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Class SBGSettings#

ClassList > SBGSettings

This class is used to save and load settings. More...

  • #include <SBGSettings.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: QSettings

Public Functions#

Type Name
SBGSettings (const QString & widgetID, const QString & setting)
bool loadBoolValue (const QString & name, bool defaultValue=0)
Loads a boolean.
qreal loadDoubleValue (const QString & name, double defaultValue=0)
Loads a double.
int loadIntValue (const QString & name, int defaultValue=0)
Loads an integer.
QString loadQStringValue (const QString & name, const QString & defaultValue=0)
Loads a string.
QVariant loadValue (const QString & name, QVariant defaultValue=0)
Loads a value.
void saveValue (const QString & name, QVariant value)
Saves a value.
~SBGSettings ()

Protected Attributes#

Type Name
SBGSettingsData * dataPointer

Detailed Description#

First, an example to show how to save settings

SBGSettings *settings = new SBGSettings(widgetID, settingsName);
// ui.fileName is a QLineEdit
settings->saveValue("fileNameValue", ui.fileName->text());
// ui.adaptive is a QCheckBox
settings->saveValue("adaptiveValue", ui.adaptive->isChecked());
delete settings;

Public Functions Documentation#

function SBGSettings#

SBGSettings::SBGSettings (
    const QString & widgetID,
    const QString & setting


  • widgetID (const QString &) param containing the ID of the widget
  • setting (const QString &) param containing the name of the setting we want to save

Second, an example to show how to load settings

SBGSettings *settings = new SBGSettings(widgetID, settingsName);
// ui.fileName is a QLineEdit
ui.fileName->setText(settings->loadQStringValue("fileNameValue", "default"));
// ui.adaptive is a QCheckBox
ui.adaptive->setChecked(settings->loadBoolValue("adaptiveValue", false));
delete settings;

Note: when typing QSettings settings("company", "program"); will be stored in a location that depends on the OS:

  • Unix: $HOME/.config/company/program.conf, where $HOME is your HOME directory
  • Mac OS X: $HOME/Library/Preferences/com.company.program.plist, where $HOME is your HOME directory
  • Windows: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\company\\program

function loadBoolValue#

Loads a boolean.

bool SBGSettings::loadBoolValue (
    const QString & name,
    bool defaultValue=0

Return the saved bool corresponding to the name, if there is no bool saved corresponding to the name, returns defaultValue or 0;.

function loadDoubleValue#

Loads a double.

qreal SBGSettings::loadDoubleValue (
    const QString & name,
    double defaultValue=0

Return the saved double corresponding to the name, if there is no double saved corresponding to the name, returns defaultValue or 0;.

function loadIntValue#

Loads an integer.

int SBGSettings::loadIntValue (
    const QString & name,
    int defaultValue=0

Return the saved int corresponding to the name, if there is no int saved corresponding to the name, returns defaultValue or 0;.

function loadQStringValue#

Loads a string.

QString SBGSettings::loadQStringValue (
    const QString & name,
    const QString & defaultValue=0

Return the saved QString corresponding to the name, if there is no QString saved corresponding to the name, returns defaultValue or 0;.

function loadValue#

Loads a value.

QVariant SBGSettings::loadValue (
    const QString & name,
    QVariant defaultValue=0

Return the saved QVariant corresponding to the name, if there is no QVariant saved corresponding to the name, returns defaultValue or 0;.

function saveValue#

Saves a value.

void SBGSettings::saveValue (
    const QString & name,
    QVariant value

Save the QVariant value on the variable name On the folder KEY_COMPANY_NAME/SAMSON/currentWidgetID/userSettings/currentSetting/currentCategory/name

function ~SBGSettings#

SBGSettings::~SBGSettings () 

Protected Attributes Documentation#

variable dataPointer#

SBGSettingsData* dataPointer;