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Class SBDDataGraphEvent#

ClassList > SBDDataGraphEvent

This class is the base class to describe a data graph event. More...

  • #include <SBDDataGraphEvent.hpp>

Inherited by the following classes: SBDAssetEvent, SBDControllerEvent, SBDDataGraphBaseEvent, SBDDocumentEvent, SBMDynamicalModelEvent, SBMInteractionModelEvent, SBMPropertyModelEvent, SBMStructuralModelEvent, SBMVisualModelEvent, SBSSimulatorEvent, SBSStateUpdaterEvent

Public Types#

Type Name
enum Category
The category of the data graph event.

Public Functions#

Type Name
SBDDataGraphEvent (SBDDataGraphNode * sender)
virtual Category getCategory () const
Returns the category of the data graph event.
SBDDataGraphNode * getSender () const
Returns the sender of the event.
virtual void print (unsigned int offset=0) const
Prints debugging information.
virtual ~SBDDataGraphEvent ()

Public Static Functions#

Type Name
std::string getCategoryString (Category category)
Returns a string representation of the category of the data graph event.

Protected Attributes#

Type Name
SBDDataGraphEventData * dataPointer

Protected Functions#

Type Name
SBDDataGraphEvent (SBDDataGraphEventData * dataPointer)

Detailed Description#

Short name: SBEvent

Public Types Documentation#

enum Category#

The category of the data graph event.

enum SBDDataGraphEvent::Category {
    UndefinedEvent = 0,
    BaseEvent = 1,
    DocumentEvent = 2,
    StructuralEvent = 3,
    VisualEvent = 4,
    DynamicalEvent = 5,
    InteractionEvent = 6,
    PropertyEvent = 7,
    StateUpdaterEvent = 8,
    SimulatorEvent = 9,
    ControllerEvent = 10,
    AssetEvent = 11

Public Functions Documentation#

function SBDDataGraphEvent [2/2]#

SBDDataGraphEvent::SBDDataGraphEvent (
    SBDDataGraphNode * sender



function getCategory#

Returns the category of the data graph event.

virtual Category SBDDataGraphEvent::getCategory () const

function getSender#

Returns the sender of the event.

SBDDataGraphNode * SBDDataGraphEvent::getSender () const

This function returns the sender of an event.

function print#

Prints debugging information.

virtual void SBDDataGraphEvent::print (
    unsigned int offset=0
) const

function ~SBDDataGraphEvent#

virtual SBDDataGraphEvent::~SBDDataGraphEvent () 

Public Static Functions Documentation#

function getCategoryString#

Returns a string representation of the category of the data graph event.

static std::string SBDDataGraphEvent::getCategoryString (
    Category category


  • category An event's category

This function returns the string representation of the event's category category

Protected Attributes Documentation#

variable dataPointer#

SBDDataGraphEventData* dataPointer;

Protected Functions Documentation#

function SBDDataGraphEvent [1/2]#

SBDDataGraphEvent::SBDDataGraphEvent (
    SBDDataGraphEventData * dataPointer