size () const

function width#

Returns the width of the window.

int SBGWindow::width () const

function ~SBGWindow#

Destructs the SAMSON window.

virtual SBGWindow::~SBGWindow () 

Protected Attributes Documentation#

variable dataPointer#

SBGWindowData* dataPointer;

Protected Functions Documentation#

function changeEvent#

void SBGWindow::changeEvent (
    QEvent * event

function closeEvent#

void SBGWindow::closeEvent (
    QCloseEvent * event

function hideEvent#

void SBGWindow::hideEvent (
    QHideEvent * event

function paintEvent#

void SBGWindow::paintEvent (
    QPaintEvent * event

function resizeEvent#

void SBGWindow::resizeEvent (
    QResizeEvent * event

function showEvent#

void SBGWindow::showEvent (
    QShowEvent * event

function wheelEvent#

void SBGWindow::wheelEvent (
    QWheelEvent * event