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Class SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom#

ClassList > SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom


  • #include <SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: SBMStructuralModelNode


Type Name
class IsBeyond
class IsWithin

Public Types#

Type Name
enum Geometry
enum Hybridization

Public Types inherited from SBDDataGraphNode#

See SBDDataGraphNode

Type Name
enum RenderingPass
The rendering pass.
enum Type
The type of the data graph node.

Public Functions#

Type Name
SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom ()
SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom (SBElement::Type element)
Constructs an atom (default position = (0,0,0))
SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom (SBElement::Type element, const SBQuantity::length & x, const SBQuantity::length & y, const SBQuantity::length & z)
Constructs an atom at position = (x,y,z)
SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom (SBElement::Type element, const SBPosition3 & position)
Constructs an atom at position position .
SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom (SBPosition3 const & position, const std::string & coarseGrainedType, const SBQuantity::length & coarseGrainedRadius, const SBQuantity::mass & coarseGrainedMass, const SBColor & coarseGrainedColor)
Constructs a coarse-grained atom.
SB_DECLARE_DATA (SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBQuantity::length, GetX)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBQuantity::length, GetY)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBQuantity::length, GetZ)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBPosition3, GetPosition)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBElement::Type, GetElementType)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetElementName)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetElementSymbol)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetPeriod)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (unsigned int, GetGroup)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetBlock)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBQuantity::mass, GetAtomicWeight)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBQuantity::length, GetCovalentRadius)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBQuantity::length, GetVanDerWaalsRadius)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBQuantity::dimensionless, GetElectronegativity)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBElement::MetalSubcategory, GetMetalSubcategory)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetName)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (char, GetAltLocation)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetChainName)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (char, GetInsertionCode)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (int, GetSerialNumber)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBQuantity::dimensionless, GetOccupancy)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetRecordType)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (unsigned int, GetRecordTypeSize)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetResidueName)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetResidueTypeString)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (int, GetResidueSequenceNumber)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetSegmentName)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (double, GetTemperatureFactor)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (float, GetPartialCharge)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (int, GetFormalCharge)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetComment)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (unsigned int, GetCommentSize)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::vector< int >, GetAnisotropicTFactors)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetSYBYLType)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (unsigned int, GetSYBYLTypeSize)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetStatusBit)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (unsigned int, GetStatusBitSize)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetMoleculeName)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (unsigned int, GetNumberOfBondedAtoms)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (unsigned int, GetNumberOfBondedCarbons)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (unsigned int, GetNumberOfBondedHeavyAtoms)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (unsigned int, GetNumberOfBondedHydrogens)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (unsigned int, GetNumberOfBondedNitrogens)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (unsigned int, GetNumberOfBondedOxygens)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (unsigned int, GetNumberOfBondedSulfurs)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetSubstructureName)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (int, GetSubstructureSequenceNumber)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (int, GetChainID)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (Hybridization, GetHybridization)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (Geometry, GetGeometry)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (int, GetOxidationState)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (bool, GetResonance)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (bool, GetAromaticity)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (bool, GetWaterFlag)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (int, GetCustomType)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (std::string, GetCoarseGrainedType)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBQuantity::length, GetCoarseGrainedRadius)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBQuantity::mass, GetCoarseGrainedMass)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (SBColor, GetCoarseGrainedColor)
SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (bool, GetFixedFlag)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasAltLocation)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasInsertionCode)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasSerialNumber)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasOccupancy)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasResidueSequenceNumber)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasTemperatureFactor)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasPartialCharge)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasFormalCharge)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasAnisotropicTFactors)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasSubstructureSequenceNumber)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasHybridization)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasOxidationState)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasResonance)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasAromaticity)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsInSubstructure)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsFromAminoAcidBackbone)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsFromNucleicAcidBackbone)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasAminoAcidBackboneAtomName)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (HasNucleicAcidBackboneAtomName)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsAlkalineEarthMetal)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsLanthanide)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsTransitionMetal)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsPostTransitionMetal)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsReactiveNonmetal)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsDiatomicNonmetal)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsPolyatomicNonmetal)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsCoarseGrained)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsHydrogenBondAcceptor)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsHydrogenBondDonor)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsDonorBorneHydrogen)
SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (IsAttachedToHydrogenBondDonor)
unsigned int addHydrogens ()
Adds hydrogens and returns the number of added hydrogens.
void clearAltLocation ()
Clears the atom's alternate location.
void clearAnisotropicTFactors ()
Clears the atom's anisotropic temperature factors.
void clearAromaticity ()
Clears the atom's aromaticity.
void clearComment ()
Clears the atom's comment.
void clearCustomType ()
Clears the atom's custom type.
void clearFormalCharge ()
Clears the atom's formal charge.
void clearGeometry ()
Clears the atom's geometry.
void clearHybridization ()
Clears the atom's hybridization.
void clearInsertionCode ()
Clears the atom's insertion code.
void clearName ()
Clears the atom's full name.
void clearOccupancy ()
Clears the atom's occupancy.
void clearOxidationState ()
Clears the atom's oxidation state.
void clearPartialCharge ()
Clears the atom's partial charge.
void clearRecordType ()
Clears the atom's record type.
void clearResonance ()
Clears the atom's resonance.
void clearSYBYLType ()
Clears the SYBYL atom's type.
void clearSerialNumber ()
Clears the atom's serial number.
void clearStatusBit ()
Clears the atom's status bit.
void clearTemperatureFactor ()
Clears the atom's temperature factor.
void clearWaterFlag ()
Clears the atom's water flag.
virtual SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom * clone () override
Returns a copy of the node and its descendants.
char const & getAltLocation () const
Returns the atom's alternate location.
std::vector< int > const & getAnisotropicTFactors () const
Returns the atom's anisotropic temperature factors.
bool const & getAromaticity () const
Returns the atom's aromaticity (true if aromatic, false else)
SBQuantity::mass getAtomicWeight () const
Returns the atom's element atomic weight (regular or coarse grained)
SBMStructuralModelNodeBackbone * getBackbone () const
Returns a pointer to the backbone.
std::string getBlock () const
Returns the atom's element block.
SBPointerList< SBBond > const * getBondList () const
Returns the bond list.
SBBond * getBondTo (const SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom * atom) const
Returns the bond to an atom (0 if no bond)
void getBondedAtoms (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const
Gets all bonded atoms.
void getBondedAtoms (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBElement::Type element) const
Gets all bonded atoms of type element .
void getBondedHeavyAtoms (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const
Gets all bonded heavy atoms (non-Hydrogens)
SBMStructuralModelNodeChain * getChain () const
Returns a pointer to the chain.
int getChainID () const
Returns the atom's chain ID.
std::string getChainIDString () const
Returns the atom's chain ID string.
std::string getChainName () const
Returns the atom's chain name.
SBColor const & getCoarseGrainedColor () const
Returns the coarse-grained atom's color.
SBQuantity::mass const & getCoarseGrainedMass () const
Returns the coarse-grained atom's mass.
SBQuantity::length const & getCoarseGrainedRadius () const
Returns the coarse-grained atom's radius.
std::string const & getCoarseGrainedType () const
Returns the coarse-grained atom's type.
const float * getColor () const
Returns the atom's element color pointer (CPK or coarse grained)
char *const & getComment () const
Returns the atom's comment.
unsigned int getCommentSize () const
Returns the atom's comment size.
void getConnectedComponent (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const
Gets all atoms in the connected component containing the atom.
bool getConnectedComponent (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, unsigned int maximumNumberOfAtoms) const
Gets atoms in the connected component containing the atom and stops once maximumNumberOfAtoms is reached, returns whether the whole connected component has no more thanmaximumNumberOfAtoms atoms.
SBQuantity::length getCovalentRadius () const
Returns the atom's element covalent radius (regular or coarse grained)
SBQuantity::dimensionless getCurrentValence () const
Returns the current valence, i.e. the sum of the orders of the bonds connected to the atom, rounded to the closest integer.
int const & getCustomType () const
Returns the atom's custom type.
SBQuantity::dimensionless getElectronegativity () const
Returns the atom's element electronegativity.
virtual std::string getElementName () const
Returns the atom's element name.
virtual std::string getElementSymbol () const
Returns the atom's element symbol.
virtual SBElement::Type getElementType () const
Returns the atom's element type.
SBQuantity::dimensionless getExpectedValence () const
Returns the expected valence of the atom based on its formal charge and its number of bonds (based on the MDL valence model)
bool getFixedFlag () const
Returns the fixed flag.
virtual unsigned int getFlags () override const
Returns the flags.
int const & getFormalCharge () const
Returns the atom's formal charge.
Geometry const & getGeometry () const
Returns the atom's geometry.
std::string getGeometryString () const
Returns the geometry as a string.
unsigned int getGroup () const
Returns the atom's element group.
virtual std::string getHierarchyString (const std::string & separator=" / ", bool includeNodeType=false) override const
Returns a string with hierarchical information on the atom and its parents names.
Hybridization const & getHybridization () const
Returns the atom's hybridization.
std::string getHybridizationString () const
Returns the hybridization as a string.
void getHydrogens (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const
Gets all bonded hydrogens.
virtual unsigned int getInheritedFlags () override const
Returns the inherited flags.
char const & getInsertionCode () const
Returns the atom's insertion code.
SBElement::MetalSubcategory getMetalSubcategory () const
Returns the atom's subcategory type in the metal–metalloid–nonmetal trend.
std::string getMetalSubcategoryString () const
Returns the string representation of the atom's subcategory type in the metal–metalloid–nonmetal trend.
bool getMobilityFlag () const
Returns the mobility flag. Please note that the following method has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the software. We recommend that you update your code to use the recommended alternative method instead, which is getFixedFlag() __
virtual SBQuantity::mass getMolecularWeight () override
Returns the molecular weight.
SBMStructuralModelNodeMolecule * getMolecule () const
Returns a pointer to the molecule.
std::string getMoleculeName () const
Returns the atom's molecule name.
virtual std::string const & getName () override const
Returns the atom's full name (e.g. CA for an alpha carbon)
void getNewBondDirections (SBVector< SBVector3 > & bondDirectionVector, unsigned int numberOfBonds, bool includeExistingHydrogens=false)
Generates directions that numberOfBonds new neighboring bonds would have.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfAtoms () override
Returns the number of atoms.
unsigned int getNumberOfBondedAtoms (const SBElement::Type element) const
Returns the number of bonded atoms with element type element .
unsigned int getNumberOfBondedAtoms () const
Returns the number of bonded atoms.
unsigned int getNumberOfBondedCarbons () const
Returns the number of bonded carbons.
unsigned int getNumberOfBondedHeavyAtoms () const
Returns the number of bonded heavy atoms.
unsigned int getNumberOfBondedHydrogens () const
Returns the number of bonded hydrogens.
unsigned int getNumberOfBondedNitrogens () const
Returns the number of bonded nitrogens.
unsigned int getNumberOfBondedOxygens () const
Returns the number of bonded oxygens.
unsigned int getNumberOfBondedSulfurs () const
Returns the number of bonded sulfurs.
unsigned int getNumberOfBonds () const
Returns the number of bonds without taking into account the bond order (NB: a double bond is considered as one bond)
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfCarbons () override
Returns the number of carbons.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfCoarseGrainedAtoms () override
Returns the number of coarse-grained atoms.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfHydrogens () override
Returns the number of hydrogens.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfNitrogens () override
Returns the number of nitrogens.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfOtherAtoms () override
Returns the number of other atoms.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfOxygens () override
Returns the number of oxygens.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfSulfurs () override
Returns the number of sulfurs.
SBQuantity::dimensionless const & getOccupancy () const
Returns the atom's occupancy.
int const & getOxidationState () const
Returns the atom's oxidation state.
float const & getPartialCharge () const
Returns the atom's partial charge.
std::string getPeriod () const
Returns the atom's element period.
SBPosition3 const & getPosition () const
Returns the atom's position.
char *const & getRecordType () const
Returns the atom's record type.
unsigned int getRecordTypeSize () const
Returns the atom's record type size.
SBMStructuralModelNodeResidue * getResidue () const
Returns a pointer to the residue.
std::string getResidueName () const
Returns the atom's residue name.
int getResidueSequenceNumber () const
Returns the atom's residue sequence number.
std::string getResidueSequenceNumberString () const
Returns the atom's residue sequence number string.
std::string getResidueTypeString () const
Returns the atom's residue type string.
bool const & getResonance () const
Returns the atom's resonance (true if resonant, false else)
char *const & getSYBYLType () const
Returns the SYBYL atom's type.
unsigned int getSYBYLTypeSize () const
Returns the SYBYL atom's type size.
SBMStructuralModelNodeSegment * getSegment () const
Returns a pointer to the segment.
std::string getSegmentName () const
Returns the atom's segment name.
int const & getSerialNumber () const
Returns the atom's serial number.
SBMStructuralModelNodeSideChain * getSideChain () const
Returns a pointer to the side chain.
char *const & getStatusBit () const
Returns the atom's status bit.
unsigned int getStatusBitSize () const
Returns the atom's status bit size.
SBMStructuralModelNodeGroup * getSubstructure () const
Returns a pointer to the substructure.
std::string getSubstructureName () const
Returns the atom's substructure name.
int getSubstructureSequenceNumber () const
Returns the atom's substructure sequence number.
std::string getSubstructureSequenceNumberString () const
Returns the atom's substructure sequence number string.
virtual int getSumOfFormalCharges () override
Returns the sum of formal charges.
virtual float getSumOfPartialCharges () override
Returns the sum of partial charges.
double const & getTemperatureFactor () const
Returns the atom's temperature factor.
virtual SBDDataGraphNode::Type getType () override const
Returns the node type (returns SBNode::Atom )
SBQuantity::length getVanDerWaalsRadius () const
Returns the atom's element van der Waals radius (regular or coarse grained)
bool const & getWaterFlag () const
Returns the atom's water flag (true if the atom is a water atom, false else)
SBQuantity::length const & getX () const
Returns the x coordinate.
SBQuantity::length const & getY () const
Returns the y coordinate.
SBQuantity::length const & getZ () const
Returns the z coordinate.
bool hasAltLocation () const
Returns true when the atom's alternate location is set.
bool hasAminoAcidBackboneAtomName () const
Returns true when the atom's name corresponds to one of the amino-acid backbone atoms.
bool hasAnisotropicTFactors () const
Returns true when the atom's anisotropic temperature factors are set.
bool hasAromaticity () const
Returns true when the atom's aromaticity is set.
bool hasChainID () const
Returns true when the atom's chain ID is set. The chain ID is used to separate chains with the same name but divided into 2, e.g. with TER record.
bool hasComment () const
Returns true when the atom's comment is set.
bool hasCustomType () const
Returns true when the atom's custom type is set.
bool hasFormalCharge () const
Returns true when the atom's formal charge is set.
bool hasGeometry () const
Returns true when the atom's geometry is set.
bool hasHybridization () const
Returns true when the atom's hybridization is set.
bool hasInsertionCode () const
Returns true when the atom's insertion code is set.
bool hasName () const
Returns true when the atom's name is set.
bool hasNucleicAcidBackboneAtomName () const
Returns true when the atom's name corresponds to one of the nucleic acid backbone atoms.
bool hasOccupancy () const
Returns true when the atom's occupancy is set.
bool hasOxidationState () const
Returns true when the atom's oxidation state is set.
bool hasPartialCharge () const
Returns true when the atom's partial charge is set.
bool hasRecordType () const
Returns true when the atom's record type is set.
bool hasResidueSequenceNumber () const
Returns true when the atom's residue sequence number is set.
bool hasResonance () const
Returns true when the atom's resonance is set.
bool hasSYBYLType () const
Returns true when the SYBYL atom's type is set.
bool hasSerialNumber () const
Returns true when the atom's serial number is set.
bool hasStatusBit () const
Returns true when the atom's status bit is set.
bool hasSubstructureSequenceNumber () const
Returns true when the atom's substructure sequence number is set.
bool hasTemperatureFactor () const
Returns true when the atom's temperature factor is set.
bool hasWaterFlag () const
Returns true when the atom's water flag is set.
bool isActinide () const
Returns true if the atom is actinide metal.
bool isAlkaliMetal () const
Returns true if the atom is alkali metal.
bool isAlkalineEarthMetal () const
Returns true if the atom is alkaline earth metal.
bool isAttachedToHydrogenBondDonor () const
Returns true if the atom is connected to an H-Bond donor.
bool isCarbon () const
Returns true when the atom is a carbon atom.
bool isCarboxylOxygen () const
Returns true for an Oxygen atom in a carboxyl group (C(=O)OH)
bool isCoarseGrained () const
Returns true if the atom is coarse grained.
bool isDiatomicNonmetal () const
Returns true if the atom is diatomic nonmetal.
bool isDonorBorneHydrogen () const
Returns true if the atom is a hydrogen connected to an H-Bond donor.
bool isFixed () const
Returns whether the node is fixed (opposite of mobile)
bool isFromAminoAcidBackbone () const
Returns true when the atom is from an amino-acid backbone.
bool isFromNucleicAcidBackbone () const
Returns true when the atom is from a nucleic acid backbone.
bool isHalogen () const
Returns true if the atom is halogen.
bool isHydrogen () const
Returns true when the atom is a hydrogen atom.
bool isHydrogenBondAcceptor () const
Returns true if the atom is an H-Bond acceptor (N, O, S, F)
bool isHydrogenBondDonor () const
Returns true if the atom is an H-Bond donor (N, O, S, F)
bool isInAminoAcid () const
Returns true when the atom is in an amino acid residue.
bool isInBackbone () const
Returns true when the atom is in a backbone.
bool isInChain () const
Returns true when the atom is in a chain.
bool isInMolecule () const
Returns true when the atom is in a molecule.
bool isInNucleicAcid () const
Returns true when the atom is in a nucleic acid residue.
bool isInResidue () const
Returns true when the atom is in a residue.
bool isInSegment () const
Returns true when the atom is in a segment.
bool isInSideChain () const
Returns true when the atom is in a side chain.
bool isInSubstructure () const
Returns true when the atom is in a substructure.
bool isLanthanide () const
Returns true if the atom is lanthanide metal.
bool isMetal () const
Returns true if the atom is metal.
bool isMetalloid () const
Returns true if the atom is metalloid.
bool isMobile () const
Returns whether the node is mobile. Please note that the following method has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the software. We recommend that you update your code to use the recommended alternative method instead, which is isFixed() __
bool isNitroOxygen () const
Returns true for an Oxygen atom in a nitro group (-NO2)
bool isNitrogen () const
Returns true when the atom is a nitrogen atom.
bool isNobleGas () const
Returns true if the atom is noble gas.
bool isOxygen () const
Returns true when the atom is an oxygen atom.
bool isPlanar () const
Returns true if the atom with atoms bonded to it are in the same plane.
bool isPolyatomicNonmetal () const
Returns true if the atom is polyatomic nonmetal.
bool isPostTransitionMetal () const
Returns true if the atom is post-transition metal.
bool isReactiveNonmetal () const
Returns true if the atom is reactive nonmetal.
virtual bool isSerializable () override const
Returns true.
bool isSulfoneOxygen () const
Returns true for an Oxygen atom in a sulfone (R1-SO2-R2)
bool isSulfur () const
Returns true when the atom is a sulfur atom.
bool isThiocarboxylOxygen () const
Returns true for an Oxygen atom in a thiocarboxyl group (C(=S)OH or C(=O)SH)
bool isTransitionMetal () const
Returns true if the atom is transition metal.
bool isUnknown () const
Returns true when the atom is an unknown atom.
Hybridization perceiveHybridization ()
Perceives, sets and returns the atom's hybridization.
virtual void print (unsigned int offset=0) override const
Prints debugging information.
unsigned int removeHydrogens ()
Removes the hydrogens bonded to the atom and returns the number of removed hydrogens.
virtual void serialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) override const
Serializes the atom.
void setAltLocation (const char & altLocation)
Sets the atom's alternate location.
void setAnisotropicTFactors (const std::vector< int > & ATF)
Sets the atom's anisotropic temperature factors.
void setAromaticity (const bool & aromaticity)
Sets the atom's aromaticity.
void setCoarseGrainedColor (const SBColor & coarseGrainedColor)
Sets the coarse-grained atom's color.
void setCoarseGrainedMass (const SBQuantity::mass & coarseGrainedMass)
Sets the coarse-grained atom's mass.
void setCoarseGrainedRadius (const SBQuantity::length & coarseGrainedRadius)
Sets the coarse-grained atom's radius.
void setCoarseGrainedType (const std::string & coarseGrainedType)
Sets the coarse-grained atom's type.
void setComment (char *const & comment, int const & size)
Sets the atom's comment.
void setCustomType (const int & water)
Sets the atom's custom type.
virtual void setElementType (SBElement::Type e)
Sets the atom's element type.
void setFixedFlag (bool flag)
Sets the fixed flag to flag .
void setFixedFlag (bool newflag, bool oldFlag)
Sets the fixed flag to flag .
void setFormalCharge (const int & formalCharge)
Sets the atom's formal charge.
void setGeometry (const Geometry & geometry)
Sets the atom's geometry.
void setHybridization (const Hybridization & hybridization)
Sets the atom's hybridization.
void setInsertionCode (const char & insertionCode)
Sets the atom's insertion code.
void setMobilityFlag (bool flag)
Sets the mobility flag to flag . Please note that the following method has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the software. We recommend that you update your code to use the recommended alternative method instead, which issetFixedFlag(bool flag) __
virtual void setName (const std::string & name) override
Sets the atom's full name.
void setOccupancy (const SBQuantity::dimensionless & occupancy)
Sets the atom's occupancy.
void setOxidationState (const int & oxidationState)
Sets the atom's oxidation state.
void setPartialCharge (const float & partialCharge)
Sets the atom's partial charge.
void setPosition (SBPosition3 const & newPosition)
Sets the atom's position if the atom is not fixed.
void setPosition (SBPosition3 const & newPosition, SBPosition3 const & oldPosition)
Sets the atom's position.
void setPosition (SBPosition3 const & newPosition, bool ignoreFixed)
Sets the atom's position.
void setPosition (SBPosition3 const & newPosition, SBPosition3 const & oldPosition, bool ignoreFixed)
Sets the atom's position.
void setPositionOnTetrahedron (SBPosition3 const & center, SBPosition3 const & vertex1, SBPosition3 const & vertex2, SBPosition3 const & vertex3, SBQuantity::length const & distanceFromCenter)
Sets the atom's position on a tetrahedron vertex based on the center position, the distance from the centerdistanceFromCenter , and positions of other 3 verticesvertex1 ,vertex2 , andvertex3 .
void setRecordType (char *const & recordType, int const & size)
Sets the atom's record type.
void setResonance (const bool & resonance)
Sets the atom's resonance.
void setSYBYLType (char *const & SYBYLType, int const & size)
Sets the SYBYL atom's type.
void setSerialNumber (const int & serialNumber)
Sets the atom's serial number.
void setStatusBit (char *const & statusBit, int const & size)
Sets the atom's status bit.
void setTemperatureFactor (const double & temperatureFactor)
Sets the atom's temperature factor.
void setWaterFlag (const bool & water)
Sets the atom's water flag.
void setX (const SBQuantity::length & x)
Sets the x coordinate.
void setY (const SBQuantity::length & y)
Sets the y coordinate.
void setZ (const SBQuantity::length & z)
Sets the z coordinate.
virtual void unserialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) override
Unserializes the atom.
virtual ~SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom ()
Destructs the atom.

Public Functions inherited from SBMStructuralModelNode#

See SBMStructuralModelNode

Type Name
SB_DECLARE_DATA (SBMStructuralModelNode)
virtual SBMStructuralModelNode * clone () override
Returns a copy of the node and its descendants.
void connectStructuralSignalToSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBStructuralEvent *) functionPointer, SBStructuralEvent::Type eventType=SBStructuralEvent::Type::Any, SBCReferenceTarget * nextReferenceTarget=0, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBStructuralEvent *) nextFunctionPointer=0)
void disconnectStructuralSignalFromSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBStructuralEvent *) functionPointer, SBStructuralEvent::Type eventType=SBStructuralEvent::Type::Any)
virtual void forEachNodeDepthFirst (void(*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action) override
Performs an action on each node.
virtual void forEachNodeDepthFirst (SBCClass * object, void(SBCClass::*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action) override
Performs an action on each node.
void forEachStructuralNodeBreadthFirst (void(*)(SBMStructuralModelNode *node) action)
void forEachStructuralNodeBreadthFirst (SBCClass * object, void(SBCClass::*)(SBMStructuralModelNode *node) action)
void forEachStructuralNodeDepthFirst (void(*)(SBMStructuralModelNode *node) action)
void forEachStructuralNodeDepthFirst (SBCClass * object, void(SBCClass::*)(SBMStructuralModelNode *node) action)
void getAllStructuralNodesBreadthFirstBottomUp (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeIndexer)
void getAllStructuralNodesBreadthFirstTopDown (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeIndexer)
void getAllStructuralNodesDepthFirst (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeIndexer)
virtual SBPointerList< SBMStructuralModelNode > const * getChildren () const
Returns the list of child nodes.
void getInternalStructuralNodesBreadthFirstBottomUp (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeIndexer)
void getInternalStructuralNodesBreadthFirstTopDown (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeIndexer)
void getInternalStructuralNodesDepthFirst (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeIndexer)
void getLeafStructuralNodesBreadthFirstBottomUp (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeIndexer)
void getLeafStructuralNodesBreadthFirstTopDown (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeIndexer)
void getLeafStructuralNodesDepthFirst (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeIndexer)
virtual bool getLockedFlag () override const
Returns the locked flag of the model.
virtual unsigned int getMaximumTransparency () override const
Returns the maximum transparency.
virtual unsigned int getMinimumOpacity () override const
Returns the minimum opacity.
SBMStructuralModel * getModel () const
SBMStructuralModelNode * getNextStructuralNode () const
virtual void getNodes (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, SBNode::Type nodeType, bool selectedNodesOnly=false, const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) override const
Collects nodes into nodeIndexer , based on anodeType , a selection status and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
virtual void getNodes (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBNodePredicate & selectionPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) override const
Collects nodes into nodeIndexer , based on aselectionPredicate and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
virtual unsigned int getOpacity () override const
Returns the opacity.
SBMStructuralModelNode * getPreviousStructuralNode () const
void getStructuralNodesBreadthFirst (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeVectorTopDown, std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeVectorBottomUp, bool(*)(SBMStructuralModelNode *) selectionRule)
void getStructuralNodesBreadthFirstBottomUp (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeIndexer, bool(*)(SBMStructuralModelNode *) selectionRule)
void getStructuralNodesBreadthFirstTopDown (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeIndexer, bool(*)(SBMStructuralModelNode *) selectionRule)
void getStructuralNodesDepthFirst (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & nodeIndexer, bool(*)(SBMStructuralModelNode *) selectionRule)
bool getStructuralSignalFlag () const
Returns true when the node can send structural signals.
virtual unsigned int getTransparency () override const
Returns the transparency.
virtual SBDDataGraphNode::Type getType () override const
Returns the type of the data graph node.
virtual bool hasNode (SBNode::Type nodeType, bool selectedNodesOnly=false, const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) override const
Checks for nodes based on a nodeType , a selection status and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
virtual bool hasNode (const SBNodePredicate & selectionPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) override const
Checks for nodes based on a selectionPredicate and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
virtual bool isLocked () override const
Returns whether the node is locked (because of the model)
virtual bool isSerializable () override const
Returns true.
virtual void print (unsigned int offset=0) override const
Prints debugging information.
virtual void serialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) override const
Serializes the node.
void setStructuralSignalFlag (bool structuralSignalFlag)
Sets whether the node can send structural signals.
bool structuralSignalIsConnectedToSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBStructuralEvent *) functionPointer, SBStructuralEvent::Type eventType=SBStructuralEvent::Type::Any) const
virtual void unserialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) override
Unserializes the node.
virtual ~SBMStructuralModelNode ()

Public Functions inherited from SBMModelNode#

See SBMModelNode

Type Name
virtual SBMModelNode * clone () override
Returns a copy of the node and its descendants.
virtual SBDDataGraphNode::Type getType () override const
Returns the type of the data graph node.
virtual bool isSerializable () override const
Returns true.
virtual void serialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) override const
Serializes the node.
virtual void unserialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) override
Unserializes the node.

Public Functions inherited from SBDDataGraphNode#

See SBDDataGraphNode

Type Name
virtual bool addChild (SBDDataGraphNode * node, SBDDataGraphNode * nextNode=nullptr)
Adds a child to the node.
bool addMaterial (SBDDataGraphNodeMaterial * material)
Adds a material.
bool baseSignalIsConnectedToSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBBaseEvent *) functionPointer) const
Returns true when the base signal is connected to a slot.
virtual bool canAddChild (const SBDDataGraphNode * node, const SBDDataGraphNode * nextNode=nullptr) const
Returns whether this node can add node as a child.
virtual bool canAddChildType (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) const
Returns whether this node can add a node with type nodeType as a child.
bool canAddMaterial () const
Returns whether can add a material to the node based on its type.
virtual bool canHaveDescendantType (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) const
Returns whether this node can have a node with type nodeType as a descendant.
virtual SBDDataGraphNode * clone ()
Returns a copy of the node and its descendants.
void connectBaseSignalToSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBBaseEvent *) functionPointer, SBCReferenceTarget * nextReferenceTarget=0, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBBaseEvent *) nextFunctionPointer=0)
Connects the base signal to a slot.
unsigned int countNodes (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType, bool selectedNodesOnly=false, const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const
Counts nodes based on a nodeType , a selection status and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
unsigned int countNodes (const SBNodePredicate & selectionPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const
Counts nodes based on a selectionPredicate and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
void create ()
Creates the node.
bool descendsFrom (const SBDDataGraphNode * node) const
Returns true if and only if this node is node , or descends from it.
bool descendsFrom (const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodeIndexer , or descends from one of them.
bool descendsFrom (SBPointerIndexer< SBDDataGraphNode > * nodePointerIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodePointerIndexer , or descends from one of them.
void disconnectBaseSignalFromSlot (SBCReferenceTarget * referenceTarget, void(SBCReferenceTarget::*)(SBBaseEvent *) functionPointer)
Disconnects the base signal from a slot.
virtual void display (RenderingPass renderingPass)
Displays the node.
virtual void display ()
Displays the node (deprecated)
virtual void displayForSelection ()
Displays the node for selection purposes (deprecated)
virtual void displayForShadow ()
Displays the node for shadowing purposes (deprecated)
void erase ()
Erases the node.
virtual void forEachNodeDepthFirst (void(*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action)
Performs an action on each node.
virtual void forEachNodeDepthFirst (SBCClass * object, void(SBCClass::*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action)
Performs an action on each node.
virtual unsigned int getDefaultOpacity () const
Returns the default opacity.
virtual unsigned int getDefaultTransparency () const
Returns the default transparency.
SBDDocument * getDocument () const
Returns the document the node belongs to.
virtual unsigned int getFlags () const
Returns the flags.
virtual std::string getHierarchyString (const std::string & separator=" / ", bool includeNodeType=false) const
Returns a string with hierarchical information on the node and its parents names.
bool getHighlightingFlag () const
Returns the highlighting flag.
virtual unsigned int getInheritedFlags () const
Returns the inherited flags.
float getInheritedOpacity () const
Returns the cumulative opacity, when taking into account the ascendants.
float getInheritedTransparency () const
Returns the cumulative transparency, when taking into account the ascendants.
virtual bool getLockedFlag () const
Returns the locked flag.
SBDDataGraphNodeMaterial * getMaterial () const
Returns the material.
SBDDataGraphNode * getMaterialOwner () const
Returns the node whose material is inherited.
virtual unsigned int getMaximumOpacity () const
Returns the maximum opacity.
virtual unsigned int getMaximumTransparency () const
Returns the maximum transparency.
virtual unsigned int getMinimumOpacity () const
Returns the minimum opacity.
virtual unsigned int getMinimumTransparency () const
Returns the minimum transparency.
virtual SBQuantity::mass getMolecularWeight ()
Returns the molecular weight.
virtual std::string const & getName () const
Returns the name of the node.
SBDDataGraphNode * getNextNode () const
Returns the pointer to the next node in the children of the node's parent.
SBDDataGraphNode * getNextNode (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) const
Returns the pointer to the next node with type nodeType in the children of the node's parent.
unsigned int getNodeIndex () const
Returns the node index (unique in the whole data graph, but non-persistent)
SBUUID getNodeUUID () const
Returns the node UUID.
virtual void getNodes (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType, bool selectedNodesOnly=false, const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const
Collects nodes into nodeIndexer , based on anodeType , a selection status and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
virtual void getNodes (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBNodePredicate & selectionPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const
Collects nodes into nodeIndexer , based on aselectionPredicate and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfAtoms ()
Returns the number of atoms.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfCarbons ()
Returns the number of carbons.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfChains ()
Returns the number of chains.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfCoarseGrainedAtoms ()
Returns the number of coarse-grained atoms.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfHydrogens ()
Returns the number of hydrogens.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfMolecules ()
Returns the number of molecules.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfNitrogens ()
Returns the number of nitrogens.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfOtherAtoms ()
Returns the number of other atoms.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfOxygens ()
Returns the number of oxygens.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfResidues ()
Returns the number of residues.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfSegments ()
Returns the number of segments.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfStructuralGroups ()
Returns the number of structural groups.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfStructuralModels ()
Returns the number of structural models.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfSulfurs ()
Returns the number of sulfurs.
virtual unsigned int getOpacity () const
Returns the opacity.
virtual unsigned int getOpacitySingleStep () const
Returns the opacity single step.
virtual std::string getOpacitySuffix () const
Returns the opacity suffix.
SBDDataGraphNode * getParent () const
Returns the parent of the node.
SBDDataGraphNode * getPreviousNode () const
Returns the pointer to the previous node in the children of the node's parent.
SBDDataGraphNode * getPreviousNode (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType) const
Returns the pointer to the previous node with type nodeType in the children of the node's parent.
SBDDataGraphNode * getRoot () const
Returns the root of the hierarchy the node belongs to.
bool getSelected () const
Returns whether the node is selected.
bool getSelectionFlag () const
Returns the selection flag.
virtual int getSumOfFormalCharges ()
Returns the sum of formal charges.
virtual float getSumOfPartialCharges ()
Returns the sum of partial charges.
SBDDataGraphNode * getThisNode () const
Returns the pointer to this node.
virtual unsigned int getTransparency () const
Returns the transparency.
virtual unsigned int getTransparencySingleStep () const
Returns the transparency single step.
virtual std::string getTransparencySuffix () const
Returns the transparency suffix.
virtual Type getType () const
Returns the type of the data graph node.
std::string getTypeString (bool humanReadable=false) const
Returns a string describing the type of the data graph node.
bool getVisibilityFlag () const
Returns the visibility flag.
bool getVisible () const
Returns whether the node is visible.
bool hasMaterial () const
Returns whether the node has a material (by itself, or inherited)
virtual bool hasNode (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType, bool selectedNodesOnly=false, const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const
Returns whether the node has nodes based on a nodeType , a selection status and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
virtual bool hasNode (const SBNodePredicate & selectionPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), const SBNodePredicate & visitPredicate=SBDDataGraphNode::All(), bool includeDependencies=false) const
Returns whether the node has nodes based on a selectionPredicate and avisitPredicate , with or without dependencies.
bool hasOneOf (const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodeIndexer , or is the ancestor of one of them, or is a group that stores one of them.
virtual bool hasOpacityRange () const
Returns whether the node has the opacity range.
virtual bool hasTransparencyRange () const
Returns whether the node has the transparency range.
bool isAtom () const
Returns true when the node is an atom.
bool isBallAndStick () const
Returns true when the node is the default ball-and-stick visual model.
bool isBond () const
Returns true when the node is a bond.
bool isCartoon () const
Returns true when the node is the default cartoon visual model.
bool isCreated () const
Returns true if and only if the node is created.
bool isDynamicalModel () const
Returns true when the node is a dynamical model.
bool isErased () const
Returns true if and only if the node is erased.
bool isGaussianSurface () const
Returns true when the node is the default Gaussian surface visual model.
bool isHighlighted () const
Returns whether the node is highlighted.
bool isIn (const SBDDataGraphNode * node) const
Returns true if and only if this node is node , or descends from it, or belongs to a group stored innode .
bool isIn (const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodeIndexer , or descends from one of them, or belongs to a group stored in one of the nodes of thenodeIndexer .
bool isIn (SBPointerIndexer< SBDDataGraphNode > * nodePointerIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodePointerIndexer , or descends from one of them, or belongs to a group stored in of the nodes of thenodePointerIndexer .
bool isInteractionModel () const
Returns true when the node is a interaction model.
bool isLicorice () const
Returns true when the node is the default licorice visual model.
bool isLight () const
Returns true when the node is a light.
virtual bool isLocked () const
Returns whether the node is locked.
bool isMesh () const
Returns true when the node is a mesh.
bool isModel () const
Returns true when the node is a model.
bool isOneOf (const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodeIndexer .
bool isOneOf (SBPointerIndexer< SBDDataGraphNode > * nodePointerIndexer) const
Returns true if and only if this node is one of the nodes of the nodePointerIndexer .
bool isPropertyModel () const
Returns true when the node is a property model.
bool isRibbon () const
Returns true when the node is the default ribbon visual model.
bool isSelected () const
Returns whether the node is selected.
virtual bool isSerializable () const
Returns true when the class is serializable.
bool isSimulator () const
Returns true when the node is a simulator.
bool isSolventAccessibleSurface () const
Returns true when the node is the default solvent accessible surface visual model.
bool isSolventExcludedSurface () const
Returns true when the node is the default solvent excluded surface visual model.
bool isStructuralModel () const
Returns true when the node is a structural model.
bool isStructuralNode () const
Returns true when the node is a structural node.
bool isTube () const
Returns true when the node is the default tube visual model.
bool isType (Type type) const
Returns true when the type of the node corresponds to type .
bool isVanDerWaals () const
Returns true when the node is the default van der Waals visual model.
bool isVisible () const
Returns whether the node is visible.
bool isVisualModel () const
Returns true when the node is a visual model.
bool ownsMaterial () const
Returns whether the node owns a material.
virtual void print (unsigned int offset=0) const
Prints some debugging information.
virtual bool removeChild (SBDDataGraphNode * node)
Removes a child from the node.
bool removeMaterial ()
Removes the material.
void removeMaterialsFromDescendants ()
Removes materials from all nodes that descend from this node, but it does not remove the material from the node itself.
virtual void serialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0)) const
Serializes the node.
void setHighlightingFlag (bool flag)
Sets the highlighting flag.
virtual void setLockedFlag (bool flag)
Sets the locked flag.
virtual void setName (const std::string & name)
Sets the name of the node.
virtual void setOpacity (unsigned int opacity)
Sets the opacity.
void setSelectionFlag (bool flag)
Sets the selection flag.
virtual void setTransparency (unsigned int transparency)
Sets the transparency.
void setVisibilityFlag (bool flag)
Sets the visibility flag.
virtual void unserialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER, const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber(1, 0, 0))
Unserializes the node.

Public Functions inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#

See SBCReferenceTarget

Type Name
SBCReferenceTarget ()
unsigned int getMemoryFootprint () const
void printReferencesToOwners () const
virtual ~SBCReferenceTarget ()

Public Static Functions#

Type Name
std::string getGeometryString (Geometry geometry)
Returns the geometry as a string.
std::string getHybridizationString (Hybridization hybridization)
Returns the hybridization as a string.
void setPosition (SBAttributeChangeVector< SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom *, SBPosition3 > * positionChangeVector, bool reverse=false)
Sets the position of a vector of atoms.
void setPosition (const SBVector< SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom * > & atomVector, const SBVector< SBPosition3 > & newPositionVector)
Sets the position of a vector of atoms.

Public Static Functions inherited from SBMStructuralModelNode#

See SBMStructuralModelNode

Type Name
void forEachStructuralNodeInSelection (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & selection, void(*)(SBMStructuralModelNode *node) action)
void forEachStructuralNodeInSelection (std::vector< SBMStructuralModelNode * > & selection, SBCClass * object, void(SBCClass::*)(SBMStructuralModelNode *node) action)

Public Static Functions inherited from SBDDataGraphNode#

See SBDDataGraphNode

Type Name
bool canAddMaterial (SBDDataGraphNode::Type nodeType)
Returns whether can add a material to a node of type nodeType .
void clone (const SBNodeIndexer & sourceNodeIndexer, SBNodeIndexer & destinationNodeIndexer)
Clones the nodes in sourceNodeIndexer (treated as a whole) and places the clones indestinationNodeIndexer .
void forEachNodeInSelection (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, void(*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action)
Performs an action for each node in a selection.
void forEachNodeInSelection (SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer, SBCClass * object, void(SBCClass::*)(SBDDataGraphNode *node) action)
Performs an action for each node in a selection.
SBDDataGraphNode * getNode (unsigned int nodeIndex)
Returns the unique node corresponding to the node index nodeIndex .
std::string getTypeString (Type type, bool humanReadable=false)
Returns a string describing the type of the data graph node.

Protected Attributes inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#

See SBCReferenceTarget

Type Name
SBCReferenceTargetData * dataPointer

Protected Functions inherited from SBMStructuralModelNode#

See SBMStructuralModelNode

Type Name
SBMStructuralModelNode ()
Builds a structural model node.
SBMStructuralModelNode (SBMStructuralModelNodeData * dataPointer)
Builds a structural model node.

Protected Functions inherited from SBMModelNode#

See SBMModelNode

Type Name
SBMModelNode ()
Builds a base object.
SBMModelNode (SBMModelNodeData * dataPointer)
Builds a base object.
virtual ~SBMModelNode ()

Protected Functions inherited from SBDDataGraphNode#

See SBDDataGraphNode

Type Name
SBDDataGraphNode ()
Builds a data graph node.
SBDDataGraphNode (SBDDataGraphNodeData * dataPointer)
Builds a data graph node.
virtual ~SBDDataGraphNode ()
Destroys the node.

Protected Functions inherited from SBCReferenceTarget#

See SBCReferenceTarget

Type Name
SBCReferenceTarget (SBCReferenceTargetData * dataPointer)
void removeAllReferenceOwners ()

Detailed Description#

This class describes an atom in a structural model.

Short name: SBAtom

Public Types Documentation#

enum Geometry#

enum SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::Geometry {
    Undefined = 0,
    Linear = 21,
    Bent = 22,
    TrigonalPlanar = 31,
    TrigonalPyramidal = 32,
    TShaped = 33,
    Tetrahedral = 41,
    SquarePlanar = 42,
    Seesaw = 43,
    TrigonalBipyramidal = 51,
    SquarePyramidal = 52,
    PentagonalPlanar = 53,
    Octahedral = 61,
    TrigonalPrismatic = 62,
    PentagonalPyramidal = 63,
    PentagonalBipyramidal = 71,
    CappedOctahedral = 72,
    CappedTrigonalPrismatic = 73,
    SquareAntiprismatic = 81,
    Dodecahedral = 82,
    BicappedTrigonalPrismatic = 83,
    TricappedTrigonalPrismatic = 91,
    CappedSquareAntiprismatic = 92

enum Hybridization#

enum SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::Hybridization {
    NoHybridization = 0,
    SP = 1,
    SP2 = 2,
    SP3 = 3,
    SP3D = 4,
    SP3D2 = 5,
    Unknown = 6

Public Functions Documentation#

function SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom [1/5]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom () 

function SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom [2/5]#

Constructs an atom (default position = (0,0,0))

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom (
    SBElement::Type element

function SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom [3/5]#

Constructs an atom at position = (x,y,z)

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom (
    SBElement::Type element,
    const SBQuantity::length & x,
    const SBQuantity::length & y,
    const SBQuantity::length & z

function SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom [4/5]#

Constructs an atom at position position .

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom (
    SBElement::Type element,
    const SBPosition3 & position

function SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom [5/5]#

Constructs a coarse-grained atom.

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom (
    SBPosition3 const & position,
    const std::string & coarseGrainedType,
    const SBQuantity::length & coarseGrainedRadius,
    const SBQuantity::mass & coarseGrainedMass,
    const SBColor & coarseGrainedColor


SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_DECLARE_DATA (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [1/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [2/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [3/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [4/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [5/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [6/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [7/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [8/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [9/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    unsigned int,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [10/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [11/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [12/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [13/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [14/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [15/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [16/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [17/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [18/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [19/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [20/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [21/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [22/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [23/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    unsigned int,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [24/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [25/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [26/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [27/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [28/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [29/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [30/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [31/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [32/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    unsigned int,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [33/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    std::vector< int >,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [34/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [35/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    unsigned int,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [36/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [37/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    unsigned int,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [38/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [39/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    unsigned int,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [40/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    unsigned int,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [41/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    unsigned int,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [42/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    unsigned int,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [43/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    unsigned int,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [44/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    unsigned int,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [45/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (
    unsigned int,

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [46/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [47/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [48/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [49/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [50/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [51/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [52/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [53/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [54/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [55/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [56/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [57/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [58/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [59/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_GETTER_0 [60/60]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_GETTER_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [1/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [2/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [3/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [4/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [5/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [6/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [7/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [8/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [9/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [10/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [11/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [12/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [13/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [14/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [15/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [16/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [17/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [18/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [19/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [20/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [21/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [22/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [23/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [24/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [25/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [26/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [27/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [28/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [29/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [30/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [31/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [32/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [33/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [34/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [35/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [36/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [37/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [38/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [39/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [40/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [41/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [42/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [43/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [44/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [45/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [46/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [47/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [48/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [49/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [50/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [51/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [52/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [53/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [54/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [55/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [56/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [57/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [58/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [59/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [60/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 [61/61]#

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::SB_NODE_PREDICATE_0 (

function addHydrogens#

Adds hydrogens and returns the number of added hydrogens.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::addHydrogens () 

The number of expected hydrogens is the expected valence minus the number of bonds. The added hydrogens and bonds become children of the atom's parent if it has one.

If an atom has an alternate location or occupancy fields, the same values will be set for added hydrogens.

function clearAltLocation#

Clears the atom's alternate location.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearAltLocation () 

function clearAnisotropicTFactors#

Clears the atom's anisotropic temperature factors.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearAnisotropicTFactors () 

function clearAromaticity#

Clears the atom's aromaticity.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearAromaticity () 

function clearComment#

Clears the atom's comment.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearComment () 

function clearCustomType#

Clears the atom's custom type.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearCustomType () 

function clearFormalCharge#

Clears the atom's formal charge.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearFormalCharge () 

function clearGeometry#

Clears the atom's geometry.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearGeometry () 

function clearHybridization#

Clears the atom's hybridization.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearHybridization () 

function clearInsertionCode#

Clears the atom's insertion code.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearInsertionCode () 

function clearName#

Clears the atom's full name.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearName () 

function clearOccupancy#

Clears the atom's occupancy.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearOccupancy () 

function clearOxidationState#

Clears the atom's oxidation state.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearOxidationState () 

function clearPartialCharge#

Clears the atom's partial charge.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearPartialCharge () 

function clearRecordType#

Clears the atom's record type.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearRecordType () 

function clearResonance#

Clears the atom's resonance.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearResonance () 

function clearSYBYLType#

Clears the SYBYL atom's type.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearSYBYLType () 

function clearSerialNumber#

Clears the atom's serial number.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearSerialNumber () 

function clearStatusBit#

Clears the atom's status bit.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearStatusBit () 

function clearTemperatureFactor#

Clears the atom's temperature factor.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearTemperatureFactor () 

function clearWaterFlag#

Clears the atom's water flag.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clearWaterFlag () 

function clone#

Returns a copy of the node and its descendants.

virtual SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom * SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::clone () override

Implements SBMStructuralModelNode::clone

function getAltLocation#

Returns the atom's alternate location.

char const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getAltLocation () const

function getAnisotropicTFactors#

Returns the atom's anisotropic temperature factors.

std::vector< int > const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getAnisotropicTFactors () const

function getAromaticity#

Returns the atom's aromaticity (true if aromatic, false else)

bool const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getAromaticity () const

function getAtomicWeight#

Returns the atom's element atomic weight (regular or coarse grained)

SBQuantity::mass SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getAtomicWeight () const

function getBackbone#

Returns a pointer to the backbone.

SBMStructuralModelNodeBackbone * SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getBackbone () const



If the atom is in a backbone it returns the backbone pointer, else NULL.

See also: isInBackbone, getResidue, getSideChain

function getBlock#

Returns the atom's element block.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getBlock () const

function getBondList#

Returns the bond list.

SBPointerList< SBBond > const * SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getBondList () const

function getBondTo#

Returns the bond to an atom (0 if no bond)

SBBond * SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getBondTo (
    const SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom * atom
) const

function getBondedAtoms [1/2]#

Gets all bonded atoms.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getBondedAtoms (
    SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer
) const

function getBondedAtoms [2/2]#

Gets all bonded atoms of type element .

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getBondedAtoms (
    SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer,
    const SBElement::Type element
) const

function getBondedHeavyAtoms#

Gets all bonded heavy atoms (non-Hydrogens)

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getBondedHeavyAtoms (
    SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer
) const

function getChain#

Returns a pointer to the chain.

SBMStructuralModelNodeChain * SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getChain () const

function getChainID#

Returns the atom's chain ID.

int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getChainID () const



If the atom is in a chain and this chain has an id (a structural id) it returns the chain's id, else it returns -1.

See also: hasChainID

function getChainIDString#

Returns the atom's chain ID string.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getChainIDString () const



If the atom is in a chain and this chain has an id (a structural id) it returns the chain's id as a string, else it returns "Undefined".

See also: hasChainID, getChainID

function getChainName#

Returns the atom's chain name.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getChainName () const

function getCoarseGrainedColor#

Returns the coarse-grained atom's color.

SBColor const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getCoarseGrainedColor () const

function getCoarseGrainedMass#

Returns the coarse-grained atom's mass.

SBQuantity::mass const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getCoarseGrainedMass () const

function getCoarseGrainedRadius#

Returns the coarse-grained atom's radius.

SBQuantity::length const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getCoarseGrainedRadius () const

function getCoarseGrainedType#

Returns the coarse-grained atom's type.

std::string const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getCoarseGrainedType () const

function getColor#

Returns the atom's element color pointer (CPK or coarse grained)

const float * SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getColor () const

function getComment#

Returns the atom's comment.

char *const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getComment () const

function getCommentSize#

Returns the atom's comment size.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getCommentSize () const

function getConnectedComponent [1/2]#

Gets all atoms in the connected component containing the atom.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getConnectedComponent (
    SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer
) const

This function adds to the nodeIndexer atoms from the connected component containing the atom.

function getConnectedComponent [2/2]#

Gets atoms in the connected component containing the atom and stops once maximumNumberOfAtoms is reached, returns whether the whole connected component has no more thanmaximumNumberOfAtoms atoms.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getConnectedComponent (
    SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer,
    unsigned int maximumNumberOfAtoms
) const

This function traverses the connected component containing the atom and adds the traversed atoms into nodeIndexer until the connected component is fully found or the number of the traversed atoms it reaches maximumNumberOfAtoms atoms. Returns whether the number of atoms in the connected component is not more than maximumNumberOfAtoms atoms.

This function can be used if, for example, you want to check just for small molecules and you do not want to traverse the whole connected component if it is too big.

function getCovalentRadius#

Returns the atom's element covalent radius (regular or coarse grained)

SBQuantity::length SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getCovalentRadius () const

function getCurrentValence#

Returns the current valence, i.e. the sum of the orders of the bonds connected to the atom, rounded to the closest integer.

SBQuantity::dimensionless SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getCurrentValence () const

function getCustomType#

Returns the atom's custom type.

int const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getCustomType () const

function getElectronegativity#

Returns the atom's element electronegativity.

SBQuantity::dimensionless SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getElectronegativity () const

function getElementName#

Returns the atom's element name.

virtual std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getElementName () const

function getElementSymbol#

Returns the atom's element symbol.

virtual std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getElementSymbol () const

function getElementType#

Returns the atom's element type.

virtual SBElement::Type SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getElementType () const

function getExpectedValence#

Returns the expected valence of the atom based on its formal charge and its number of bonds (based on the MDL valence model)

SBQuantity::dimensionless SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getExpectedValence () const

function getFixedFlag#

Returns the fixed flag.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getFixedFlag () const

function getFlags#

Returns the flags.

virtual unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getFlags () override const

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getFlags

function getFormalCharge#

Returns the atom's formal charge.

int const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getFormalCharge () const

function getGeometry#

Returns the atom's geometry.

Geometry const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getGeometry () const

function getGeometryString [1/2]#

Returns the geometry as a string.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getGeometryString () const

function getGroup#

Returns the atom's element group.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getGroup () const

function getHierarchyString#

Returns a string with hierarchical information on the atom and its parents names.

virtual std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getHierarchyString (
    const std::string & separator=" / ",
    bool includeNodeType=false
) override const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getHierarchyString This functions returns a string with information on the atom's hierarchy. If the atom has a name then this name is provided in the hierarchy information, else the atom's element symbol is used. If the atom has an alternate location then it is added after its name in square brackets. This information can be used for logging and debugging.


A string with information on the atom's hierarchy.

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getHierarchyString

function getHybridization#

Returns the atom's hybridization.

Hybridization const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getHybridization () const

function getHybridizationString [1/2]#

Returns the hybridization as a string.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getHybridizationString () const

function getHydrogens#

Gets all bonded hydrogens.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getHydrogens (
    SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer
) const

function getInheritedFlags#

Returns the inherited flags.

virtual unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getInheritedFlags () override const

This function returns an unsigned int that contains the inherited flags of the node:

  • the first bit is true if the node is selected
  • the second bit is true if the node is highlighted
  • the third bit is true if the node is fixed


the flags

See also: isSelected, isHighlighted

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getInheritedFlags

function getInsertionCode#

Returns the atom's insertion code.

char const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getInsertionCode () const

function getMetalSubcategory#

Returns the atom's subcategory type in the metal–metalloid–nonmetal trend.

SBElement::MetalSubcategory SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getMetalSubcategory () const

function getMetalSubcategoryString#

Returns the string representation of the atom's subcategory type in the metal–metalloid–nonmetal trend.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getMetalSubcategoryString () const

function getMobilityFlag#

Returns the mobility flag. Please note that the following method has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the software. We recommend that you update your code to use the recommended alternative method instead, which is getFixedFlag() __

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getMobilityFlag () const

function getMolecularWeight#

Returns the molecular weight.

virtual SBQuantity::mass SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getMolecularWeight () override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getMolecularWeight

function getMolecule#

Returns a pointer to the molecule.

SBMStructuralModelNodeMolecule * SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getMolecule () const

function getMoleculeName#

Returns the atom's molecule name.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getMoleculeName () const

function getName#

Returns the atom's full name (e.g. CA for an alpha carbon)

virtual std::string const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getName () override const

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getName

function getNewBondDirections#

Generates directions that numberOfBonds new neighboring bonds would have.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNewBondDirections (
    SBVector< SBVector3 > & bondDirectionVector,
    unsigned int numberOfBonds,
    bool includeExistingHydrogens=false

function getNumberOfAtoms#

Returns the number of atoms.

virtual unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfAtoms () override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getNumberOfAtoms

function getNumberOfBondedAtoms [1/2]#

Returns the number of bonded atoms with element type element .

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfBondedAtoms (
    const SBElement::Type element
) const

function getNumberOfBondedAtoms [2/2]#

Returns the number of bonded atoms.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfBondedAtoms () const

function getNumberOfBondedCarbons#

Returns the number of bonded carbons.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfBondedCarbons () const

function getNumberOfBondedHeavyAtoms#

Returns the number of bonded heavy atoms.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfBondedHeavyAtoms () const

function getNumberOfBondedHydrogens#

Returns the number of bonded hydrogens.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfBondedHydrogens () const

function getNumberOfBondedNitrogens#

Returns the number of bonded nitrogens.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfBondedNitrogens () const

function getNumberOfBondedOxygens#

Returns the number of bonded oxygens.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfBondedOxygens () const

function getNumberOfBondedSulfurs#

Returns the number of bonded sulfurs.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfBondedSulfurs () const

function getNumberOfBonds#

Returns the number of bonds without taking into account the bond order (NB: a double bond is considered as one bond)

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfBonds () const

function getNumberOfCarbons#

Returns the number of carbons.

virtual unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfCarbons () override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getNumberOfCarbons

function getNumberOfCoarseGrainedAtoms#

Returns the number of coarse-grained atoms.

virtual unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfCoarseGrainedAtoms () override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getNumberOfCoarseGrainedAtoms

function getNumberOfHydrogens#

Returns the number of hydrogens.

virtual unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfHydrogens () override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getNumberOfHydrogens

function getNumberOfNitrogens#

Returns the number of nitrogens.

virtual unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfNitrogens () override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getNumberOfNitrogens

function getNumberOfOtherAtoms#

Returns the number of other atoms.

virtual unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfOtherAtoms () override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getNumberOfOtherAtoms

function getNumberOfOxygens#

Returns the number of oxygens.

virtual unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfOxygens () override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getNumberOfOxygens

function getNumberOfSulfurs#

Returns the number of sulfurs.

virtual unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getNumberOfSulfurs () override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getNumberOfSulfurs

function getOccupancy#

Returns the atom's occupancy.

SBQuantity::dimensionless const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getOccupancy () const

function getOxidationState#

Returns the atom's oxidation state.

int const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getOxidationState () const

function getPartialCharge#

Returns the atom's partial charge.

float const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getPartialCharge () const

function getPeriod#

Returns the atom's element period.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getPeriod () const

function getPosition#

Returns the atom's position.

SBPosition3 const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getPosition () const

function getRecordType#

Returns the atom's record type.

char *const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getRecordType () const

function getRecordTypeSize#

Returns the atom's record type size.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getRecordTypeSize () const

function getResidue#

Returns a pointer to the residue.

SBMStructuralModelNodeResidue * SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getResidue () const

function getResidueName#

Returns the atom's residue name.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getResidueName () const

function getResidueSequenceNumber#

Returns the atom's residue sequence number.

int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getResidueSequenceNumber () const



If the atom is in a residue and this residue has a sequence number (a structural id) it returns the residue's sequence number, else it returns -1.

See also: isInResidue, hasResidueSequenceNumber

function getResidueSequenceNumberString#

Returns the atom's residue sequence number string.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getResidueSequenceNumberString () const



If the atom is in a residue and this residue has a sequence number (a structural id) it returns the residue's sequence number as a string, else it returns "Undefined".

See also: isInResidue, hasResidueSequenceNumber

function getResidueTypeString#

Returns the atom's residue type string.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getResidueTypeString () const



If the atom is in a residue it returns the residue's type as a string, else it returns "Undefined".

See also: isInResidue

function getResonance#

Returns the atom's resonance (true if resonant, false else)

bool const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getResonance () const

function getSYBYLType#

Returns the SYBYL atom's type.

char *const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getSYBYLType () const

function getSYBYLTypeSize#

Returns the SYBYL atom's type size.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getSYBYLTypeSize () const

function getSegment#

Returns a pointer to the segment.

SBMStructuralModelNodeSegment * SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getSegment () const

function getSegmentName#

Returns the atom's segment name.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getSegmentName () const

function getSerialNumber#

Returns the atom's serial number.

int const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getSerialNumber () const

function getSideChain#

Returns a pointer to the side chain.

SBMStructuralModelNodeSideChain * SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getSideChain () const



If the atom is in a side chain it returns the side chain pointer, else NULL.

See also: isInSideChain, getResidue, getBackbone

function getStatusBit#

Returns the atom's status bit.

char *const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getStatusBit () const

function getStatusBitSize#

Returns the atom's status bit size.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getStatusBitSize () const

function getSubstructure#

Returns a pointer to the substructure.

SBMStructuralModelNodeGroup * SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getSubstructure () const



If the atom is in a structural group it returns the structural group pointer, else NULL.

See also: isInSubstructure, isInResidue

function getSubstructureName#

Returns the atom's substructure name.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getSubstructureName () const



If the atom is in a substructure (a structural group) it returns the substructure's name, else an empty string.

See also: isInSubstructure, getSubstructure

function getSubstructureSequenceNumber#

Returns the atom's substructure sequence number.

int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getSubstructureSequenceNumber () const



If the atom is in a substructure (a structural group) and this substructure has a sequence number (a structural id) it returns the substructure's sequence number, else it returns -1.

See also: isInSubstructure, hasSubstructureSequenceNumber

function getSubstructureSequenceNumberString#

Returns the atom's substructure sequence number string.

std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getSubstructureSequenceNumberString () const



If the atom is in a substructure (a structural group) and this substructure has a sequence number (a structural id) it returns the substructure's sequence number as a string, else it returns "Undefined".

See also: isInSubstructure, hasSubstructureSequenceNumber

function getSumOfFormalCharges#

Returns the sum of formal charges.

virtual int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getSumOfFormalCharges () override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getSumOfFormalCharges

function getSumOfPartialCharges#

Returns the sum of partial charges.

virtual float SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getSumOfPartialCharges () override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::getSumOfPartialCharges

function getTemperatureFactor#

Returns the atom's temperature factor.

double const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getTemperatureFactor () const

function getType#

Returns the node type (returns SBNode::Atom )

virtual SBDDataGraphNode::Type SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getType () override const

Implements SBMStructuralModelNode::getType

function getVanDerWaalsRadius#

Returns the atom's element van der Waals radius (regular or coarse grained)

SBQuantity::length SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getVanDerWaalsRadius () const

function getWaterFlag#

Returns the atom's water flag (true if the atom is a water atom, false else)

bool const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getWaterFlag () const

function getX#

Returns the x coordinate.

SBQuantity::length const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getX () const

function getY#

Returns the y coordinate.

SBQuantity::length const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getY () const

function getZ#

Returns the z coordinate.

SBQuantity::length const & SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getZ () const

function hasAltLocation#

Returns true when the atom's alternate location is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasAltLocation () const

function hasAminoAcidBackboneAtomName#

Returns true when the atom's name corresponds to one of the amino-acid backbone atoms.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasAminoAcidBackboneAtomName () const



True if the atom's name corresponds to one of the amino-acid backbone atoms.

See also: isFromAminoAcidBackbone

function hasAnisotropicTFactors#

Returns true when the atom's anisotropic temperature factors are set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasAnisotropicTFactors () const

function hasAromaticity#

Returns true when the atom's aromaticity is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasAromaticity () const

function hasChainID#

Returns true when the atom's chain ID is set. The chain ID is used to separate chains with the same name but divided into 2, e.g. with TER record.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasChainID () const



True if the atom is in a chain and this chain has an id (a structural id).

See also: getChainID

function hasComment#

Returns true when the atom's comment is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasComment () const

function hasCustomType#

Returns true when the atom's custom type is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasCustomType () const

function hasFormalCharge#

Returns true when the atom's formal charge is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasFormalCharge () const

function hasGeometry#

Returns true when the atom's geometry is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasGeometry () const

function hasHybridization#

Returns true when the atom's hybridization is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasHybridization () const

function hasInsertionCode#

Returns true when the atom's insertion code is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasInsertionCode () const

function hasName#

Returns true when the atom's name is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasName () const

function hasNucleicAcidBackboneAtomName#

Returns true when the atom's name corresponds to one of the nucleic acid backbone atoms.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasNucleicAcidBackboneAtomName () const



True if the atom's name corresponds to one of nucleic acid backbone atoms.

See also: isFromNucleicAcidBackbone

function hasOccupancy#

Returns true when the atom's occupancy is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasOccupancy () const

function hasOxidationState#

Returns true when the atom's oxidation state is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasOxidationState () const

function hasPartialCharge#

Returns true when the atom's partial charge is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasPartialCharge () const

function hasRecordType#

Returns true when the atom's record type is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasRecordType () const

function hasResidueSequenceNumber#

Returns true when the atom's residue sequence number is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasResidueSequenceNumber () const



True if the atom is in a residue and this residue has a sequence number (a structural id).

See also: isInResidue, getResidueSequenceNumber

function hasResonance#

Returns true when the atom's resonance is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasResonance () const

function hasSYBYLType#

Returns true when the SYBYL atom's type is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasSYBYLType () const

function hasSerialNumber#

Returns true when the atom's serial number is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasSerialNumber () const

function hasStatusBit#

Returns true when the atom's status bit is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasStatusBit () const

function hasSubstructureSequenceNumber#

Returns true when the atom's substructure sequence number is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasSubstructureSequenceNumber () const



True if the atom is in a substructure (a structural group) and this substructure has a sequence number (a structural id).

See also: isInSubstructure, getSubstructureSequenceNumber

function hasTemperatureFactor#

Returns true when the atom's temperature factor is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasTemperatureFactor () const

function hasWaterFlag#

Returns true when the atom's water flag is set.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::hasWaterFlag () const

function isActinide#

Returns true if the atom is actinide metal.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isActinide () const

function isAlkaliMetal#

Returns true if the atom is alkali metal.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isAlkaliMetal () const

function isAlkalineEarthMetal#

Returns true if the atom is alkaline earth metal.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isAlkalineEarthMetal () const

function isAttachedToHydrogenBondDonor#

Returns true if the atom is connected to an H-Bond donor.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isAttachedToHydrogenBondDonor () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isAttachedToHydrogenBondDonor This function checks whether the atom is attached to a hydrogen bond donor.


True if the atom is attached to a hydrogen bond donor.

See also: isHydrogenBondAcceptor, isHydrogenBondDonor, isDonorBorneHydrogen

function isCarbon#

Returns true when the atom is a carbon atom.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isCarbon () const

function isCarboxylOxygen#

Returns true for an Oxygen atom in a carboxyl group (C(=O)OH)

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isCarboxylOxygen () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isCarboxylOxygen Checks if the atom is an Oxygen atom in a carboxyl group (C(=O)OH): an Oxygen atom connected to a Carbon atom in a carboxyl group.



True if the atom is an Oxygen in a carboxyl group

function isCoarseGrained#

Returns true if the atom is coarse grained.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isCoarseGrained () const

function isDiatomicNonmetal#

Returns true if the atom is diatomic nonmetal.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isDiatomicNonmetal () const

function isDonorBorneHydrogen#

Returns true if the atom is a hydrogen connected to an H-Bond donor.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isDonorBorneHydrogen () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isDonorBorneHydrogen This function checks whether the atom is a hydrogen atom attached to a hydrogen bond donor.


True if the atom is a hydrogen attached to a hydrogen bond donor.

See also: isHydrogenBondAcceptor, isHydrogenBondDonor, isAttachedToHydrogenBondDonor

function isFixed#

Returns whether the node is fixed (opposite of mobile)

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isFixed () const

This function returns whether the atom is mobile.

See also: getMobilityFlag

function isFromAminoAcidBackbone#

Returns true when the atom is from an amino-acid backbone.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isFromAminoAcidBackbone () const



True if the atom is from an amino-acid backbone: the atom is in a backbone and its name corresponds to one of the amino-acid backbone atoms.

See also: hasAminoAcidBackboneAtomName

function isFromNucleicAcidBackbone#

Returns true when the atom is from a nucleic acid backbone.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isFromNucleicAcidBackbone () const



True if the atom is from a nucleic acid backbone: the atom is in a backbone and its name corresponds to one of the nucleic acid backbone atoms.

See also: hasNucleicAcidBackboneAtomName

function isHalogen#

Returns true if the atom is halogen.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isHalogen () const

function isHydrogen#

Returns true when the atom is a hydrogen atom.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isHydrogen () const

function isHydrogenBondAcceptor#

Returns true if the atom is an H-Bond acceptor (N, O, S, F)

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isHydrogenBondAcceptor () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isHydrogenBondAcceptor This function checks whether the atom is a hydrogen bond acceptor. Only the following atom types are considered to as possible acceptors: N, O, S, F.


True if the atom is a hydrogen bond acceptor.

See also: isHydrogenBondDonor, isDonorBorneHydrogen

function isHydrogenBondDonor#

Returns true if the atom is an H-Bond donor (N, O, S, F)

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isHydrogenBondDonor () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isHydrogenBondDonor This function checks whether the atom is a hydrogen bond donor: an electronegative atom (N, O, S, F) that has at least one hydrogen covalently bound to it.


True if the atom is a hydrogen bond donor.

See also: isHydrogenBondAcceptor, isDonorBorneHydrogen

function isInAminoAcid#

Returns true when the atom is in an amino acid residue.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInAminoAcid () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInAminoAcid This function checks whether the atom is in a residue which type corresponds to an amino acid.


True if the atom is in an amino acid residue.

See also: isInResidue, isInNucleicAcid

function isInBackbone#

Returns true when the atom is in a backbone.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInBackbone () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInBackbone This function checks whether the atom is in a backbone.


True if the atom is in a backbone.

See also: getBackbone, isInResidue, isInSideChain

function isInChain#

Returns true when the atom is in a chain.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInChain () const

function isInMolecule#

Returns true when the atom is in a molecule.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInMolecule () const

function isInNucleicAcid#

Returns true when the atom is in a nucleic acid residue.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInNucleicAcid () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInNucleicAcid This function checks whether the atom is in a residue which type corresponds to a nucleic acid.


True if the atom is in a nucleic acid residue.

See also: isInResidue, isInAminoAcid

function isInResidue#

Returns true when the atom is in a residue.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInResidue () const

function isInSegment#

Returns true when the atom is in a segment.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInSegment () const

function isInSideChain#

Returns true when the atom is in a side chain.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInSideChain () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInSideChain This function checks whether the atom is in a side chain.


True if the atom is in a side chain.

See also: getSideChain, isInResidue, isInBackbone

function isInSubstructure#

Returns true when the atom is in a substructure.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInSubstructure () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isInSubstructure This function checks whether the atom is in a substructure (a structural group).


True if the atom is in a structural group.

See also: getSubstructure, isInResidue

function isLanthanide#

Returns true if the atom is lanthanide metal.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isLanthanide () const

function isMetal#

Returns true if the atom is metal.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isMetal () const

function isMetalloid#

Returns true if the atom is metalloid.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isMetalloid () const

function isMobile#

Returns whether the node is mobile. Please note that the following method has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the software. We recommend that you update your code to use the recommended alternative method instead, which is isFixed() __

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isMobile () const

function isNitroOxygen#

Returns true for an Oxygen atom in a nitro group (-NO2)

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isNitroOxygen () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isNitroOxygen Check if the atom is an Oxygen atom in a nitro (-NO2) group:



True if the atom is an Oxygen in a nitro group

function isNitrogen#

Returns true when the atom is a nitrogen atom.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isNitrogen () const

function isNobleGas#

Returns true if the atom is noble gas.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isNobleGas () const

function isOxygen#

Returns true when the atom is an oxygen atom.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isOxygen () const

function isPlanar#

Returns true if the atom with atoms bonded to it are in the same plane.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isPlanar () const

function isPolyatomicNonmetal#

Returns true if the atom is polyatomic nonmetal.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isPolyatomicNonmetal () const

function isPostTransitionMetal#

Returns true if the atom is post-transition metal.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isPostTransitionMetal () const

function isReactiveNonmetal#

Returns true if the atom is reactive nonmetal.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isReactiveNonmetal () const

function isSerializable#

Returns true.

virtual bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isSerializable () override const

Implements SBMStructuralModelNode::isSerializable

function isSulfoneOxygen#

Returns true for an Oxygen atom in a sulfone (R1-SO2-R2)

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isSulfoneOxygen () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isSulfoneOxygen Check if the atom is an Oxygen atom in a sulfone (R1-SO2-R2).


True if the atom is an Oxygen in a sulfone

function isSulfur#

Returns true when the atom is a sulfur atom.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isSulfur () const

function isThiocarboxylOxygen#

Returns true for an Oxygen atom in a thiocarboxyl group (C(=S)OH or C(=O)SH)

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isThiocarboxylOxygen () const

SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isThiocarboxylOxygen Checks if the atom is an Oxygen atom in a thiocarboxyl group (C(=S)OH or C(=O)SH): an Oxygen atom connected to a Carbon atom in a thiocarboxyl group.


True if the atom is an Oxygen in a thiocarboxyl group

function isTransitionMetal#

Returns true if the atom is transition metal.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isTransitionMetal () const

function isUnknown#

Returns true when the atom is an unknown atom.

bool SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::isUnknown () const

function perceiveHybridization#

Perceives, sets and returns the atom's hybridization.

Hybridization SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::perceiveHybridization () 

function print#

Prints debugging information.

virtual void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::print (
    unsigned int offset=0
) override const

Implements SBMStructuralModelNode::print

function removeHydrogens#

Removes the hydrogens bonded to the atom and returns the number of removed hydrogens.

unsigned int SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::removeHydrogens () 

function serialize#

Serializes the atom.

virtual void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::serialize (
    SBCSerializer * serializer,
    const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer,
    const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER,
    const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber (1, 0, 0)
) override const

Implements SBMStructuralModelNode::serialize

function setAltLocation#

Sets the atom's alternate location.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setAltLocation (
    const char & altLocation

function setAnisotropicTFactors#

Sets the atom's anisotropic temperature factors.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setAnisotropicTFactors (
    const std::vector< int > & ATF

function setAromaticity#

Sets the atom's aromaticity.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setAromaticity (
    const bool & aromaticity

function setCoarseGrainedColor#

Sets the coarse-grained atom's color.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setCoarseGrainedColor (
    const SBColor & coarseGrainedColor

function setCoarseGrainedMass#

Sets the coarse-grained atom's mass.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setCoarseGrainedMass (
    const SBQuantity::mass & coarseGrainedMass

function setCoarseGrainedRadius#

Sets the coarse-grained atom's radius.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setCoarseGrainedRadius (
    const SBQuantity::length & coarseGrainedRadius

function setCoarseGrainedType#

Sets the coarse-grained atom's type.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setCoarseGrainedType (
    const std::string & coarseGrainedType

function setComment#

Sets the atom's comment.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setComment (
    char *const & comment,
    int const & size

function setCustomType#

Sets the atom's custom type.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setCustomType (
    const int & water

function setElementType#

Sets the atom's element type.

virtual void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setElementType (
    SBElement::Type e

function setFixedFlag [1/2]#

Sets the fixed flag to flag .

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setFixedFlag (
    bool flag

function setFixedFlag [2/2]#

Sets the fixed flag to flag .

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setFixedFlag (
    bool newflag,
    bool oldFlag

function setFormalCharge#

Sets the atom's formal charge.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setFormalCharge (
    const int & formalCharge

function setGeometry#

Sets the atom's geometry.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setGeometry (
    const Geometry & geometry

function setHybridization#

Sets the atom's hybridization.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setHybridization (
    const Hybridization & hybridization

function setInsertionCode#

Sets the atom's insertion code.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setInsertionCode (
    const char & insertionCode

function setMobilityFlag#

Sets the mobility flag to flag . Please note that the following method has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the software. We recommend that you update your code to use the recommended alternative method instead, which issetFixedFlag(bool flag) __

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setMobilityFlag (
    bool flag

function setName#

Sets the atom's full name.

virtual void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setName (
    const std::string & name
) override

Implements SBDDataGraphNode::setName

function setOccupancy#

Sets the atom's occupancy.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setOccupancy (
    const SBQuantity::dimensionless & occupancy

function setOxidationState#

Sets the atom's oxidation state.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setOxidationState (
    const int & oxidationState

function setPartialCharge#

Sets the atom's partial charge.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setPartialCharge (
    const float & partialCharge

function setPosition [1/6]#

Sets the atom's position if the atom is not fixed.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setPosition (
    SBPosition3 const & newPosition

function setPosition [2/6]#

Sets the atom's position.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setPosition (
    SBPosition3 const & newPosition,
    SBPosition3 const & oldPosition

function setPosition [3/6]#

Sets the atom's position.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setPosition (
    SBPosition3 const & newPosition,
    bool ignoreFixed

function setPosition [4/6]#

Sets the atom's position.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setPosition (
    SBPosition3 const & newPosition,
    SBPosition3 const & oldPosition,
    bool ignoreFixed

function setPositionOnTetrahedron#

Sets the atom's position on a tetrahedron vertex based on the center position, the distance from the centerdistanceFromCenter , and positions of other 3 verticesvertex1 ,vertex2 , andvertex3 .

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setPositionOnTetrahedron (
    SBPosition3 const & center,
    SBPosition3 const & vertex1,
    SBPosition3 const & vertex2,
    SBPosition3 const & vertex3,
    SBQuantity::length const & distanceFromCenter

function setRecordType#

Sets the atom's record type.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setRecordType (
    char *const & recordType,
    int const & size

function setResonance#

Sets the atom's resonance.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setResonance (
    const bool & resonance

function setSYBYLType#

Sets the SYBYL atom's type.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setSYBYLType (
    char *const & SYBYLType,
    int const & size

function setSerialNumber#

Sets the atom's serial number.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setSerialNumber (
    const int & serialNumber

function setStatusBit#

Sets the atom's status bit.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setStatusBit (
    char *const & statusBit,
    int const & size

function setTemperatureFactor#

Sets the atom's temperature factor.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setTemperatureFactor (
    const double & temperatureFactor

function setWaterFlag#

Sets the atom's water flag.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setWaterFlag (
    const bool & water

function setX#

Sets the x coordinate.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setX (
    const SBQuantity::length & x

function setY#

Sets the y coordinate.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setY (
    const SBQuantity::length & y

function setZ#

Sets the z coordinate.

void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setZ (
    const SBQuantity::length & z

function unserialize#

Unserializes the atom.

virtual void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::unserialize (
    SBCSerializer * serializer,
    const SBNodeIndexer & nodeIndexer,
    const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER,
    const SBVersionNumber & classVersionNumber=SBVersionNumber (1, 0, 0)
) override

Implements SBMStructuralModelNode::unserialize

function ~SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom#

Destructs the atom.

virtual SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::~SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom () 

Public Static Functions Documentation#

function getGeometryString [2/2]#

Returns the geometry as a string.

static std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getGeometryString (
    Geometry geometry

function getHybridizationString [2/2]#

Returns the hybridization as a string.

static std::string SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::getHybridizationString (
    Hybridization hybridization

function setPosition [5/6]#

Sets the position of a vector of atoms.

static void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setPosition (
    SBAttributeChangeVector< SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom *, SBPosition3 > * positionChangeVector,
    bool reverse=false

function setPosition [6/6]#

Sets the position of a vector of atoms.

static void SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom::setPosition (
    const SBVector< SBMStructuralModelNodeAtom * > & atomVector,
    const SBVector< SBPosition3 > & newPositionVector