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Class SBGDataGraphNodeFactory#

ClassList > SBGDataGraphNodeFactory


  • #include <SBGDataGraphNodeFactory.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: SBGWindowWidget

Inherited by the following classes: SBGDynamicalModelParticleSystemFactory, SBGInteractionModelParticleSystemFactory, SBGPropertyModelFactory, SBGStructuralModelFactory, SBGVisualModelFactory

Public Slots inherited from SBGWindowWidget#

See SBGWindowWidget

Type Name
slot void stopHighlighting

Public Signals inherited from SBGWindowWidget#

See SBGWindowWidget

Type Name
signal void shown (bool)
Emitted when the widget is shown or hidden.

Public Functions#

Type Name
virtual SBNode * create ()
Creates a node.
virtual int getFormat () override const
Returns the format.
virtual QPixmap getLogo () override const
Returns the pixmap logo.
virtual QString getName () override const
Returns the widget name (used as a title for the embedding window)
virtual SBUUID getUUID () override const
Returns the widget UUID.
virtual bool hasGUI () const
Returns whether the factory has a GUI.
virtual void loadSettings (SBGSettings * setting) override
Load GUI settings.
virtual void saveSettings (SBGSettings * setting) override
Save GUI settings.
virtual ~SBGDataGraphNodeFactory ()

Public Functions inherited from SBGWindowWidget#

See SBGWindowWidget

Type Name
virtual QString getCitation () const
Returns the citation information.
SBGWindowDock * getDockWindow () const
Returns the pointer to the embedding dock window, if any.
virtual int getFormat () const
Returns the format.
bool getHighlightingFlag () const
Returns the highlighting flag.
bool getLockedFlag () const
Returns whether the widget is locked (on top)
virtual QPixmap getLogo () const
Returns the pixmap logo.
virtual QString getName () const
Returns the widget name (used as a title for the embedding window)
virtual SBUUID getUUID () const
Returns the widget UUID.
SBGWindow * getWindow () const
Returns the pointer to the embedding window, if any.
void highlight (const SBQuantity::second & duration=SBQuantity::second(1.0))
Highlights the widget for a moment.
void loadDefaultSettings ()
Loads default settings.
virtual void loadSettings (SBGSettings * settings)
Loads settings .
void saveDefaultSettings ()
Saves default settings.
virtual void saveSettings (SBGSettings * settings)
Saves settings .
void setHighlightingFlag (bool highlightingFlag)
Sets the highlighting flag.
void setLockedFlag (bool lockedFlag)
Sets whether the widget is locked (on top)
virtual ~SBGWindowWidget ()

Protected Attributes inherited from SBGWindowWidget#

See SBGWindowWidget

Type Name
SBGWindowWidgetData * dataPointer

Protected Functions#

Type Name
SBGDataGraphNodeFactory ()

Protected Functions inherited from SBGWindowWidget#

See SBGWindowWidget

Type Name
SBGWindowWidget ()
SBGWindowWidget (SBGWindowWidgetData * dataPointer)
void changeEvent (QEvent * event)
void hideEvent (QHideEvent * event)
void showEvent (QShowEvent * event)

Detailed Description#

This class describes a widget that allows users to create data graph nodes.

Short name: SBGNodeFactory

Public Functions Documentation#

function create#

Creates a node.

virtual SBNode * SBGDataGraphNodeFactory::create () 

function getFormat#

Returns the format.

virtual int SBGDataGraphNodeFactory::getFormat () override const

Implements SBGWindowWidget::getFormat

Returns the pixmap logo.

virtual QPixmap SBGDataGraphNodeFactory::getLogo () override const

Implements SBGWindowWidget::getLogo

function getName#

Returns the widget name (used as a title for the embedding window)

virtual QString SBGDataGraphNodeFactory::getName () override const

Implements SBGWindowWidget::getName

function getUUID#

Returns the widget UUID.

virtual SBUUID SBGDataGraphNodeFactory::getUUID () override const

Implements SBGWindowWidget::getUUID

function hasGUI#

Returns whether the factory has a GUI.

virtual bool SBGDataGraphNodeFactory::hasGUI () const

function loadSettings#

Load GUI settings.

virtual void SBGDataGraphNodeFactory::loadSettings (
    SBGSettings * setting
) override

Implements SBGWindowWidget::loadSettings

function saveSettings#

Save GUI settings.

virtual void SBGDataGraphNodeFactory::saveSettings (
    SBGSettings * setting
) override

Implements SBGWindowWidget::saveSettings

function ~SBGDataGraphNodeFactory#

virtual SBGDataGraphNodeFactory::~SBGDataGraphNodeFactory () 

Protected Functions Documentation#

function SBGDataGraphNodeFactory#

SBGDataGraphNodeFactory::SBGDataGraphNodeFactory ()