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Class SBDTypeSpatialDomain#

ClassList > SBDTypeSpatialDomain

This class describes spatial domains. More...

  • #include <SBDTypeSpatialDomain.hpp>

Public Attributes#

Type Name
SBLength3 * halfSize
The pointer to the half extent vector.
SBDTypeSpatialTransform * transform
The pointer to the spatial transform.

Public Static Attributes#

Type Name
const SBDTypeSpatialDomain empty
The empty spatial domain.

Public Functions#

Type Name
SBDTypeSpatialDomain ()
Constructs an identity domain.
SBDTypeSpatialDomain (const SBDTypeSpatialDomain & domain)
Copy constructor.
SBDTypeSpatialDomain (SBDTypeSpatialDomain && domain)
Move constructor.
SBDTypeSpatialDomain (const SBDTypeSpatialTransform & transform, const SBLength3 & halfSize)
Constructs a domain from a spatial transform and ahalf size.
SBDTypeSpatialDomain (const SBVector< SBPosition3 > & positionVector)
Constructs a domain from a vector of positions.
virtual bool isSerializable () const
Returns true.
bool operator!= (const SBDTypeSpatialDomain & domain) const
Returns true if and only if this domain is not equal to domain .
SBDTypeSpatialDomain & operator= (const SBDTypeSpatialDomain & domain)
Copy assignment.
SBDTypeSpatialDomain & operator= (SBDTypeSpatialDomain && domain)
Move assignment.
bool operator== (const SBDTypeSpatialDomain & domain) const
Returns true if and only if this domain is equal to domain .
void print () const
Prints the spatial domain.
virtual void serialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER) const
Serializes the spatial domain.
void setEmpty ()
Sets this domain to the empty domain.
virtual void unserialize (SBCSerializer * serializer, const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER)
Unserializes the spatial domain.
~SBDTypeSpatialDomain ()
Destroys the spatial domain.

Detailed Description#

This class handles spatial domains, i.e. oriented boxes that are represented through a spatial transform and the vector containing the half sizes of the box.

Short name: SBSpatialDomain

See also: SBDTypeSpatialTransform

See also: SAMSON's unit system

Public Attributes Documentation#

variable halfSize#

The pointer to the half extent vector.

SBLength3* halfSize;

variable transform#

The pointer to the spatial transform.

SBDTypeSpatialTransform* transform;

Public Static Attributes Documentation#

variable empty#

The empty spatial domain.

SBDTypeSpatialDomain const empty;

Public Functions Documentation#

function SBDTypeSpatialDomain [1/5]#

Constructs an identity domain.

SBDTypeSpatialDomain::SBDTypeSpatialDomain () 

function SBDTypeSpatialDomain [2/5]#

Copy constructor.

SBDTypeSpatialDomain::SBDTypeSpatialDomain (
    const SBDTypeSpatialDomain & domain

function SBDTypeSpatialDomain [3/5]#

Move constructor.

SBDTypeSpatialDomain::SBDTypeSpatialDomain (
    SBDTypeSpatialDomain && domain

function SBDTypeSpatialDomain [4/5]#

Constructs a domain from a spatial transform and ahalf size.

SBDTypeSpatialDomain::SBDTypeSpatialDomain (
    const SBDTypeSpatialTransform & transform,
    const SBLength3 & halfSize

function SBDTypeSpatialDomain [5/5]#

Constructs a domain from a vector of positions.

SBDTypeSpatialDomain::SBDTypeSpatialDomain (
    const SBVector< SBPosition3 > & positionVector

This constructor constructs a domain aligned with the principal axes of the positions contained in positionVector. The principal axes are the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of the positions. The domain axes are sorted: the first axis corresponds to the longest domain dimension, while the third axis corresponds to the smallest domain dimension.

function isSerializable#

Returns true.

virtual bool SBDTypeSpatialDomain::isSerializable () const

function operator!=#

Returns true if and only if this domain is not equal to domain .

bool SBDTypeSpatialDomain::operator!= (
    const SBDTypeSpatialDomain & domain
) const

function operator=#

Copy assignment.

SBDTypeSpatialDomain & SBDTypeSpatialDomain::operator= (
    const SBDTypeSpatialDomain & domain

function operator=#

Move assignment.

SBDTypeSpatialDomain & SBDTypeSpatialDomain::operator= (
    SBDTypeSpatialDomain && domain

function operator==#

Returns true if and only if this domain is equal to domain .

bool SBDTypeSpatialDomain::operator== (
    const SBDTypeSpatialDomain & domain
) const

function print#

Prints the spatial domain.

void SBDTypeSpatialDomain::print () const

function serialize#

Serializes the spatial domain.

virtual void SBDTypeSpatialDomain::serialize (
    SBCSerializer * serializer,
    const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER
) const

function setEmpty#

Sets this domain to the empty domain.

void SBDTypeSpatialDomain::setEmpty () 

function unserialize#

Unserializes the spatial domain.

virtual void SBDTypeSpatialDomain::unserialize (
    SBCSerializer * serializer,
    const SBVersionNumber & sdkVersionNumber=SB_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER

function ~SBDTypeSpatialDomain#

Destroys the spatial domain.

SBDTypeSpatialDomain::~SBDTypeSpatialDomain ()