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Class SBCGraphArcCollection#

ClassList > SBCGraphArcCollection

This class describes a collection of graph arcs. More...

  • #include <SBCGraphArcCollection.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: SBPointerList< SBCGraphNode, SBCGraphArc >


Type Name
class iterator
class reverse_iterator

Public Functions#

Type Name
SBCGraphArcCollection (SBCGraphNode * graphNode)
iterator begin ()
Returns a begin iterator to arcs.
iterator end ()
Returns an end iterator to arcs.
SBCGraphNode * getGraphNodeOwner () const
Returns the graph node which owns the graph arc collection.
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
Returns a reverse begin iterator to arcs.
reverse_iterator rend ()
Returns a reverse end iterator to arcs.
virtual ~SBCGraphArcCollection ()

Protected Attributes#

Type Name
SBCGraphNode * graphNodeOwner
The graph node which owns the graph arc collection.

Detailed Description#

This class describes a collection of graph arcs.

Short name: SBGraphArcCollection

Public Functions Documentation#

function SBCGraphArcCollection#

SBCGraphArcCollection::SBCGraphArcCollection (
    SBCGraphNode * graphNode

function begin#

Returns a begin iterator to arcs.

iterator SBCGraphArcCollection::begin () 

function end#

Returns an end iterator to arcs.

iterator SBCGraphArcCollection::end () 

function getGraphNodeOwner#

Returns the graph node which owns the graph arc collection.

SBCGraphNode * SBCGraphArcCollection::getGraphNodeOwner () const

function rbegin#

Returns a reverse begin iterator to arcs.

reverse_iterator SBCGraphArcCollection::rbegin () 

function rend#

Returns a reverse end iterator to arcs.

reverse_iterator SBCGraphArcCollection::rend () 

function ~SBCGraphArcCollection#

virtual SBCGraphArcCollection::~SBCGraphArcCollection () 

Protected Attributes Documentation#

variable graphNodeOwner#

The graph node which owns the graph arc collection.

SBCGraphNode* graphNodeOwner;